Return to Saturn (Take the highway, duh!)

Hmm, lucid again, cool. This is my fourth lucid this morning, I'll have to remember. It's on my mind to continue with some dream I was having before I woke up. The parts are all around me. But there's that UFO challenge I have yet to do. I tell myself that I'm stupid for wanting to continue with that other dream when I have stuff to do. I try to fly up into space but as I go the visuals fade, I'm loosing the dream I know. I stop. I try to summon a UFO in the sky, try to imagine the bright light that would envelop me as I'm being abducted. It kinda works, but then somehow, all fades away.
I suppose I'm pushing things too deliberately. I wonder if my mind will do what I want without my heavy hand.
I want a UFO, I need it to abduct me, I tell myself,
I will see it any minute. I see it appear in the sky to the east. It looks stereotypical: saucer-shaped and silver with bits of bright green. It's not actually spinning and I can see windows. I run until I'm directly under it. It starts zipping west, and I try to keep up. Well, my mind got one part right, but where's the abduction? And how am I gonna catch this UFO, don't they go really fast? I'm right behind it, barely keeping up. Then I jump on top of it

. . . It's only the size of a trash can lid. I realize that it had been right over my head and not way up in the sky like I thought. It was just a trick of perspective that made me think it was large. I try to ride it like a surf board, but my weight is too much and the ship crash-lands.
I stay crouching on the ship since it doesn't really look damaged and I wouldn't want it getting away. What looks to me like ants start pouring out of the ship on all sides. Well that makes sense. Why did I expect aliens to look human. Then a hatch opens in front of my foot on the top and a larger ant-like thing comes out. It's about as big as my thumb and I know it's their leader. He seems to know what I want and offers me a ride. He and I both know that I can just shrink down. But first I deposit this intelligent bug companion I have from my previous dream safely in the vessel. He's kinda big, about as big as their leader, but seems to fit just fine. Then I shrink down and get in.
We fly toward a local freeway and head north until there's a turn-off for the intergalactic highway. Of course, the intergalactic highway! why didn't I think of that before? I think it must be something from pop culture IRL, but I can't place it. It's actually completely invisible which is way humans don't know about it.
Before I know it, we've arrived . . . someplace. There are buildings everywhere that remind me of the Emerald City. They have domes and what look like crystalline structures. All the walls are windows and there are the greenest vines growing on everything. It's quite beautiful.
Once we land, I emerge from the ship into one of the buildings. It's just as beautiful inside. I'm walking through corridors that have transparent walls of a randomly zigzagging pattern like the outside of a crystal. Intermittently there are vines growing up from the floor which produce flowers in magenta and navy blue. The plants rustle softly in a slight breeze and I figure that the aliens must have the air circulating. I wander a ways, choosing different corridors to walk down. It all looks much the same and it's all empty.
I eventually enter a room, and stop in my tracks. This room is magnificent! In the center is a huge model of saturn with it's ring. Around it are all of it's moons floating in the air in orbit. The model of Saturn's system takes up the whole center of the room. Below it on the floor are circles of yellow and spring green. The smallest circle is below saturn, and the next is around that circle, etc. I'm quite astonished by the model. It looks so realistic. Did I even know that Saturn had so many moons? Or their different sizes in relation to the planet? I'm also a bit disappointed because this means that I'm on Saturn again when I could have gone to Mercury for the first time. There is some kind of large machine to my right in the perimeter of the room, and to my left there's an alien who's using what might be a computer built into the white wall. The aliens look like humans to me now.
"So are we're on Saturn?" I ask.
"Obviously" He doesn't even look at me.
"Well, I didn't know, I didn't see it when we got here."
"Pretty soon well be done expanding it," he says happily.
"Expanding it?"
"We're expanding all the planets."
I think about the eventual human problem of overcrowding, "So that you have more room?" He nods. "To live?" He nods again.
But I think of all the empty space they seem to have in these buildings: "There's all those hallways, why not live there?"
A second alien has entered and he laughs, "There's all those
hallways!" he imitates me sarcastically.
"Okay, I know that's not as much as expanding the planets, but you haven't exactly built to optimize space."
A couple other aliens have entered. One of them is female and is doing something with the machine to my right. I wonder if the machine explodes or implodes objects once you put them inside, like a model of whatever their gonna use on Saturn. I kinda want to get inside and try it out. But I think better of it.
I walk over to the first alien by the computer. "How do I get to Mercury. I need to go there." I'm thinking of public transit or something. Maybe there's a bus or a train. "Actually I have to go to the sun and the moon, and Ceres and Pluto too."
I feel silly for asking him how to get to the sun; of course he'll tell me that you can't go to the sun. Instead he says, "Talk to him" indicating one of the aliens by the machine. I wonder how DCs defy the dreamer's expectations like that.