Heads: They'll Reattach When You're Not Looking!Some guy looses his head in my entryway. I might have done it, can't quite remember (there was something about his daughter coming to stay with me to escape his abuse, so when he pursued her I thought he got what he deserved) but I'm not in any fear of the authorities. I leave the corpse there for a few days while I go play World of Warcraft or something. Then I remember the headless guy downstairs. His wounds have dried up and turned slightly green. I decide that I'd better call 911. I have some trouble connecting, both on the land-line and the cell phone. When I do get the operator she just asks me for the address and then puts me on hold, or hangs up on me, I'm not really sure. I have no idea if help's coming so I keep calling.
When I tell her that there's a guy who got his head chopped off she tells me to keep it hydrated, and I think she means the wounds, but then she tells me to put water in his mouth. So I put water in his mouth, and to my surprise, the face reanimates! Apparently my mom's dog, a black lab, got decapitated there too and I can see his body walking around trying to go to the cat's water dish. I realize that its trying to get some water for its head, so I give water to the dog too. I figure that the body must be dehydrated as well, but I'm not sure how to give that part water except to just pour water on the neck wound.
I go to call 911 again, and when I come back the dog's head is reattached! Somehow the two pieces came together and healed up. I'm petting him and looking at his scares in a amazement, like, "Good reanimated dog!" Apparently his muzzle got chopped off too and has also reattached, although slightly askew. I figure it doesn't matter much if it's not straight, he's just a dog after all. But while my dog was healing, the man's head and body have disappeared! As has the head and body of my old dog (He was there in the first place?

) I assume that they're both dead, but can't imagine what happened to the bodies.
I call 911 again to report the body missing, but then decide to go looking for it and forget that I was making a phone call. First I look all over the house, looking in all the cupboards (
could it be hiding in here?) Then I head outside. On the side of the house I find my old dog. His head has reattached too and I marvel at it.
I didn't know dogs could do that! I'm so happy to be able to pet my dog. I so love golden retrievers and miss owning one. His fur is long and soft. As I'm walking toward the back door to go in the house, a rescue helicopter comes down out of the sky.
Oh, yeah, I called 911 without saying anything . . . I wonder if they're here to look for the body, or if they came to see if anyone is in trouble since I didn't specify what was going on after that last call.
They really should have known what I was calling about at this point anyway. Or maybe the headless man migrated into someone else's yard and
they called? The helicopter has it's searchlight on and is pointing it down at various yards.
I wake, feeling thoroughly disturbed. The loud sound of the helicopter is still in my ears. Amazing how realistic sounds can be in dreams.
I think that it's pretty unlikely that I was completely non-lucid in this one. The presence of my old dog would have tipped me off if I had been, plus I was trying through the whole thing to remember some lucid experience from earlier in the night. I did fail in that, by the way. All I remember now is keeping track of two digit numbers (I was trying to remember that they were all two digits for some reason), two of which were significant: one was 14, but I can't quite remember the other . . . 52? 54? 42? And something about MB . . . Yeah, guess I'll never know . . . again . . .