Author Topic: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)  (Read 18320 times)

Offline Tsunami

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FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« on: May 10, 2009, 04:06:55 PM »
Hey everyone.

Welcome to my second tutorial. After talking to a few people in chat I decided to write this tutorial. I hope it proves useful to you. I will try and write it like my first tutorial on WBTB, found in the lucid dreaming techniques forum. I have had quite a few FILD's, however I do not claim to be an expert on them.

FILD Guide
By Tsunami

What is FILD

FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dreaming) is a technique that was thought up by someone from DV, I believe, however I am not sure here. It is simply an anchor to consciousness for you to focus on as your body/mind falls asleep. If you find yourself waking up in the night, then this is the perfect technique for you. I find FILD works best for those random times when you wake up in the night.  For example, I wake up at least 2-3 times in the night a week minimum, and I always got taught to FILD in these times, as you need no preparation.


FILD is great for people just starting out because you do not feel SP or anything else like that.  For me, I simply find myself in a dream.  It is that easy.  Like WBTB there is the great advantage of a small learning curve, unlike normal WILD, and there is no preparation (besides the small time it takes to learn how to do the hand movement.) I would certainly suggest you give it a shot.

How to get it

What I mean by this is how to get up in the night.  There are a few ways of how to go about this:

Wake up Normally

For FILD, this is how I would recommend getting up.  You could try another technique besides this to do as well. I simply wake up in the night, and then FILD (read section below). Before sleep you should always set your intent to FILD, reminding yourself that you are going to do so if the chance comes along in the night. You could also try autosuggestion, but I would say just using this as a tool for when you wake up randomly in the night is best. All you need to do is remind yourself to FILD before sleep.  Thats why it is so good for these random times in the night.


Waking up to an alarm can still work for FILD, but you would have to turn it off quickly and then go back to sleep. I would not recommend at all. If you never wake up in the night then this would be the best way to FILD if you want to.

The Water Method

If you really can't wake up in the night, or you cannot use an alarm or autosuggestion, then try the water method as a last resort.  You need to drink plenty of water before sleep, then you will wake up in the night. Easy, but not accurate at all.

How to FILD

Ok, so now that you have woken up in the night, you need to FILD.  FILDing is oh so easy, you simply move your index finger and bird flicking finger so slightly.  You move them so you can't see them moving, but you can feel them. Here is a way to practice a little: Put your fingers on your keyboard and push down so the keys move the tiniest amount. You may want to practice a bit before actually trying.

Thats all you need to do really, you have to do it as soon as you wake up.  FILD's tend to be quick; you will either be too awake to FILD, pass out or get into a dream. Hopefully the later. Make sure you reality check to catch out false awakenings, and make sure you do multiple reality checks.

Reminder: When you get up, go straight back to sleep.  It's a quick WILD like DEILD is, so do not get up or anything or it will not work.

So to recap, you need to wake up in the night naturally, return to sleep asap, then FILD, following what I have said above. FILD is very simple and is perfect to make very good use of those times you wake up in the night.  I get quite a few lucids out of them.

Another tip would be to remind yourself to FILD if you wake up in the night. I try to do this every night I remember to, and sometimes it is part of my nightly routine.

How it works

FILD works by giving you something solid to passively focus on as your body and mind fall asleep, keeping a small part of your mind awake because you are focusing on your finger movements.  As you are close to sleep, it should only take 1-2 minutes max, however I have had much quicker. Just passively notice your finger movement described above - it's that simple.

Final Words

I Hope this proved useful.  Like time, some feedback would be greatly appreciated. I hope both my tutorials proved of some use to you.  Please give it a try - lets make good use of those times you wake up in the night. So some feedback/tips/constructive criticism would be nice. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 09:42:55 AM by Tsunami »
- Tsunami -

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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2009, 04:11:50 PM »
Reserved again for any possible questions/additions to my tut.
- Tsunami -

Offline pj

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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2009, 09:49:03 PM »
Another nice tut!  I'll give it a slow, thorough read tomorrow, then suggest we move this to the Techniques forum.

Thank you again!
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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2009, 05:11:20 PM »
Sorry - haven't yet had time to treat this properly.  Been a crazy day.

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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2009, 07:51:56 AM »
Ok - I'm going to make a few editorial suggestions to this one.  Changes will be in italics.

If you wish, make any changes you like to your original post - then we'll move it to the Techniques forum.

FILD Guide
By Tsunami

What is FILD

FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dreaming) is a technique that was thought up by someone from DV, I believe, however I am not sure here. It is simply an anchor to consciousness for you to focus on as your body/mind falls asleep. If you find yourself waking up in the night, then this is the perfect technique for you. I find FILD works best for those random times when you wake up in the night.  For example, I wake up at least 2-3 times in the night a week minimum, and I always got taught to FILD in these times, as you need no preparation.


FILD is great for people just starting out because you do not feel SP or anything else like that.  For me, I simply find myself in a dream.  It is that easy.  Like WBTB there is the great advantage of a small learning curve, unlike normal WILD, and there is no preparation (besides the small time it takes to learn how to do the hand movement.) I would certainly suggest you give it a shot.

How to get it

What I mean by this is how to get up in the night.  There are a few ways of how to go about this:

Wake up Normally

For FILD, this is how I would recommend getting up.  You could try another technique besides this to do as well. I simply wake up in the night, and then FILD (read section below). Before sleep you should always set your intent to FILD, reminding yourself that you are going to do so if the chance comes along in the night. You could also try autosuggestion, but I would say just using this as a tool for when you wake up randomly in the night is bed.  (What word did you mean here?  "Is bed"??) All you need to do is remind yourself to FILD before sleep.  Thats why it is so good for these random times in the night.


Waking up to an alarm can still work for FILD, but you would have to turn it off quickly and then go back to sleep. I would not recommend at all. If you never wake up in the night then this would be the best way to FILD if you want to.

The Water Method

If you really can't wake up in the night, or you cannot use an alarm or autosuggestion, then try the water method as a last resort.  You need to drink plenty of water before sleep, then you will wake up in the night. Easy, but not accurate at all.

How to FILD

Ok, so now that you have woken up in the night, you need to FILD.  FILDing is oh so easy, you simply move your index finger and bird flicking finger so slightly.  You move them so you can't see them moving, but you can feel them. Here is a way to practice a little: Put your fingers on your keyboard and push down so the keys move the tiniest amount. You may want to practice a bit before actually trying.

Thats all you need to do really, you have to do it as soon as you wake up.  FILD's tend to be quick; you will either be too awake to FILD, pass out or get into a dream. Hopefully the later. Make sure you reality check to catch out false awakenings, and make sure you do multiple reality checks.

Reminder: When you get up, go straight back to sleep.  It's a quick WILD like DEILD is, so do not get up or anything or it will not work.

So to recap, you need to wake up in the night naturally, return to sleep asap, then FILD, following what I have said above. FILD is very simple and is perfect to make very good use of those times you wake up in the night.  I get quite a few lucids out of them.

Another tip would be to remind yourself to FILD if you wake up in the night. I try to do this every night I remember to, and sometimes it is part of my nightly routine. Similar to how you perform (Huh?  This ends too early.  What were you going to say?)

How it works

FILD works by giving you something solid to passively focus on as your body and mind fall asleep, keeping a small part of your mind awake because you are focusing on your finger movements.  As you are close to sleep, it should only take 1-2 minutes max, however I have had much quicker. Just passively notice your finger movement described above - it's that simple.

Final Words

I Hope this proved useful.  Like time, some feedback would be greatly appreciated. I hope both my tutorials proved of some use to you.  Please give it a try - lets make good use of those times you wake up in the night. So some feedback/tips/constructive criticism would be nice. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed.
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Offline Tsunami

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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2009, 09:12:49 AM »
Sure that is fine, although there a few things in italic's there that were correct I believe. The reason there was a gap in there was because I kept re writing it as I could not find the correct words to use, for different reasons.

I have made most of the changes you said, and a few changes of my own, thanks for the feedback.
- Tsunami -

Offline pj

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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2009, 09:25:04 AM »
Very good!

I'll move this thread to the Techniques Forum now.  Thank you again!!!!
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Offline mieksta

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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2011, 03:56:32 PM »
Bird flicking finger???
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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2011, 04:06:16 PM »
Bird flicking finger???

Epic thread revive.

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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2013, 12:20:53 AM »
I've heard many people use this technique now, even beginners are having a lot of success with it. Does anyone here on the mist use FILD effectively, is it something you would recommend?

I may not be new to LD but I am terribly bad at WILD, so maybe this would be the next thing to attempt?
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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2013, 01:10:46 AM »
Looks like it's easy to do, anyway. Might as well try it.

...bird flicking finger...

Didn't know that's what it's called in the UK. Here we say bird flipping finger.
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Where I dreaming lay amazed
When the secrets all are told
And the petals all unfold
When there was no dream of mine
You dreamed of me.
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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2013, 01:24:16 AM »
I had some success with it :)

I am better with mental anchors rather than physical ones I realized though. Still, this method has a lot of merit
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Re: FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream)
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2013, 06:54:02 AM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »