Author Topic: Simply Insane  (Read 55375 times)

Offline Inevitable Craze

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Simply Insane
« on: April 13, 2008, 11:48:26 AM »
Simply Insane
the DJ of Inevitable Craze

Hello and welcome to my DJ. I have finally created it with much prodding from a select know who you are =] This DJ will be a testament to how much I really want to have a LD. I've only ever had one and it was pretty pointless. I'd love to be able to explore the world of my dreams more. Other than that, my recall is strange. I'll have periods where I can remember 5 dreams in one night perfectly with speech and everything and periods where I barely remember anything at all. Anyway, I do hope that if you are reading it, you will comment and help me out. I really want to improve my recall and get LDing xP

I'm including a little bit of background about myself because, well, I like describing random things. Like me. I'm very random. I got off on odd little tangents occasionally...Anyway, I'm an IB sophomore in high school in the US and I swim and play water polo. I also play violin (oooh, that reminds me, I have a concert today :O). It's fun, but I hate practicing. I get very confused a lot about things, but I like being happy and I love cheering people up and delivering compliments. I'm a *special* ethnic mix of Chinese and Israeli and I am a huge huge huge klutz xP I hurt myself by accident a lot...

I like making things pretty and colorful, so here goes random formatting:

The date of the entry will be the day after the night of the dreams and will look a bit like this: April 13th, 2008
Underneath the date, I will usually have a title for that day that will look like this: sample
The next section will be a note on sleep quality in italics and green.
Any notes I have about the dream will be blue.
Dream titles will look like this: sample
Lucid dreams will be in violet.
Things I recognize from real life will be in orange.
People I recognize from real life will be in purple.
All people will be referred to by nicknames.

And now you get to read fun dreams like the on where I accidentally fell asleep in Luna's bed?

Offline Mark

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2008, 11:57:28 AM »

Great to see you have started a DJ here :)

Lol your background information made me laugh so much   :bowdown:

I am really looking forward to reading your dreams....oh and by the way whats a sophomore?
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes" Ghandi

"What a man can be, he must be: A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, to be ultimately at peace with himself". Maslow

Offline Inevitable Craze

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 12:28:21 PM »

Great to see you have started a DJ here :)

Lol your background information made me laugh so much   :bowdown:

I am really looking forward to reading your dreams....oh and by the way whats a sophomore?

Haha, thanks!
I'm glad to see that my oddness caused some form of bubbly happiness xP
A sophomore is a tenth grader, the second year of high school =]

I think I'm going to post the dream I remember from...Tuesday?

April 8th, 2008
isn't innocence divine?

I had seven hours of lovely, unbroken sleep. (More than usual :O)

Luna's Bed

This dream, although it may not seem all that weird, was really weird to me, especially since, when I told people about it the next day, bad things happened :O

My dream began by the pool and I was in water polo practice. For some reason, the pool was 50 x 25 rather than the normal 25 x 25 pool. However, the slide was there, and it looked pretty much the same as in real life (Imagine a tall, teal-colored slide with three curves that deposits you in a fairly small and shallow pool). A strange structure took up the side of the pool with the slide on it, it was a length of interlocking metal that wove in strange curves and patterns. For some reason, I decided that it would be amusing to climb on it. I pulled myself up to the top level where a pair of curving bars ran parallel to one another. I used the top bar as a handhold and the bottom bar supported my feet. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that a few select people had begun climbing behind me. One of them was CCL. Then, a large boom of thunder echoed through the pool and we were ordered off the pool deck because of lightning. I was disappointed because I had really wanted to reach the end of the metal structure.

In fact, I was so disappointed that I walked off out of the pool, walking along a side walk shaded by a row of trees. I took a right turn and somehow ended up at Luna's house. It was fairly large and somewhat Gercian looking. The exterior was white and the dominating feature of the front was a large, cylindrical shaped room (I have never been to Luna's house). For some reason, there was a lot of noise coming from it and I vaguely recalled being invited to some party that I couldn't attend because of water polo practice. I entered the house and walked around for a little, having a brief conversation with Luna's mother (who I have never actually met). At one point, I saw a few people going swimming in this random pool that appeared in the backyard. I, however, was exhausted and not interested in going swimming, seeing as I only had my practice suit with me and I didn't know those people.

Exhaustion finally overcame me, and I walked toward Luna's room. It was larger than I remembered, even though his bed was fairly small and shoved against the wall with these strange black sheets and blankets. I ignored the fact that he was on the bed and laid down on it. On the way I accidentally smacked him in the thigh and I giggled a little, but then I fell asleep. At exactly 6:52 AM, I woke up and noticed the red LED number lights on his digital clock flashing. Instantly, my first thought was 'Oh no, I didn't tell my mother where I am!" Then, I turned a little and noticed that Luna had squished me against the wall when he went to sleep. I poked him to wake him up and then went to go look for gum. After that, Luna and I walked around randomly (This part of the dream is a bit blurry). I recall demanding Ariel tape for some reason, so we went to the store to go buy some, but as we were about to procure it, I woke up...

So what do you people think of the oddness?
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 01:04:43 PM by Inevitable Craze »

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2008, 12:46:52 PM »
I am really looking forward to reading your dreams....oh and by the way whats a sophomore?
Aw... I wanted to be Bim's first, oh well~ A sophomore is like someone in secondary school who is neither in their last year nor first year [junior's are the same, just closer to their last year], age comparison, it should be like college [I forgot the thorough way Sin explained English schooling to me] but US schooling is from ages 5-18 before college arises, generally anyways.

You told me about Bun Foo's, sorry I corrupted it for you :oops:
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline Bro

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2008, 05:20:59 PM »
A sophomore? Honestly, you write like a pro. You've got an active mind, that's for sure. And oddness? oh boy, wait till you delve deeper into your mind.. :D. Sounded like a varied dream, bits and peices of your life and dream randomness as well.

Look forward to seeing some more original dreamy-ness here.
"You a dreamer?"

Do A Reality Check!

MM holds a precious spot in my mind.

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2008, 05:22:53 PM »
Hey bro, are you going to start up a DJ sometime?

[And yeah, Bim writes so wonderfully once she avoids clause abuse.]
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline Inevitable Craze

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2008, 07:30:12 PM »
Aw... I wanted to be Bim's first, oh well~ A sophomore is like someone in secondary school who is neither in their last year nor first year [junior's are the same, just closer to their last year], age comparison, it should be like college [I forgot the thorough way Sin explained English schooling to me] but US schooling is from ages 5-18 before college arises, generally anyways.

You told me about Bun Foo's, sorry I corrupted it for you :oops:

Bim's first? That sounds...odd...
Chelly is better at procuring definitions for words than me xP
-is tainted-

A sophomore? Honestly, you write like a pro. You've got an active mind, that's for sure. And oddness? oh boy, wait till you delve deeper into your mind.. :D. Sounded like a varied dream, bits and peices of your life and dream randomness as well.

Look forward to seeing some more original dreamy-ness here.

Heh, thanks =]
I don't think I'm all that great. My dream is to be a novelist, though.
People on my water polo team like "complaining" about my diction. They're always talking about how normal people "don't talk that way" xP
Active, I suppose so, yes xP Hopefully I can remember dreams more frequently and show them to you.

Hey bro, are you going to start up a DJ sometime?

[And yeah, Bim writes so wonderfully once she avoids clause abuse.]

Clause abuse -dies-
I like my clause pattern...but I use it too much :O

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2008, 07:58:28 PM »
Clause abuse -dies-
I like my clause pattern...but I use it too much :O

Hey, you help with tenses, I help with clauses, that's all you have to worry about. No more shooting! Tis bad for your body.
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline Mark

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2008, 03:06:23 PM »
cool dream! I really like the detailed description of the scaffolding supporting the slide! that was really well done and I can imagine how cool it must have looked.

I laughed at the lightning warning, I remember when I was in Florida it was so bad for lighting....totally cool though :)
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes" Ghandi

"What a man can be, he must be: A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, to be ultimately at peace with himself". Maslow

Offline Inevitable Craze

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2008, 09:18:48 PM »
Hey, you help with tenses, I help with clauses, that's all you have to worry about. No more shooting! Tis bad for your body.

You = tense fail xP
Bad? But it feels so good. jk

cool dream! I really like the detailed description of the scaffolding supporting the slide! that was really well done and I can imagine how cool it must have looked.

I laughed at the lightning warning, I remember when I was in Florida it was so bad for lighting....totally cool though :)

Haha, thanks ^.^
I try to be detailed...

Lightning gets you out of yucky swim practice, but also fun water polo practice :O

April 14th, 2008
bim the boy?

I had 6 1/2 hours of strange sleep. It was kinda like I knew I was sleeping but I was awake was very odd. When this stage ended, I had my dream. xP


This dream was odd because I kept switching from a third-person point of view to the point of view of the guy.

Nightfall. The hundreds of lights in the sprawling white building instantly ignited, illuminating the surrounding area. A van painted with dark colors pulled up into the driveway, the sound of screeching tires announcing the urgency. The third person of myself was instantly curious. However, before I could get closer to the van to observe it, I was instantly shoved into the point of view of a teenage boy watching from a window. He was pleased by the sight of the van, which alarmed me. Then, I turned around [as the boy] and spoke to an unseen person behind me, "So they got her?" Suddenly, my subconscious instantly knew that the captured girl was Song. I was shocked, but went along with it. Suddenly, a girl entered the room and I had a brief conversation with her about our relationship. I recall her crying at some point in the conversation. Abruptly, I was returned to my third person point of view. From there, I saw the teenage boy go to see Song, but apparently, she was gone...

And then my alarm woke me up....
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 01:05:29 PM by Inevitable Craze »

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2008, 09:20:53 PM »
You Title is a dream old silly. I wonder if I know Miss Song. Wonder why she was kidnapped....
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline Inevitable Craze

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2008, 09:29:14 PM »
You Title is a dream old silly. I wonder if I know Miss Song. Wonder why she was kidnapped....

You read too early. *edited it*

Song = Shirbim xP

I don't know why she was kidnapped...

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2008, 07:38:36 PM »

You read too early. *edited it*

Song = Shirbim xP

I don't know why she was kidnapped...
Ah, weird, maybe el mani is trying to steal her?
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline Inevitable Craze

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2008, 07:44:33 PM »
Ah, weird, maybe el mani is trying to steal her?

Why would Maroon want to do that?

April 15th, 2008
something awkward...

I had 7 1/2 hours of flawless sleep. I'm getting lots of sleep this week! [A welcome change from last week with three hours of sleep some nights >.<]


No recall >.<

Some randomness with Hoeh.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 06:45:41 PM by Inevitable Craze »

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Simply Insane
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2008, 07:51:43 PM »
There, there, I can relate all too well. Maybe we're in sync to that extent? [Both failing recall, I'd believe it, but you know why I forgot mine: all I can remember is a Ken-ken and gambling.]

Anything else recall-able aside from being with The Bloody Hoeh?
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.