Mortal Mist
Lucid Dreaming => General Lucidity Discussion and Experiences => : Wędajihs May 14, 2019, 07:47:32 PM
Has anyone ever created artwork, music, videos, etc inspired by lucid dreams? Are your lucid creations weirder than your regular stuff? How so?
I'm thinking about trying to paint my dreams. I'm not much of a painter but thinking of starting in July.
I never have. But there was a dream drawing contest on this forum once. Where a forum member would select a dream from another members journal and draw a scene from their journal and submit the drawing. Someone drew one of my dreams. It was Pancaka that won the contest. Good times.
Feels like the apocalypse happened in here now. Half expect some zombies to come stumbling through the forum. In my mind I can see random pieces of paper tumbling in the wind across a deserted weed ridden parking lot which is the forum. Maybe the spam is the zombies. :)
Yes, it feels very Midworldly here. "Ka works and the world moves on." Stephen King
I've never drawn either, but I like the idea. I'm not much of an artist. I saw someone on youtube doing something similar. It's a great approach.
I've drawn and painted dreams before. But they always end up taking a lot of time to finish. If I try this again I will not use my non dominant hand and also give myself a time limit. I have a feeling that the less detail and the rawer the image is, the more it will mean. Just my thoughts on it. It is always good to get lost in working on a piece of art, very meditative and somewhat healing, but for most dreams I have a feeling that focusing on the details too much means losing the grander message. Sort of like word association, instead of waxing poetic about a word you simply blurt out the things that come to mind. Similar with dream imagery, I think letting my non dominant hand blurt out whatever it wants would have more meaning. I don't know if that even makes sense but there it is.