Mortal Mist
General Dreaming => General Dream Discussion and Experiences => : Wędajihs May 14, 2019, 07:51:01 PM
What do you find yourself repeatedly battling in your nightmares? Do you respond with fight or flight? Mine was tornadoes and home invaders. I started fighting back and now those things are almost non existent in my dreams. Even if they do appear in dreams I am not terrified anymore, more like mildly annoyed.
I remember too, I used to dream about world wars a lot. Bombs falling like rain. Nowhere to hide.
I remember too, I used to dream about world wars a lot. Bombs falling like rain. Nowhere to hide.
I get a lot of different things. I still get Tornados. Kind of famous for the animal attacks. Texas chainsaw massacre style psycho families. Whether I'm scared or not depends on if I'm lucid or not. When not lucid fear level can very from dream to dream. All depends I guess. I use to have falling elevator dreams a lot until I started getting lucid in them every time then they stopped.
Have you faced your tornadoes?
I know a guy who always talks about his nightmare nemesis. And every time I tell him he's got to face it eventually. After that it just sort of fades away. Most of the nightmares I had as a kid and teen are pretty much long gone.