Mortal Mist
General Dreaming => General Dream Discussion and Experiences => : Emerald Wolf September 05, 2019, 03:18:54 AM
Hypothetically it's possible to know who was last active in a given time-frame by going through member stats, but that's not really practical.
So if you've logged in, even if just to access member-only areas for a bit of a nostaligia binge, please kindly post a message here.
Anything at all will do, like a simple "I was here". I ask this mainly to satisfy my sense of curiosity as to what the activity around these parts are like over an extended period of time, but it might also help other people to see if there is any potential for interaction with other members... a test of what state of "unlife" the forum is in, so-to-speak.
Edit: I meant to put this in the Den but it ended up here by mistake.
Still puttering around. :)
Mortal Mist was not available on Friday, I was out all day on Saturday and got carried away with binge-watching anime on Sunday.
Still here otherwise.
Was here again today.
3 days in a row now.
Still here guys.
Just noticed this. I've been logging in every day. Well, I'm logged in the moment I open Mortal Most since I've not been logging out.