Mortal Mist

Community Boards => Guild Hall - general Guild discussion => : pj April 13, 2008, 06:54:30 PM

: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 13, 2008, 06:54:30 PM
This thread is for the WILD ideas.  No holes barred, no consideration for practicality... what would be really cool?  Consider this a brainstorming thread from which new ideas may be developed or further explored.  Brainstorming rules: no criticism, no "can't do that", nothing but positive feedback.  Time to let your imagination run wild!

I would love to see a "lucidity index" - some kind of automatic tallying of the number of dreams posted and the number of them that are lucids every day and over time - so when we log on here we could see right in the header a Lucidity Index and see if it is rising or falling or whatever.  It would be fascinating to look at group statistical trends in lucidity!

43.2% Lucid and RISING!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Sunshine April 13, 2008, 07:22:55 PM
(content removed by user request)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Clairity April 13, 2008, 10:07:29 PM
That would be cool; like some kind of counter you click on whenever you have a lucid dream?

That would either be really cool or kinda depressing (since I'm in a bit of a dry spell).  :-[
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Bro April 13, 2008, 10:41:40 PM
I'm sure you'll be out of that spell soon Clairity..I just had my first LD in about 3 months, 2 days ago, followed by a breathtaking..I have to call it a "lucid experience"..via an unintentional WILD yesterday..hopefully I can reproduce it.

Lots of luck breaking it.

--But for the thread, I like the idea of a lucid counter, and group statistics..observing it might spawn some lucids in itself.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 14, 2008, 05:30:24 AM
I'm sure you'll be out of that spell soon Clairity..I just had my first LD in about 3 months, 2 days ago, followed by a breathtaking..I have to call it a "lucid experience"..via an unintentional WILD yesterday..hopefully I can reproduce it.

Bro - I'd sure love to hear more about that unintentional WILD.  You don't have a DJ here, do you?  Would you consider telling us at least how it happened and how you achieved the lucid afterward?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 14, 2008, 06:13:33 AM
A thought from Seeker, from another discussion elsewhere:

. . . NOW, with that in mind, what would be really culo is the addition of customizable buttons.  One for non-lucid, one for lucid, one for dreamsign, maybe a couple of user defined ones that act as macro's and stack up bb-code wrappings.

Example, the 'Dreamsign' button could be customizeable by the member to wrap in 10pt font, bold, and red.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Seeker April 14, 2008, 12:09:26 PM
I popup instant message window, similar to how the PM a member works now, but an IM instead.

Click it, it asks the member if they want to chat, then away you go.  Would be nice if you were able to pull in three, four, as many as you would like to invite for a nice cozy PRIVATE chat
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 14, 2008, 12:15:53 PM
Ooh - that's a COOL idea!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant April 14, 2008, 02:00:21 PM
I popup instant message window, similar to how the PM a member works now, but an IM instead.

Click it, it asks the member if they want to chat, then away you go.  Would be nice if you were able to pull in three, four, as many as you would like to invite for a nice cozy PRIVATE chat

That's exactly what I was thinking! *cue Twilight Zone music*
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 14, 2008, 05:51:13 PM
I'd like a link to the main page. Maybe make the forum name at the top of the forum pages a link. Every time I want to check the main page out I have to dig around to find the topic about the logo.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Aquanina April 14, 2008, 07:35:51 PM
I'm sure you'll be out of that spell soon Clairity..I just had my first LD in about 3 months, 2 days ago, followed by a breathtaking..I have to call it a "lucid experience"..via an unintentional WILD yesterday..hopefully I can reproduce it.

Bro - I'd sure love to hear more about that unintentional WILD.  You don't have a DJ here, do you?  Would you consider telling us at least how it happened and how you achieved the lucid afterward?

I used to be the queen of unintentional WILDs. That was when I used to nap during the day. But since I've started taking adderall I find it very difficult to nap during the day now. :P But if you want advice on unintentional WILDs let me know. I've had hundreds.

I would also love that chat feature. =)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Bro April 14, 2008, 08:15:37 PM
Bro - I'd sure love to hear more about that unintentional WILD.  You don't have a DJ here, do you?  Would you consider telling us at least how it happened and how you achieved the lucid afterward?

Thanks for your interest pj..I have my journal saved in word over here, all the records contained.. i've just been hesitant to put it on MM for fear of not being able to update frequently..would be nice to share the experiences though, it's great to have a community that really takes an interests in others internal.. "worlds".
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant April 14, 2008, 08:33:25 PM
Hey guys.. am I going crazy or does a little "Are you Dreaming" sign flash during post submission?? :o Holy cow, that is so cool!!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Burns April 14, 2008, 09:13:55 PM
Hey guys.. am I going crazy or does a little "Are you Dreaming" sign flash during post submission?? :o Holy cow, that is so cool!!
I don't see anything...  ??? or maybe I'm blind?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant April 14, 2008, 09:19:33 PM
Hey guys.. am I going crazy or does a little "Are you Dreaming" sign flash during post submission?? :o Holy cow, that is so cool!!
I don't see anything...  ??? or maybe I'm blind?

Actually, go and click to edit your post after submitting one. I think that's where it shows up. It's green and at the top!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: NeAvO April 14, 2008, 09:45:28 PM
I've had that a few times as well! Don't know how but it works sometimes and not others?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Bro April 15, 2008, 12:18:48 AM
Yep, that is a cool little doodad as you edit the post.

I must say I am grateful for the news flasher "Are you dreaming"'s kept me on target when I sign on periodically and gets me thinking. :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 15, 2008, 07:39:51 AM
I've had that a few times as well! Don't know how but it works sometimes and not others?

You must be dreaming.

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Burns April 15, 2008, 10:31:12 AM
It seems like the newest replied to threads are not automatically moved to the top of the list, but they are flagged as new. I am currently using the Black22 skin. I'd like to have the threads with the most recent replies moved to the top of the thread list.

EDIT: hang on, I just saw this thread (,180.0.html). I guess that's just how the skin is designed... if that's the case I'd like to have a mod done so the stickies are separated from the regular threads somehow, with a horizontal bar or something.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant April 16, 2008, 10:55:35 PM
Whoaaa, facebook just implemented a chat thingie like we were discussing in here. If any of you have facebook, check it out! You can chat with whoever is online.. it's weird, but simple and kewl.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Sara April 17, 2008, 02:41:23 AM
Would it be an idea to make a separate 'lucid dream journal' area?
Where people can make a journal only containing their lucids?
Could be a child board from the current DJ area...

I know people on DV had double DJs, one for all dreams and one for their lucids. I like reading through the lucid journals, often just before going to bed to get inspired and motivated :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 17, 2008, 07:05:40 AM
Rather than fragment the board any more than it already is right now, I think it would be fine for you to start a separate journal for your lucids if you wish.  Some people only record lucids in their DJs as it is.  Since a DJ is such a personal thing, you should feel free to do as you wish, and two DJs might be one of those choices.

Let's see what others have to say about this as well - that's just my opinion.  One of my concerns right now is how wild and chaotic all this must look to somebody coming in for the first time...
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant April 17, 2008, 09:09:02 AM
Plus, people like me who at the moment only manage to LD occasionally, would feel sad. :(
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh April 18, 2008, 02:33:39 PM
Hmmm an idea of mine: MM really needs a more organised staff/usergroup/rank/whatever system. I could propose one or two ideas like I did about the board organisation if you want me to.

Another thing that has already been said, by Clairity I think, is making the quote box bogger.

Third thing is: there are so many stickies out there. Some of them should really be there, for example the ones at the Town Hall that deal with different topics... But for the general board, one sticky would suffice I guess.

Btw thanks for implementing the location thing near the avatar xDD I luv it.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant April 18, 2008, 11:42:35 PM
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh April 19, 2008, 01:02:33 AM
Do we have a chat channel set up in IRC yet? Or are we just using the current #dreamviews on DarkMyst? I'm not sure if it's needed, but if so, I could set us up a channel.

Also, the way the information to the left of our posts is laid out is kinda weird. Like we basically have two different areas for Custom Titles, but the basic title (Dreamer in my case) still sticks around. Is there any way of setting that up a bit more like vBulletin, or is that not changeable due to the forum software?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: analyst April 19, 2008, 04:19:36 AM
i'd like a "search thread" option or button, or is it just not in black22?  i'll have to check, but if anyone knows...   :-\
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh April 19, 2008, 12:18:44 PM
Also, the way the information to the left of our posts is laid out is kinda weird. Like we basically have two different areas for Custom Titles, but the basic title (Dreamer in my case) still sticks around. Is there any way of setting that up a bit more like vBulletin, or is that not changeable due to the forum software?
I kind of agree with MoS. I think the custom title should be set different from the other, but take my case for example: Mine shows both "Ambassador" and "Dreamer". I dont like it much that way - I believe that, once you're given a position in a group ("Ambassador"), it should substitute the regular title ("Dreamer").

I don't mind the custom thing below the avatar - it like it very much.

EDIT: You know another thing that could work? Disabling the custom title and leaving the personal message (below the avatar) only. Though I really enjoy the extra customisation, I don't see a point in it. The custom title could be used on some other purpose or whatever.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Grod April 19, 2008, 03:27:12 PM
This thread is for the WILD ideas.  No holes barred, no consideration for practicality... what would be really cool?  Consider this a brainstorming thread from which new ideas may be developed or further explored.  Brainstorming rules: no criticism, no "can't do that", nothing but positive feedback.  Time to let your imagination run wild!

I would love to see a "lucidity index" - some kind of automatic tallying of the number of dreams posted and the number of them that are lucids every day and over time - so when we log on here we could see right in the header a Lucidity Index and see if it is rising or falling or whatever.  It would be fascinating to look at group statistical trends in lucidity!

43.2% Lucid and RISING!

Building on that -- I think it would be really cool to see a tallying of how the lucids are induced, like WILD or MILD or whatever. It might give people incentive to try a new method that has worked for a lot of people.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 19, 2008, 08:16:16 PM
We could definitely use a real multi-quote button. When I catch up on several pages in a thread and want to respond to posts on multiple pages, well, the number of posts available to you for multi-quoting seems to be very limited so it's not the most convenient thing in the world. I end up having to do a lot of C&P'ing (or just decide it's not worth it).
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant April 19, 2008, 09:34:13 PM
Would be cool to have like a tally of how many lucid dreams have been recorded on the site and have the number posted as a headline somewhere, like "55 lucids and counting!" or something. :P
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: StephenT April 20, 2008, 11:10:21 PM
I like the LD counter and the chat ideas.

What I think is a necessity, though, is a better layout.

This is rather bland, and strains my eyes.  Something with some color variety and fluid buttons and layouts.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: DuB April 21, 2008, 12:00:13 AM
A think a web-based IRC chat such as CGI IRC ( would be a cool and plausible idea. Save people the trouble of having to download and configure mIRC - there are undoubtedly some members who have more lucid savvy than tech savvy :D.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Tyrant April 21, 2008, 03:13:44 AM
That would be cool; like some kind of counter you click on whenever you have a lucid dream?
You can do something along those lines with . I use that website for keeping track of regular goals, but you can also use it for keeping track of lucid dream count. I tried it for keeping my LD count but I stopped after I got frustrated with a dry spell.  :'(

I don't think there's a way to post the results for everyone else to see though.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 21, 2008, 01:00:04 PM
We could definitely use a real multi-quote button. When I catch up on several pages in a thread and want to respond to posts on multiple pages, well, the number of posts available to you for multi-quoting seems to be very limited so it's not the most convenient thing in the world. I end up having to do a lot of C&P'ing (or just decide it's not worth it).

Actually, the multi-quoting here is really elegant and very functional.  In the Quick Reply, just click quote, fill in your text, then click on the next quote you wish to add.  If you are using the Reply page as I am doing now, you do the same thing.  Like right now, I'm going to go down the page and click the next thing to reply to...

What I think is a necessity, though, is a better layout.

This is rather bland, and strains my eyes.  Something with some color variety and fluid buttons and layouts.

Agreed.  You might try some of the other available skins - just go to Profile and then click on Look and Layout preferences.  There are a couple really nice choices there, with Black22 gaining popularity.

We have much more in the works as far as organization and appearance.

A think a web-based IRC chat such as CGI IRC ( would be a cool and plausible idea. Save people the trouble of having to download and configure mIRC - there are undoubtedly some members who have more lucid savvy than tech savvy :D.

This sounds like a very workable option.  I'm going to add looking into it to my real-world To Do list.

I don't think there's a way to post the results for everyone else to see though.

Perhaps not - but it is an interesting way to tally and may serve as a help in making that Lucid Counter a reality.  That seems to be a really popular dream... and it is certainly something that would be completely unique.  That makes it all the more a very worthy goal.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 21, 2008, 05:44:48 PM
Actually, the multi-quoting here is really elegant and very functional.  In the Quick Reply, just click quote, fill in your text, then click on the next quote you wish to add.  If you are using the Reply page as I am doing now, you do the same thing.  Like right now, I'm going to go down the page and click the next thing to reply to...

True but, the problem comes in when you try to quote from a previous page as well. I can multi-quote this one page all day long. I can't find a way to change pages (looking for another post I want to quote) without losing what's already entered. So I have to save it all to clipboard, change pages, quote that, paste what's in clipboard... Rinse, lather repeat.

Unless I'm missing something.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 21, 2008, 06:35:30 PM
Are you using just the Quick Reply or going to the Reply screen?

Have you noticed that you can now re-sort in the Reply screen, by the way?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 21, 2008, 08:27:48 PM
Are you using just the Quick Reply or going to the Reply screen?

I've tried "quick reply", clicking the quote tab in a given post and the "reply" button. But, now that you mention it, reply does give you more posts to choose from. But you still can't go all the way back.

Have you noticed that you can now re-sort in the Reply screen, by the way?

I see there's a sort by last/first thing. But it still only provides the same range of posts.

Oh well, I'll live with it. If you ever do find something that will provide the multi-quote button like vB has it would be mucho appreciato'. That way you can flip through the pages, mark all the ones you want to quote then go to the reply screen and it's all there for you.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 22, 2008, 05:42:33 AM
Ok - now I get you.  We'll add it to our watch list.

Thank you for your patience in getting this one through to me, GH.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: StephenT April 22, 2008, 08:44:17 PM
Oh... so that's what that multiquote thing did at DV.  I had clicked it many times, but didn't know what it did, and never used it.  :lol:

That would have made so many posts so much easier.  ::)

Also, I'll be an ambassador for Texas if you'd like. :lol:  It could count as a country.  :chuckle:
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kastro187420 April 22, 2008, 08:47:53 PM
Anyway to get the "Active Users" list to sort alphabetically?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 23, 2008, 05:05:03 AM
Need to ask Raklet that one - I don't imagine it would be too hard.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 23, 2008, 09:16:54 AM
Have you noticed that you can now re-sort in the Reply screen, by the way?

Just a brief comment on that: make sure that - if you're going to use the re-sort - you do it first. Or else you'll lose anything you've already entered into the reply field because it reloads the page as well.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 23, 2008, 09:22:39 AM
Thanks for the word on that!

We've found a solution to the mutli-quote problem, GH.  Just need to implement it and try it out.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Raklet April 23, 2008, 05:46:28 PM
Have you noticed that you can now re-sort in the Reply screen, by the way?

Just a brief comment on that: make sure that - if you're going to use the re-sort - you do it first. Or else you'll lose anything you've already entered into the reply field because it reloads the page as well.

Or if you want to quote from both ends....type something in the reply, highlight and copy it, re-sort the topics, then paste and continue.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 23, 2008, 07:20:48 PM
You should find things a bit more open when quoting from the summary list now.  I hope this helps.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Sugarglider11 April 23, 2008, 10:02:42 PM
I would like to see the "how long have you been lucid dreaming" button back, like the one we used to have at dv.

And also, how about a staff list too.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 24, 2008, 05:56:34 AM
There is a full staff listing stickied in this forum - "Who Is Doing What".

We don't really have a staff here in the traditional sense.  We have a lot of people helping out in a lot of different ways.  Take a look.

Please tell me more about that button you remember!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Tyrant April 24, 2008, 08:23:22 AM
I'm in love with this website already... just thought I'd throw that out there. :D

I thought of an addition to the site that might make it a little more unique, but I'm not sure how plausible it is. Let me know... so, here's the idea:

I remember reading a discussion about trying to add a more advanced dream journal. I don't remember which thread, but they talked about adding formatting, color codes for levels of lucidity, type of dream sign, etc. This in turn would make dream journals more informative and easier to write. The problem with standardizing it for every dream journal is because some people are already used to the formatting and coloring that they have been using for years.

If there is a way of letting us save a user-defined formatting style for different parts of the dream journal, we could make each of our dream journals easier to write, while being more organized and unified. Maybe something like:

[Header] - would be a macro for displaying all the usual header info on each journal entry. In the case of my dream journal (http://"") for example, it would display:

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

11.5oz V8 (1 hour before bed)
2mg Melatonin (sub-lingual)
50mg B-6

then the following BB code:

[dream="Just a Day's Work"]
I was working at Costco (http://"") as a cashier. My recall was pretty bad, but the place looked really different. [DreamSignType=Materialization]There was something wrong with the receipts, and they were printing out something weird at the bottom of every receipt.[/DreamSignType][lucid=10] I then got really lucid all of a sudden and talked to my subconscious.[/lucid][/dream]

Would display:

Just a Day's Work

I was working at Costco (http://"") as a cashier. My recall was pretty bad, but the place looked really different. There was something wrong with the receipts, and they were printing out something weird at the bottom of every receipt. I then got really lucid all of a sudden and talked to my subconscious.

Then we could even have a script to gather the amount of each of these special BB codes and display dream statistics. Percentage of lucid dreams, dream signs, what dream sign is most effective and so on.

Anyway, I might have overlooked a bunch of issues in making something like that, but tell me if you think it's plausible. :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 24, 2008, 09:57:55 AM
This is VERY doable.  There is a mod out there that allows us to create custom BBCode.

I'll ask Raklet to look into installing that as a first step - but then we'll need to follow through with the details of what you are talking about above.  Are you interested in doing it and (equally important) writing up an easy to follow set of instructions on using it?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Sugarglider11 April 24, 2008, 01:37:37 PM
The button was just a dropdown box with diferent intervals of how long you have been lding like 1 month 2 months 3 months 4-5 months 6-7 months 8-11 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5-10 years 10+

something similar to that I think, and everyone could see it.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: DuB April 24, 2008, 01:45:33 PM
Oh yeah, I do remember that. They ended up replacing that with more subjective ratings of ability (Lucid Student, Lucid Scholar, Lucid God, etc.), and then doing away with it altogether when they changed forum software.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 24, 2008, 04:03:09 PM
Something easy that we could do right away is add a profile field to note how long.

Doing a drop-down or whatever to fill that field after that would be trivial.

Ok - adding it to my formal to-do list.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Tyrant April 24, 2008, 04:47:49 PM
This is VERY doable.  There is a mod out there that allows us to create custom BBCode.

I'll ask Raklet to look into installing that as a first step - but then we'll need to follow through with the details of what you are talking about above.  Are you interested in doing it and (equally important) writing up an easy to follow set of instructions on using it?

Me and coding don't have a very good history... we got divorced a few weeks ago. haha. I might be able to do something like that, but I don't have any previous experience coding for websites and forums. I can give it a try though. What's the name of the mod? I'll start reading up on it. As far as writing the easy to follow set of instructions, I would love doing that. :D
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 24, 2008, 05:01:20 PM
Actually, we already have a mod in place that should work for this.  I just tried it on one of our test sites and failed though.  I'm going to have to enlist some help now...

Oh - wait... you are talking about the custom formatting!  Sorry.  Too many balls in the air.

We'll figure that one out soon.  Got a ball rolling on that one already too.  Don't worry about not being comfortable coding.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Tyrant April 24, 2008, 05:06:45 PM
Ok, just let me know of anything that I can help with. I know you must be juggling a 100 things right now, and I'd be glad to help ease the load if you need me for anything. :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 27, 2008, 08:10:50 AM
The button was just a dropdown box with diferent intervals of how long you have been lding like 1 month 2 months 3 months 4-5 months 6-7 months 8-11 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5-10 years 10+

something similar to that I think, and everyone could see it.

The button is now available.  You can set yours by going to Profile=>Forum Profile Information.  The drop-down selector is at the bottom.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Arby April 28, 2008, 07:40:45 AM
I'd really like HTML in sigs or some other way for people to have flash in their sig. Tis a small community here and we're not the type of people to go making BIG FLASHY BANNER OMG type things. Plus, then I could possibly even make you guys flash sigs =P You know you want to take the flash sig bribe <3
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 28, 2008, 08:02:45 AM
The concern about HTML and Flash sigs is in deference to our many users who are on dialup or don't have the latest and greatest computers.  We were ending up with computer lockups after the flash sigs got really prevalent over at DV, which is why it was discontinued.  There was some very cool stuff going on there - I was sorry to see it go, but it was just making things too difficult for some people.

How could it be done in a way that wouldn't put those using low memory, older computers and dialups at risk?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: PeteB April 28, 2008, 08:41:41 AM
Would it be possible to have a sort of private dream journal? A place on MM where we can write down our dreams, and have them displayed as one entry after another, without all the comments and discussion inbetween. Not one thats accessible by anyone else, so perhaps in the profile section, a sort of online notebook?

That might also be beneficial to those people who dont want to write their dreams down publicly, but can still benefit from the organisation and having them kept in one place.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 28, 2008, 08:52:59 AM
This idea will take some thought.

Right now all users have the ability to lock their own threads, so if anybody doesn't want comments in their journals all they have to do is keep them locked.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 28, 2008, 09:54:04 AM
Right now all users have the ability to lock their own threads, so if anybody doesn't want comments in their journals all they have to do is keep them locked.

I like the feedback in mine but, I didn't know we could do that.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 28, 2008, 09:55:33 AM
You have a lot of control here - infinite ability to edit and delete posts, ability to directly enter news items and events in the calendar... and more to come, hopefully.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Sugarglider11 April 28, 2008, 10:59:42 AM
Would it be possible to have a flash active or un-active button, so the people that can view can see it and the people that it would slow down dont need to see it?

I love how fast things happen in this site :D

Also, maybe we could make some of our own smileys here too. I have a few that I submitted to dreamviews but they never got used.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 28, 2008, 11:02:19 AM
Burns is the Mistress of Smilies.  Talk to her - I haven't seen her refuse anybody yet.

You can turn off sig images, I think... going to have to look into that.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Arby April 28, 2008, 03:37:09 PM
Its probably easy to give a feature to allow or disallow HTML/flash tags(if you don't want HTML for other vulnerability reasons) in sigs. That way, you could have both of best worlds. Those who don't like it could turn it off yet still have normal sigs display and those who are fine with it can have it =O

Also, theres very little you could do to block laggy flash apps server-side. If it's running slow, it's a) written in AS2 b) overusing the filters/advanced graphical properties and/or c) coded in a horrendously laggy fashion. If the person making the sigs knows what they're doing, lag generally isn't a problem. If someone has made a sig but it's lagging, I should be able to help them fix it =P
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh April 28, 2008, 08:20:07 PM
Just something I felt like bringing up. I know MM's current intentions are far from this, but let's have this for a far-fetched future.

Once we get big enough, we could have a subforum for every featured language. It wouldn't be hard to create or to manage as we can have the respective ambassadors (should they want so) take care of the board in their language. I think it'd be extra incentive for us to bring more people in here.

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh April 29, 2008, 03:27:54 AM
For what it's worth, I'm on dialup and never had a problem with Flash signatures. I quite enjoyed Arby's old Pacman sig on DV, actually, and Adam's was pretty cool too. I never had any noticeable slowdown or any sort of hang-ups or anything.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Tyrant April 29, 2008, 05:25:32 AM
Just something I felt like bringing up. I know MM's current intentions are far from this, but let's have this for a far-fetched future.

Once we get big enough, we could have a subforum for every featured language. It wouldn't be hard to create or to manage as we can have the respective ambassadors (should they want so) take care of the board in their language. I think it'd be extra incentive for us to bring more people in here.


This is an interesting idea for the far future. With all of the amazing people that we have here, I wouldn't be surprised if MM turns out to be the beginning of a worldwide lucid dream revolution - and it feels great to be a part of it.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 29, 2008, 06:16:17 AM
Actually, one of the big plans in the very early stages of development right now takes the multi-lingual thing in a completely different direction... and would give our Ambassadors as much to do as they would ever hope for.

But it is too early still to go any further with that discussion.

Great stuff.  I think we'll start a separate discussion about the flash and HTML.  Honestly, that one frightens me because of our experiences over at DV... but if there is a way to do it that won't harm anybody, I'm open to at least seeing how the rest of the community feels about it.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: StephenT April 29, 2008, 02:48:44 PM
Now it has our DJ above our avatar. :D

Perhaps make it so it doesn't display the link, but will only say:

Dream Journal (
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 29, 2008, 02:59:43 PM
Done... sort of.

Had to do a sort of back-flip to make it happen though.  Heh.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: StephenT April 29, 2008, 03:29:07 PM
I see. :lol:  The ": "  Is in front of that.

Why is it like that?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Sugarglider11 April 29, 2008, 03:30:42 PM
I dont know if this will be possible but maybe people could chose who's signitures they dont want to view, so if they do slow down their computers they can just chose not to view whats causing it to slow down.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 29, 2008, 05:57:29 PM
Just something I felt like bringing up. I know MM's current intentions are far from this, but let's have this for a far-fetched future.

Once we get big enough, we could have a subforum for every featured language. It wouldn't be hard to create or to manage as we can have the respective ambassadors (should they want so) take care of the board in their language. I think it'd be extra incentive for us to bring more people in here.


I don't know. I could see that going either way. On one hand, it would help include more people. But, on the other hand, I think there's a possibility of dividing the forum and almost forcing people to choose where they post, in a way.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 29, 2008, 06:43:19 PM
I see. :lol:  The ": "  Is in front of that.

Why is it like that?

Because I had to play a trick on the system to make it do this... it is quite counter to the way it is supposed to work.  I can't get rid of the colon - it is there following an empty name field.

I am rather proud of the solution though!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh April 29, 2008, 09:30:41 PM
Something that would float my boat would be to have unread PMs highlighted in some way. Make their titles bold or whatever. i don't even care about the "Mark as unread" thing - I just want to know which PMs are new.

Do that and you'll have my hat off ^^


Another thing that'd rock would be to, when you are replying to a PM, have that PM quoted by default. It was like this in DV and I really miss it.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught April 30, 2008, 09:44:07 AM
Something that would float my boat would be to have unread PMs highlighted in some way. Make their titles bold or whatever. i don't even care about the "Mark as unread" thing - I just want to know which PMs are new.

Do that and you'll have my hat off ^^


Another thing that'd rock would be to, when you are replying to a PM, have that PM quoted by default. It was like this in DV and I really miss it.

A resounding nod of agreement to both of those. I've already missed several PMs because I can't tell which ones have not been read.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj April 30, 2008, 11:40:19 AM
Both added to the To Do list.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Adam May 05, 2008, 05:35:12 AM
How about a WYSIWYG editor for posts? I really like to see the bold etc rather than the code :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh May 05, 2008, 11:50:47 AM
I don't even care about the WYSIWYG editor - I just want the text-formatting buttons present at the quick reply :<
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh May 05, 2008, 08:13:37 PM
I don't even care about the WYSIWYG editor - I just want the text-formatting buttons present at the quick reply :<

Yeah, where'd the formatting button on Quick Reply go, anyway? They used to be there before the skin merge. We definitely need that back, I do all of my posting from the Quick Reply box. Of course, there may be a way to do this in my User CP and I just overlooked it...
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught May 05, 2008, 10:09:14 PM
What I'd like (boy, it's sure easy for us to want, isn't it?) is for there to be an indicator of new posts in the thread pages. When I click to go to the first unread post, there's no [quick] way to tell which posts are new. Of course I could just read the date and time but, that's much more tedious and cumbersome than you'd expect.

Maybe make the little post icon turn yellow on the new posts (like DV has up next to the post date/time). We've already got the icon. It just needs a coat of paint. It really would make things easier (for me at least).

How about a WYSIWYG editor for posts? I really like to see the bold etc rather than the code :)

I don't even care about the WYSIWYG editor - I just want the text-formatting buttons present at the quick reply :<

Both good ones.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh May 05, 2008, 10:23:41 PM
What I'd like (boy, it's sure easy for us to want, isn't it?) is for there to be an indicator of new posts in the thread pages. When I click to go to the first unread post, there's no [quick] way to tell which posts are new. Of course I could just read the date and time but, that's much more tedious and cumbersome than you'd expect.

Maybe make the little post icon turn yellow on the new posts (like DV has up next to the post date/time). We've already got the icon. It just needs a coat of paint. It really would make things easier (for me at least)

I don't think that is that hard to do, considering the forum already stores info about which posts you have or not seen. But maybe some trouble with skin differences.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: DuB May 05, 2008, 11:19:30 PM
If you click on the little "new" icon it brings you to the first unread post.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught May 06, 2008, 12:00:49 AM
If you click on the little "new" icon it brings you to the first unread post.
True. But the first new post isn't always positioned at the same place when the page loads.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj May 06, 2008, 05:59:50 AM
There are some nice customized editors out there.  We'll look into the options and see how much they complicate things.

The "unread" icon is a great idea too.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Adam May 06, 2008, 06:51:58 AM
Also the top menu where my picture is and the link to new unread posts, I like to keep this closed, so if there was a way to access unread posts without having to open this up that would be good - but of course a low priority change :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj May 13, 2008, 03:20:39 PM
Just want to announce that Raklet has added a feature that displays a "new" sticker on unread PMs.

That's one I really needed.  Thank you!!!!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Raklet May 13, 2008, 07:51:48 PM
Something that would float my boat would be to have unread PMs highlighted in some way. Make their titles bold or whatever. i don't even care about the "Mark as unread" thing - I just want to know which PMs are new.

Do that and you'll have my hat off ^^


Another thing that'd rock would be to, when you are replying to a PM, have that PM quoted by default. It was like this in DV and I really miss it.

Ok, I need you hat... ;)

Why don't you just hit quote instead of reply then?  It is right next door to reply and there is no other way to reply except press "reply" - which happens to be right next to "quote".
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh May 14, 2008, 12:10:41 PM
*hat off*

Haha yeah, I know. It's just something that I found strange when going back and forth DV and MM. I'll just get used to it.

*puts hat back on and walks gentlemanly outside*
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Adam May 14, 2008, 06:40:54 PM
How about 'show unread posts' rather than 'show unread posts since last visit'

I don't know if it is just y firewall clearing my cache/temp files, but this is always blank for me so looks like there are never any new posts. I would like it to be showing all unread posts, rather than since last visit as that just doesn't seem to work for me for some reason..
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh May 14, 2008, 07:42:44 PM
I agree with Adam, as long as they are shown in chronological order. DV had the "unread posts" button but discerned the two in their presentation. Something really useful.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh May 15, 2008, 08:52:24 PM
I don't know if it's only me, but I've just received the lastest newsletter, and there's a bug. Well, actually two.

1) There's no "new" message thing at all. lame.
2) No matter how many times I open the message, the counter will still show 1 new message. I don't know if deleting it will solve the problem - I'm keeping the message should any testing be needed.

Thanks in advance to Raklet for solving it :D
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj May 15, 2008, 08:54:15 PM
I just moved a "glitch" thread into Town Hall here - if you would, please post message problems there.

Thank you!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: 2Fruits May 20, 2008, 12:58:43 AM
I would like some sort of counter (say displayed next to the Dreaming... Lucid banner bit up the top) that shows how many lucid dreams total people at MM have had. I mean the whole MM community's dreams since joining MM, not an individuals amount of lucids. Yeah, more interesting than a people visited counter :P

But, it might be hard to regulate it so that people don't just spam it with false lucids and we get a number up in the billions etc..  :o.

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj May 20, 2008, 05:07:26 AM
This group doesn't need regulating.

And it it is a great idea - one that is going to take some thought and creativity.  If you read back through this thread, you'll see this one has come up a number of times in slightly different ways.

Thank you!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: 2Fruits May 20, 2008, 06:56:33 PM
Haha whoops! Great minds think alike  ;)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Lucidbulbs May 31, 2008, 05:31:04 PM
Ah, maybe to make that possible, the lucid dream counter, maybe you could offer some sort of option on the post that says "add to counter" or "lucid," maybe a check box or an option button in the posting area like the many we have already (insert link, insert picture, etc.)? I don't know how to link it to the counter, but I'm sure there's some way to do it. Gah, if only I didn't give up learning Javascript and such long, long ago  :-\
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj May 31, 2008, 06:04:44 PM
Let's just say that it is possible AND probable.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Lucidbulbs May 31, 2008, 10:05:52 PM
Hey, no complaints here, so long as you guys don't lose a limb or two making it happen :D
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh June 01, 2008, 01:29:06 AM
I think we need to set up some scheduled times for folks to be in chat. Maybe have predetermined lucid dream discussions, with a particular, specific subject planned, and a topic posted somewhere on the forums to announce such. That way we might solve the current issue of not knowing who is in chat when, and getting back to the reason for having the chat in the first place.

(Oh, and I'm liking the new color on the default skin, Sara, Raklet, Adam or whoever did that. :D)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: AspirationRealized June 01, 2008, 05:29:24 AM
I think we need to set up some scheduled times for folks to be in chat. Maybe have predetermined lucid dream discussions, with a particular, specific subject planned, and a topic posted somewhere on the forums to announce such. That way we might solve the current issue of not knowing who is in chat when, and getting back to the reason for having the chat in the first place.

(Oh, and I'm liking the new color on the default skin, Sara, Raklet, Adam or whoever did that. :D)

Seconded. A gathering of these bright minds in a medium that is more rapid would be interesting.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj June 01, 2008, 06:41:31 AM
That idea was my biggest motivation for the chat.  One thing I want to do and haven't even come close to accomplishing yet is arranging a round-table discussion among all our naturals here.

Everybody here has access to the News flasher.  Feel free to use it as appropriate to set things up, post events to the calendar, whatever.  The tools are here to create gatherings, conferences, etc.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Goldney June 03, 2008, 05:51:54 PM
I'd like a link to the main page. Maybe make the forum name at the top of the forum pages a link. Every time I want to check the main page out I have to dig around to find the topic about the logo.

Uncannily I had the exact same idea. Although I think a big button in the shape of the Rainbow tree that returns you to the index would be better. (Although saying that I think a button which also returns you to the homepage wouldn't go amiss)

I made a (very basic) mock-up of what it could look like:

We need the MM logo around more often. The only chance I get to see it is on the homepage.

[EDIT] Oh! Also, I think that we need a "Show Unread Posts" that doesn't include any journals. But that could just be me missing the entire point of the forum.

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj June 03, 2008, 07:38:12 PM
I had tried that and didn't really like the look of it, and neither did Nina.  She's open to working with others, but she really needs to be involved in planning, discussion and final approval before anybody takes off with new ideas.

By the way - the logo image up there WAS linked back to the main page, but it isn't anymore.  That's because I didn't do it right - I did it by manual edit rather than with a mod package.  We'll add that back to the to-do list.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj June 04, 2008, 09:10:09 AM
Addendum to the above -

If anybody wants their own theme to customize and play with for potential use, let me know.  It isn't a big deal to set it up and grant access - but but but (there's always a 'but'.)

BUT - all that is open to change are the style sheets and graphics.  If any more than that needs to be done, it needs to be discussed and looked at very carefully before implementing, because of the need to maintain consistency across the themes to prevent nightmare problems when we do modifications and updates.

I hope to have completely custom themes here.  Incorporating the MM logos and dream-related graphics would be very cool.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Adam June 04, 2008, 10:43:45 AM
I would love to be able to create my own theme is possible!! I didn't think we were allowed to do this. Where can I get a vanilla version of our forum to modify?

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj June 04, 2008, 11:11:07 AM
I need to create it for you and grant you access to it.  The idea isn't so you can have your own personal, private theme, but rather so you can play with a theme with the goal of coming up with ideas for customizing our primary themes.

I'll add this to my to-do list for today - but let me know which of our themes you would like as a base theme to start with.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh June 06, 2008, 03:51:41 PM
Hey, could I give that a shot, too, pj? I'd like to mess around with the default theme a bit. SMF themes are largely based on style sheets, correct? I'm trying to learn CSS this month, already got a good ways, and I'd really like to see if I can improve this theme a bit.

In fact, I think I'm going to do something I've been meaning to do for awhile now; install SMF on my own domain, where I can see what it looks like in action there. I understand that we've got a lot of modifications running here, so it won't be exactly the same, but it'll be fun to mess around with anyway. :D I'm a hands-on guy, I like to be able to really work with whatever it is I'm working with. :D
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj June 06, 2008, 08:01:02 PM
Sure - let me know which theme you want to start with.

The rules are important to follow though - only edit graphics and style sheet.  Going into the templates creates nightmares for a system as heavily customized as ours.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh June 06, 2008, 08:22:59 PM
Sure - let me know which theme you want to start with.

The rules are important to follow though - only edit graphics and style sheet.  Going into the templates creates nightmares for a system as heavily customized as ours.

I'd like to experiment with the default, MortalMist, for now, I think. I understand, I can well imagine some of the issues that could arise. :)

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj June 07, 2008, 12:08:24 PM
Ok - may not be set up until Monday, and I'll PM you more details.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj June 09, 2008, 01:00:53 PM
You're all set, MoS.  I PM'd some info to you.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Seeker June 09, 2008, 07:41:44 PM
The scheduled discussions in Chat sounds like a pretty neat idea and I'm up for it as my schedule allows.

Now on to wants.  Now that we have the stuff in place to tally up our LDs, Dreams, Frags, how about some reporting software to make some cool graphs?  Or a .CSV export?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: unseen wombat June 10, 2008, 03:01:53 PM
This may sound silly, but I'd like to be able to have a state flag option in the "location" on our profile, instead of just the general "United States." America is a big place. It'd be kinda nice to see what part of the country everyone is from and show off my own flag. (The only one that's not square)!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh June 14, 2008, 06:21:01 AM
You're all set, MoS.  I PM'd some info to you.

Thanks, pj! Sorry I haven't been around much this past week, I've been busy working on getting LL up and running. I'll see what I can do with the theme this coming week, things should be settled down enough by then that I'll have the time to work on it. I have a few things I want to try.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird July 01, 2008, 01:41:47 AM
I'd like the option of searching for all the posts or threads by a certain user.

Also I'd like the option of deleting a thread that I started, ( maybe with the limitation that I will be able to do that if no one has replied to them yet)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj July 01, 2008, 06:09:32 AM
1)  Click on Search, then Advanced Search, or go into the user's profile and use the convenient link.

2)  I think you can already do that so long as nobody has replied.  We have unlimited ability to edit and delete posts - if you delete the first post in a thread, the thread should go away.  I'll check and try to verify that later.  Worst case scenario is you could always wipe the contents and title of that first post and let an admin know there's some cleaning up needed in Aisle 7.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj July 01, 2008, 08:41:59 AM
Ok - 2) above is not accurate.  You cannot remove your own threads, and there is a reason for this.

We have no way of limiting thread removal to only threads that haven't been replied to.  You own your posts, but not the posts of others.  All members have unlimited edit and post removal, but not the ability to remove the posts of others.

The compromise there is as stated above - you can remove the content and title from your own posts in your own threads, and if they are not replied to you may ask an Admin to remove the thread for you.

You do have the ability to lock your own threads, by the way.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird July 01, 2008, 03:36:06 PM
1)  Click on Search, then Advanced Search, or go into the user's profile and use the convenient link.

It could be I missed it but when I looked it seemed to me that using the advanced search you can only search for keywords, and not view all the posts or thread by a user, and in the user's profile you can only view the latest posts.

Many thanks!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj July 01, 2008, 06:22:40 PM
It could be I missed it but when I looked it seemed to me that using the advanced search you can only search for keywords, and not view all the posts or thread by a user, and in the user's profile you can only view the latest posts.

Ah - I see your point.  It won't let you wildcard the words, will it?

What you seek is available in the individual profiles.  Here's yours:;u=10;sa=showPosts

Just go to the member's profile and then down under "additional information".
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird July 02, 2008, 01:54:35 AM
It could be I missed it but when I looked it seemed to me that using the advanced search you can only search for keywords, and not view all the posts or thread by a user, and in the user's profile you can only view the latest posts.

Ah - I see your point.  It won't let you wildcard the words, will it?

What you seek is available in the individual profiles.  Here's yours:;u=10;sa=showPosts

Just go to the member's profile and then down under "additional information".

Thanks! I was a bit misled by the text which says "Show the last posts of this person" - I though it will only show the last posts, but now I see you can view all the posts, 15 posts per page.

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: DrTechnical July 02, 2008, 11:41:57 AM
Man are there a lot of requests. Haven't read them all - hope this is not a repeat.

I enjoy reading dream journals, lucids in particular - but my time is limited.

It would be cool if a reader could view the dream journals page and immediately see if a persons journal contains a lucid dream for that day.

Perhaps you could simpy display the journal link in a different color if the last lucid post = today? Or keep them in a different color for 24 hours?

That would make it very easy for the reader to filter out non-lucids which might not be as interesting.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: AspirationRealized July 02, 2008, 07:57:25 PM
Man are there a lot of requests. Haven't read them all - hope this is not a repeat.

I enjoy reading dream journals, lucids in particular - but my time is limited.

It would be cool if a reader could view the dream journals page and immediately see if a persons journal contains a lucid dream for that day.

Perhaps you could simpy display the journal link in a different color if the last lucid post = today? Or keep them in a different color for 24 hours?

That would make it very easy for the reader to filter out non-lucids which might not be as interesting.

This relates to and idea of my own, very simillar.

It was early in the morning and I saw that one lucid was already posted, and I found myself wanting to click the L next to the 1 in today's numbers, intuitively.

This would be a good way of doing what Dr Tech here wants I think?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh July 02, 2008, 08:28:47 PM
Hey, yeah, I've found myself wanting to do the same thing, AspiR! That would be a great addition.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Lucidbulbs July 02, 2008, 10:53:22 PM
I like AspiR's idea too! I think I've actually done the same thing once or twice too and wondered why nothing was happening until I realized it wasn't a link....
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: AspirationRealized July 03, 2008, 06:40:29 PM
Yeah. Thats intuitive design, when things work because you expect them to, not because you learned that they do...
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh July 04, 2008, 07:47:12 AM
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj July 08, 2008, 06:09:32 PM
We have a tag that does noparse - [nobbc].

The ability to look at today's lucids and dreams is a great one.

As far as knowing if individuals have updated their DJs, all you have to do is subscribe to the journal threads of those you wish to keep up with.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught July 09, 2008, 10:47:36 PM
We could use a listing somewhere of what BB tags are active. I would have never guessed "[nobbc]" for "[noparse]".

You know what would be cool? And I know this was a hack but, it would be cool if the spoiler was altered so it becomes a rollover, instead of a 'click to reveal'.

Check this out:

If you scroll down to the bottom of that post (that's mine, by the way) there is a black bar across some of the text. A long time ago some one at that forum modded the spoilers to display like that instead of in a separate box that you have to click on to reveal. I like the roll over spoiler much better. (Sorry, I couldn't find any shorter post examples of what I'm talking about)

On a side note: That post I linked to - as well as the 4 before it in that thread - includes many examples of how to make proper use of 'link' and 'anchor' tags, if any one ever wondered what they are for.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj July 10, 2008, 10:38:42 AM
For some reason, SMF does not include native link and anchor tags.  They are indeed useful.

Here are the BBCode tags that are available.  Doing anything else for SMF is custom - certainly doable, but not so easy as throwing a switch:

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Kromoh July 10, 2008, 09:50:30 PM
Just a note, I don't think it is hard to do that kind of spoiler with CSS alone. Though I could be wrong.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: DuB July 13, 2008, 03:08:36 PM
A feature that I would appreciate would be the ability to sort and/or filter my unread posts based on what forum they are from. Inevitably, 4 out of 5 of the unread posts are from dream journals, and I don't always feel like reading those. In fact, I usually don't.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird July 15, 2008, 03:43:57 AM
I'd like the ability to subscribe to a forum, so that I will receive notification of every new post made, and not just on new topics. ( Now I have to subscribe to each thread separately ).

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh July 15, 2008, 04:43:07 AM
Oh, awesome! Thanks for the list, pj!

I'd like the ability to subscribe to a forum, so that I will receive notification of every new post made, and not just on new topics. ( Now I have to subscribe to each thread separately ).


You can do that already, actually, dodobird. On the topic list, see the little bar with options to the upper right of the list of topics? Should say: Mark Read | Notify | New Topic | Post New Poll. Click Notify, and you're good to go. That subscribes you to the forum. :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Burned up July 15, 2008, 06:29:03 AM
Is there/can there be a "bozo bin" function?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: annsie July 15, 2008, 07:41:57 AM

I still havent seen the Paypal donation button ?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird July 15, 2008, 07:43:02 AM
Oh, awesome! Thanks for the list, pj!

I'd like the ability to subscribe to a forum, so that I will receive notification of every new post made, and not just on new topics. ( Now I have to subscribe to each thread separately ).


You can do that already, actually, dodobird. On the topic list, see the little bar with options to the upper right of the list of topics? Should say: Mark Read | Notify | New Topic | Post New Poll. Click Notify, and you're good to go. That subscribes you to the forum. :)

I think that when you press that it only notifies you of new topics, while I want to be notified of every post.

: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Raklet July 15, 2008, 09:06:29 AM
Oh, awesome! Thanks for the list, pj!

I'd like the ability to subscribe to a forum, so that I will receive notification of every new post made, and not just on new topics. ( Now I have to subscribe to each thread separately ).


You can do that already, actually, dodobird. On the topic list, see the little bar with options to the upper right of the list of topics? Should say: Mark Read | Notify | New Topic | Post New Poll. Click Notify, and you're good to go. That subscribes you to the forum. :)

I think that when you press that it only notifies you of new topics, while I want to be notified of every post.


I have tested the notify feature for boards.  It will notify you of both new topics and new posts to old topics.  However, it will not list every reply ever made.  It will just show the board name with a single "new" indicator next to it.  Once you visit the board, that indicator will be cleared - even if you haven't visited all of the new topics or posts yet.  Once you get to the board, though, every topic will have an indicator of whether there are "new" posts or not.  Ultimately, you get what you want.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj July 15, 2008, 10:33:07 AM
Is there/can there be a "bozo bin" function?

No.  What, exactly, would that do - other than perhaps bring up a photograph of me in high humidity after foregoing a few haircuts?

I still havent seen the Paypal donation button ?

We really don't want to bring that onboard until the corporate structure is formalized.  There are no real needs right now - all our requirements are being quite comfortably met without any undue self-sacrifice by any individuals.  We do need to start pooling money for our next steps sooner or later, but first things first.

Thank you for asking!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Burned up July 15, 2008, 12:09:57 PM
Is there/can there be a "bozo bin" function?

No.  What, exactly, would that do - other than perhaps bring up a photograph of me in high humidity after foregoing a few haircuts?

Also known as a "killfile" but these I think are usenet terms.  I'll send you a pm.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught July 15, 2008, 09:38:39 PM
Also known as a "killfile" but these I think are usenet terms.  I'll send you a pm.

Is that like an "ignore" list to filter out certain posters or topics?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: maniakalBycikle July 24, 2008, 05:12:00 PM
I think we need a sleeping smilie, like this one,( since this site is about sleeping.

...or something similar.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Josh July 24, 2008, 05:27:12 PM
Don't we have one? :dream:

Edit: Well, I guess maybe that's not so descriptive, is it... I like the one you posted, Bycikle.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: maniakalBycikle July 24, 2008, 07:07:22 PM
Don't we have one? :dream:

Edit: Well, I guess maybe that's not so descriptive, is it... I like the one you posted, Bycikle.

I always thought this one --> :dream:  is more like imagining or thinking. 

I just googled "sleeping smilie", and found the one I posted.   :P
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Mes Tarrant July 25, 2008, 08:32:09 PM
Yeah that's a cute one! :D

And I can't wait to start sacrificing individuals. .. That's what we're talking about, right? :P
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Lucidbulbs July 26, 2008, 10:00:44 AM
Do you think we could have an "advanced" option in the Dream Roulette? I had a lucid on MM where we had that, it seemed pretty cool. We already have the dates down....
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: analyst July 26, 2008, 10:33:51 PM
i'd like it if this portion of MM:

Community Dreams
Today / Total
D: 26 / 3068
L: 2 / 1236
F: 8 / 1041

could be made such that when we click on the 2 above we are brought to a search result of the lucids of the day which have been logged.  this way we as a community will find it easier to get closer with one another, see who is successful (if we want) and make comments without losing much time to figure out who posted a lucid.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: AspirationRealized July 26, 2008, 11:48:01 PM
i'd like it if this portion of MM:

Community Dreams
Today / Total
D: 26 / 3068
L: 2 / 1236
F: 8 / 1041

could be made such that when we click on the 2 above we are brought to a search result of the lucids of the day which have been logged.  this way we as a community will find it easier to get closer with one another, see who is successful (if we want) and make comments without losing much time to figure out who posted a lucid.

This was brought up in the dream stats post already. Several people like this idea, and you posting it here is even more proof XD
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Abulafia July 27, 2008, 03:32:25 PM
I apologize if this has been requested before.

In the upper right of the webpage, where it lists the day's tally of Dreams, Lucids, and Fragments; I would like to click on those numbers and then read the results in one thread.

That would be cool.   :goodjob:
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: analyst July 27, 2008, 05:19:37 PM
I apologize if this has been requested before...
this has got to be a joke, right abulafia?

i mean i *just* requested this 2 posts ago on this thread, and aspir replied one post ago that it was already requested in the dream stats... lol...
still laughing out loud here... 
thanks man...
i needed that.   :rofl:

but seriously, i am so glad that others want this too!!!  and i guess you did say "in one thread"... i was just mentioning search results... but either way is good for me.  i just want our community to have the opportunity to become close-knit as new LDers join and those LDers who are here (and we don't know) become more apparent to us all.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: AspirationRealized July 27, 2008, 05:45:02 PM
I apologize if this has been requested before...
this has got to be a joke, right abulafia?

i mean i *just* requested this 2 posts ago on this thread, and aspir replied one post ago that it was already requested in the dream stats... lol...
still laughing out loud here... 
thanks man...
i needed that.   :rofl:

but seriously, i am so glad that others want this too!!!  and i guess you did say "in one thread"... i was just mentioning search results... but either way is good for me.  i just want our community to have the opportunity to become close-knit as new LDers join and those LDers who are here (and we don't know) become more apparent to us all.

Just a note for everyone who is hoping for this feature, I talk to Rak on a regular basis and I know a bit about the progress. I won't say everything, because thats Newsletter material o0 but Rak is working on a more important part of the dream stats system, after which he will get to this.

It has been brought up extensively, I believe I was the first, when I said that I found myself trying to click the numbers on today's values (usually when you see in the morning that there has already been one lucid, and you want to see who's the luck first) to no avail. Others in the dream stats post remarked they had done the exact same thing, thats called intuitive design... when you try something without and preconceptions and it works.

Case and point being that the dream stats is far from over, but it is in constant development. It seems to be Rak's brainchild, and rightfully so, as it is something unique to the Mist alone.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Abulafia July 27, 2008, 08:59:20 PM
I apologize if this has been requested before...

this has got to be a joke, right abulafia?

D'oh!   :oops:

I exposed myself as a lazy board poster.


: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: AspirationRealized August 03, 2008, 01:13:19 PM
Youtube tags.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Budster August 03, 2008, 11:00:32 PM
Good idea, Aspir.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird August 13, 2008, 05:52:42 AM
Adoption program.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj August 13, 2008, 06:03:58 AM

What could we do that would be a step or two up from an adoption program?

(And I've not given up on our other side project...)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird August 13, 2008, 06:24:30 AM
Maybe a thread for each adoptee/adopter pair, where they can converse, which can be set to public, or private where only they can access it.

maybe a form displaying all the adopters, and their current adoptees. Which will also show the free adopters, and the adoptee can select one from there and offer to be adopted. For each adopter on this page there can be a paragraph containing some information like his or her background, so the adoptee can choose more easily.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird August 13, 2008, 06:29:31 AM

Maybe also a coupling program, where 2 members 'adopt' each other, so they can help each other focus, for example encourage/nudge the other to do any exercises he or she intended to keep.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj August 13, 2008, 07:48:27 AM
Let's start a new thread on this idea, dodobird.  Would you do the honors?
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: dodobird August 13, 2008, 08:04:33 AM
OK :)
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: AspirationRealized August 13, 2008, 09:11:56 AM
Nice idea!
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught September 06, 2008, 08:50:25 PM
I'll tell you what I'd love to have here. vBulletin has this feature in the user CP. I'd LOVE the ability to view "all subscribed threads", i.e. to view a list of all topics I've posted in. The reason I say this (and I honestly hate admitting this) is because I'm just not as active here as I'd like to be lately. And unless there's a new post in a topic I'm involved in (so that it shows up in my list of new posts) I can't find sh!t.

You'd think that I could look for the closest sub-forum to what I want and find it. But I swear that every time I try to locate a topic I've posted in I can NEVER find it and it's frustration to constantly spend an hour combing every forum section four times then finally giving up.

I know it's my own fault for being so unfamiliar with the forum's layout and organisation. But the fact remains that I simply can not ever find what I want and - as result - I sometimes can't follow up on older threads at all and eventually give up all together.

Today's example is that I've been searching in vain for over thirty minutes to find that topic about the statistics that pj, myself and some others are keeping track of. You know, the one where we're tracking our RC count, stress level, attention level, hours of sleep, recalled dreams count, LD count, etc...

Can somewhere tell me where the heck that thread is? As usual, it doesn't seem to be where I expect to find it. Or anywhere else, for that matter. I think it was called something like "A theory and a study"? I don't know. Sorry. I just can not find my way around this place at all. Ever.

So yeah, a "view all subscribed threads" page/button would be most extremely appreciated: Very, very much.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Oneironaught September 06, 2008, 08:57:39 PM
Alright, I just found that topic by combing through my "View last posts by this member". But it would be so much more simple to have that "view all subscribed threads" list I mentioned. Thank you.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj September 06, 2008, 09:08:48 PM
It is a good request.  Adding it to the list.

The forum, for anybody else looking for it, is the Technique Development Workshop.

Organization is, (to put it VERY mildly,) not one of my strong suits in life.  If anybody wants to take on addressing the general organization of this place, I'm all ears.
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: Deuce_Nukem September 07, 2008, 02:08:13 AM
i havent read anything but PJs post above me, but if i could have anything it would be an easy button...

tap once for excellent recall, twice for at least one lucid...

maybe skysaw's project can be our LD easy button.. heh
: Re: If you could have ANYTHING you wanted here at MM...
: pj September 28, 2008, 11:48:23 AM
I like that plan.

It would certainly be popular.