Mortal Mist

Welcoming Boards => Lucid Dreaming Techniques => Technique Development Center => : Jaffar El-Amin November 06, 2009, 07:20:54 AM

: my dream training
: Jaffar El-Amin November 06, 2009, 07:20:54 AM
About  my  training :

Each  day  ,  whem  I  go  to  sleep  ,  I  use  all  the LD  known  methods .  First  ,  before  I  go  to  bed  ,  I  practice  the  Castaneda's  Dream  Passes  Serie  ,  then ,  until  I  fall  asleep  ,  i  intend  to  sleep  ,  by  stopping  my  internal  dialog  and  focusing  my  mind  on  what  I  want  to  accomplish ,  only .  Then  ,  I  use  WBTB ,  waking  one  hour  before  I  normally  wake - up .  When  I  wake  up  ,  I  wake  up  little  by  little ,  to  not  destroy  the  dreams . In  the  rest  of  the  day  ,  I  stop  my  internal  dialog  ,  I do  recapitulation  to  retake  my  lost  energy  ,  I  do  ,  before   that  NEW  and  ,  each  time  I  go  through  a  door  or  I  see the  lights  button  ,  I  made  a  reality  check .

1 . Recapitulation

2 . The  Dream  Passes

3 . Intending

4 . WBTB

This  training is  ,  for  me  ,  deadly  useful  ,  BUT  ,  MAY  NOT  WORK  FOR  YOU .  When  I  am  in  a  dream  ,  I  act  like  in  Real  Life .

I  do  not  take  the  dreams as  dreams .  They  are  ,  at  least  for  me  ,  are  reality  ,  because  I  see  their  underlying  energy  matrix .

I  must  warn  you  ,  that  is  a  warrior -only  path .

If  you  want  to  extend  your  knowledge  about  warrior   path  ,  you  should  read  all  Castaneda's  ,  Taisha  Abelar  and  Florinda Donner - Grau 's  books .

If  you  want  clarifications  ,  just  ask  me .

I  don't  use  MILD  AND  WILD.
: Re: my dream training
: Sunshine November 06, 2009, 07:50:22 AM
(content removed by user request)
: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 26, 2010, 04:38:18 PM
Interesting method. How do you wake up little by little at the right time? Do you use an alarm clock?
: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 26, 2010, 05:22:15 PM
You say you act as in Real Life. Does that mean you behave toward DCs the same way you do toward people in real life? You don't get in their faces etc. just to see how they'll react?
: Re: my dream training
: Sunshine August 26, 2010, 09:14:20 PM
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: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 26, 2010, 10:44:18 PM
Thanks, Moonbeam! With my cell phone I can't see the dates on the posts, though I suspected it might be a bit old.
: Re: my dream training
: The Littlest Leaf Dragon August 26, 2010, 11:37:14 PM
John I have to remind you again about when the original post was made.

Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with posting in old topics.  Still, you're probably right this guy isn't coming back.  Sad, this seems quite interesting.

Interesting method. How do you wake up little by little at the right time? Do you use an alarm clock?

Just from reading this, my guess would be he uses auto-suggestion.  With enough training, you could use it to wake yourself up at the right time and keep yourself from moving as soon as you wake up.  It's one of the methods used to prepare for DEILD sessions.
: Re: my dream training
: mu August 27, 2010, 12:15:18 AM
:chuckle:  I thought this was a new one too, don't feel bad johnb (and I'm on a regular PC. :shakehead:)  BTW, your avatar isn't by any chance from Tales from the Darkside, is it?

Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with posting in old topics.  Still, you're probably right this guy isn't coming back.  Sad, this seems quite interesting.
If someone sees an interesting old discussion, absolutely.  Most often the OPs are still here and would probably have more to say, or there are new members since who might add to it, but just haven't seen the topic yet.
: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 27, 2010, 12:41:00 AM
Yes, auto-suggestion would probably work. Often when I know I need to get up at a certain time I automatically wake up right before the alarm goes off. I've heard that's a not uncommon experience. Pretty amazing to think the human brain has such an accurate built-in clock.
: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 27, 2010, 12:57:46 AM
My avatar isn't from Tales from the Darkside. It's a picture I took of a grove of trees I found in the middle of nowhere in S Washington state. They were planted in precisely spaced rows. It was such a huge grove that the effect was dreamlike. Don't know what kind of trees they were. Didn't look like fruit trees.
: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 27, 2010, 01:03:50 AM
Does Tales from the Darkside have similar imagery of trees planted in precisely-spaced rows?
: Re: my dream training
: mu August 27, 2010, 01:23:39 AM
Does Tales from the Darkside have similar imagery of trees planted in precisely-spaced rows?
I looked it up (it's been a long time since I've seen it; show intro here, about half a minute in ( if you're curious.)  They don't look quite the same now..

They sort of imply that there's an alternate (dark! :D) reality alongside this one when they're showing the trees..  I watched this when I was a little kid, so I think the idea stuck with me, or at least reinforced it--woods are always very strange and like alternate dimensions in my dreams.

The reason I thought that is your avatar has the same effect, if not better.  Very cool.
: Re: my dream training
: Sunshine August 27, 2010, 07:51:31 AM
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: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 27, 2010, 07:56:55 PM
I'll have to watch that show sometime, mu. I've heard of it, but never seen it. Forests are usually good settings in which to have dreams. At least for me. Also dreams of the desert at night are usually intriguing to me.
: Re: my dream training
: johnb August 27, 2010, 08:02:39 PM
I think you're right, Moonbeam. Probably growing them for paper. Didn't look like they'd have been of much use for anything else, other than as an inspiration for dreams.