Mortal Mist
Community Boards => Guild Hall - general Guild discussion => : The Littlest Leaf Dragon September 02, 2010, 10:50:01 PM
As you all may or may not know, Mortal Mist has a bit of a unique guild program here. In keeping with our member ownership style of running things, we started the guild program as a way of allowing our members to be able to freely participate in the way things are set up and run here. Anyone interested in art and design could participate in the Creator's Guild. Anyone interested in writing guides, working on the front pages, or generally doing anything to do with information and helping members out could join the Teacher's Guild. If your cup of tea was computers, you could join the Technical Guild and help out with ideas that involved the way the forum or front page was run on a physical (technical) level. Or, last but not least, if you were interested in exploring and discovering just what all was possible, you could join the Research Guild.
Each of these guilds were good for a time, but slowly activity started to dwindle, until there were only a few of us taking care of any innovations around the mist. People slowly started to forget abut the guilds, until their once beloved guild houses were left abandoned, growing cob webs, all except for the Research Guild, of course, which was lovingly taken care of by our own DrTechnical.
Well, today, I announce that the guild houses have been dusted off and are looking for people to join. There's always stuff to do around here as long as you see something that you think could use improving upon, so don't be afraid to jump in and get your hands dirty. Whatever you feel you're able to help in, even if you "can't do that much" or "aren't very good at it", we would be happy to let you help us out with. Also, as a special limited time permanent offer, if you decide to join one of our guilds and help keep them running by starting and participating in projects, you will get to wear their colors. For an example, See me for the Teacher's Guild and DrT for the Research Guild.
TL;DR Join us, help the guilds out, and get your shiny new stars today. :D
How much activity would joing the art guild take?
Joining the guilds doesn't take any set level of activity. We just ask that you keep your eyes open for things you might want to do to help around and help out when you get a chance. We won't ever say, "you haven't done x in y weeks so you're out".
I'd be interested in the teacher's guild, but as to what capacity I could provide; at this point, I'm not sure.
Over on the "other" forums, I teach an intro and dream control course.
Well, if you so desired you could arrange for a dream control workshop here, or you could write guides on that or any other topic you wished. If you're interested in anything to do with teaching, writing, or helping members we would be happy to have you in the teacher's guild.
Edit - Woo, 1000th post. ^__^
Edit - Woo, 1000th post. ^__^
Well, if you so desired you could arrange for a dream control workshop here, or you could write guides on that or any other topic you wished. If you're interested in anything to do with teaching, writing, or helping members we would be happy to have you in the teacher's guild.
Edit - Woo, 1000th post. ^__^
We can certainly see how it goes! I love helping people with lucidity, especially since mine was such a struggle for so long, and now I've seemed to have found my stride.
If you'd like, I can give you the teacher's colors after your monthly challenge reward disappears.
If you'd like, I can give you the teacher's colors after your monthly challenge reward disappears.
What do you mean, "disappears"? :chuckle: I was going to keep doing them, to maintain my purple-ness! It's cool with me, I won't cry at the "loss" of the cups and purple :D
Well, if you'd like you can still wear your cups in your signature. I think pj does that when he completes a task.
Yep! You just need to remember to clear it yourself at the end of the month.
Like so? :smugbow:
Welcome to the Teacher's Guild.
Thank you, thank you :)