Mortal Mist

General Dreaming => General Dream Discussion and Experiences => : Kwauff March 24, 2011, 04:54:06 PM

: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: Kwauff March 24, 2011, 04:54:06 PM
I was talking to this guy at my school today and he was asking about whether or not where you fall asleep will affect your dreams. I assume it would (like when you put your face in your pillows and think you're being suffocated in your dream) but I wanted to know your guys' opinions. What do you think?  8)
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: mentalenforcer March 24, 2011, 05:07:36 PM
I suspect it does.  I'm of the opinion that the exact spot, which way you're facing, etc., has an impact.

In the past I have selected the spot for my bed based on where I thought it would be best for dreaming.
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: pj March 24, 2011, 05:22:30 PM
It does seem to make a difference for me.  The vast majority of my lucids happen either on my living room couch here or on the couch at our place up north.

I also seem to have most of my lucids when laying on my right side.
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: Sunshine March 24, 2011, 08:48:40 PM
(content removed by user request)
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: Kwauff March 24, 2011, 11:11:10 PM
Interesting. Thanks for the feedback! :D
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: pj March 25, 2011, 06:09:58 AM
Moonbeam raises a good point there - we used to half-jokingly refer to that as TILD - Travel Induced Lucid Dreaming.
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: Burned up March 25, 2011, 05:59:48 PM
I have recently been reading about dream re-entry and for that the book recommends starting in the position where you woke from the dream.  Not the same question as yours, I know, but perhaps evidence that "the body remembers".
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: DrTechnical March 25, 2011, 07:52:24 PM
When I have OOBE's, I start my dreams wherever I left off in waking reality. This is independent of where I physically am. But of course, it's usually at home.
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: mort101 April 04, 2011, 04:50:49 AM
I have recently been reading about dream re-entry and for that the book recommends starting in the position where you woke from the dream.  Not the same question as yours, I know, but perhaps evidence that "the body remembers".

I've heard this, too.  If you want to return to a dream, it's best to stay very still after you wake up!

I've found that I will have very vivid dreams when I sleep in different places.  For example, I went back to sleeping in my own bed last night and had an incredibly vivid dream about my father.  The same has applied in the past to places like my uni halls, the sofa bed, my car(!), and my gf''s bed.

I'm a firm believer that where you sleep has a massive impact on what you dream of!
: Re: Does where you fall asleep affect your dreams?
: Caradon December 30, 2020, 02:49:49 PM
Most if the time now days I'm sleeping sitting up in my office chair because of back problems.

But I recently decided to go lay down in my tent that I have set up in my living room and go to sleep. And probably not a coincidence that when I fell to sleep in my tent I was dreaming about being in my tent.