Mortal Mist

Welcoming Boards => Lucid Dreaming Techniques => Technique Development Center => : mieksta April 22, 2011, 04:18:01 PM

: mieksta April 22, 2011, 04:18:01 PM
Maybe we should CWILD to SWALD.  CWILD probably works cause caffine is a stimulant, doesnt this means all stimulants should work to. Shouldn't things like cigarettes and 5 hr energy work to.
I choose activated because we have so many of ILDs.
: Re: SWALD?
: pj April 22, 2011, 08:00:36 PM
It is a good way of distinguishing it.

Stimulant withdrawal.  What other legal and common stimulants are people often addicted to?
: Re: SWALD?
: Cambodia April 22, 2011, 08:18:12 PM
It is a good way of distinguishing it.

Stimulant withdrawal.  What other legal and common stimulants are people often addicted to?

-Energy Drinks (though, I wouldn't recommend this, as they are potentially dangerous)
-Sugary Foods.  Sugar and Caffeine are stimulants after all.
-While not that common, there is a product that is essentially a cup of coffee.  As it contains just as much caffeine in a tiny cube.  It may not be safe, as it is not recommended for those under 18.
: Re: SWALD?
: StarSeeker April 22, 2011, 09:40:54 PM
It is a good way of distinguishing it.

Stimulant withdrawal.  What other legal and common stimulants are people often addicted to?
-Energy Drinks (though, I wouldn't recommend this, as they are potentially dangerous)
-Sugary Foods.  Sugar and Caffeine are stimulants after all.
-While not that common, there is a product that is essentially a cup of coffee.  As it contains just as much caffeine in a tiny cube.  It may not be safe, as it is not recommended for those under 18.
Most of that has caffeine, but I believe it is the withdrawal effect which matters the most.
Also, energy drinks are really bad - they have much, much more caffeine than coffee, and much more concentrated.
: Re: SWALD?
: johnb April 22, 2011, 10:52:22 PM
It is a good way of distinguishing it.

Stimulant withdrawal.  What other legal and common stimulants are people often addicted to?

How about nicotine? I wonder if you used a nicotine patch every day for a few weeks and then quit for a couple of days, if you could induce LDs by putting on a patch at WBTB.
: Re: SWALD?
: mieksta April 23, 2011, 03:30:21 PM
The reason stimulants work is by awakening and alerting your brain they also make you do things faster. The reason you LD is because your brain is activated while your body is still shut down effectivly makeing you aware that your that your dreaming.