Mortal Mist
Community Boards => Guild Hall - general Guild discussion => : The Littlest Leaf Dragon June 02, 2011, 10:15:34 AM
While discussing ways to improve the appeal and visibility of the monthly tasks, IndigoGhost presented an interesting idea that I think should be given a thread and some serious discussion. Currently, we have somewhat of a badge system on our regular lucid challenges, with the letter codes, but nothing of the like for the monthly challenges. His suggestion, as I understand it, was to have a badges section in the profile and actual image badges for completing the tasks. This would be somewhat like the meeting place badges, but there would be a different badge for each task, and the badges would be given permanently (also, they would be bigger than 16x16). As an added bonus, perhaps there could be an option to link the badge per user to the dream they got it in.
The page listing all of the badges they have received would be a part of their profile, but perhaps there would also be a section in the mini-profile displaying the most recent badge they received. This would serve to 1) be pretty cool and 2) bring a bit more of a spotlight to our lucid tasks and monthly features.
So, what does everyone think of the idea, and what do our techs think about how difficult it would be to implement?
I also had the idea that there could be a separate newsletter type just for the badge system / challenges. This would be something users can pick to subscribe instead of sending it to everyone, a mention of the two main monthly challenges could still be listed in the newsletter we already have. I also think if we had a challenges newsletter that we could have an auto-list of some sort added that shows who completed the challenges that month with click-ables to those users DJ post of that passed challenge. I feel this would make it more of a community thing as you would have an easy way to look at each others dream as it would be very cool to see how others dreamed that scenario compared to your own and it also adds a little fun competitive spirit ^^;
Its also a great way to keep track of how well your doing in your dreaming study. :content:
Where would these be displayed? Would it be in posts or just in profiles?
Where would these be displayed? Would it be in posts or just in profiles?
I had the idea that you could have a badges tab in your main profile everyone can see and click on with a collection of your badges, these could also be other reward badges also! It would be nice to have a hover over feature where if you hover over the badges it gives you info on what the badge is and then you can click on it and be sent to the post the badge was won with *the post with your dream on* and also in the top right hand corner of that post it would show a little mini badge to signify that is the badge post. It has many other things that could be added to improve accessibility and community all across the board. :)
I had come up with an idea for badges for other things - incentive to the participation in certain areas - but lacked the time, so far, to implement it. I was also waiting for changes in this system, one that, even with awards as they are now, allowing a way to see all the awards the member had gained in the past.
I love the idea of the permanency of it, and also being able to link the badge to the dream ;-D
Currently, we have somewhat of a badge system on our regular lucid challenges, with the letter codes, but nothing of the like for the monthly challenges. His suggestion, as I understand it, was to have a badges section in the profile and actual image badges for completing the tasks. This would be somewhat like the meeting place badges, but there would be a different badge for each task, and the badges would be given permanently (also, they would be bigger than 16x16). As an added bonus, perhaps there could be an option to link the badge per user to the dream they got it in.
The page listing all of the badges they have received would be a part of their profile, but perhaps there would also be a section in the mini-profile displaying the most recent badge they received. This would serve to 1) be pretty cool and 2) bring a bit more of a spotlight to our lucid tasks and monthly features.
So, what does everyone think of the idea, and what do our techs think about how difficult it would be to implement?
Sounds like a great idea Wolvendeer. Probably a lot of work to implement, but a great idea. Combining the current topic with another topic a bit, the regular lucid challengers would be a good place to get the monthly challenges from. That way if someone completed a monthly challenge they would also have completed one of the regular lucid challenges and have a badge to show for it.
A) New database table for "badges," or whatever they are. Columns contain badge type ID, links to dreams, and member IDs. Another table for badge types, containing badge type IDs, links to images, and descriptions.
B) Admin page for awarding badges.
C) Modify profile code and template to look up member's badges and display them.
By far the most work is (B).
Now get to work, someone! :whip:
Here you go. ( :) All that needs to be done is add the capability to link to the dream. Even without that, though, it seems to be exactly what we want.
But the awards should be visible in the the profile (in a post) for a limited amount of time.
Say, IG wins gets to the Month Meeting place. During the next month, he will have that cup we all know. After that, the cup disappears from his profile (the part we see when someone makes a post) and gets registered somewhere in his profile, behind a link:
( Monthly Meeting Place April 2012
( Monthly Meeting Place June 2011
IG wins gets to the Month Meeting place.
I win? me so happi! :content:
Here you go. ( :) All that needs to be done is add the capability to link to the dream. Even without that, though, it seems to be exactly what we want.
That looks like a fine mod! I'm trying it locally, and have managed to convince it to install. There is one problem, however:
This mod is called "Member Awards." We already have an award mod installed called "Simple Award System," and the two conflict. For instance, they both want a database table called "awards." Not to mention, it's a bit confusing to administer both of them; e.g. "Does this option apply to Member Awards or to Simple Award System?" :huhwhat:
I am not involved in giving out awards, so I'm not sure what is done, but this mod seems to have everything the old one has and then some. (See the list of features at wolve's link.)
The current award system is a bit "stuck," and I'd have to play around a bit to get it to uninstall. So, before I do that: should we replace the old award system? I'd like to hear from those responsible for assigning awards. It seems that things are done similarly in both mods where they overlap.
But the awards should be visible in the the profile (in a post) for a limited amount of time.
Say, IG wins gets to the Month Meeting place. During the next month, he will have that cup we all know. After that, the cup disappears from his profile (the part we see when someone makes a post) and gets registered somewhere in his profile, behind a link:
( Monthly Meeting Place April 2012
( Monthly Meeting Place June 2011
One of the features lets people choose their own "favorite awards" that they want to appear in their mini-profiles (besides posts.) Since it's easy to create new awards, and categories of awards, and give all of these things names, it should be possible (and easy) to simulate that functionality. For instance, instead of naming an award "Monthly Meeting Place," it could be "Monthly Meeting Place <name of place> <month and year>," and the person could choose for themselves whether they'd like to keep.."wearing" it, as it were. What do you think of that? :sherlock:
IG wins gets to the Month Meeting place.
I win? me so happi! :content:
Congratulations! :headbanger:
I am in favor of using that one instead of the old award mod we have. I think it is a better mod all around. Iadr makes the most use of the award mod, though, so we should get his opinion.
Well, the old mod will now uninstall, so I've tried the new one..
There is no way to associate links with awards, and there doesn't seem to be a way to choose specifically which should appear in mini-profiles. You can set a global limit on the number shown there. I think "favorites" will have priority for being shown there--but there doesn't seem to be a way to make awards not be shown there if the person has any..
I am in favor of using that one instead of the old award mod we have. I think it is a better mod all around. Iadr makes the most use of the award mod, though, so we should get his opinion.
Fine with us to go ahead with the new system. :goodjob:
One of the features lets people choose their own "favorite awards" that they want to appear in their mini-profiles (besides posts.) Since it's easy to create new awards, and categories of awards, and give all of these things names, it should be possible (and easy) to simulate that functionality. For instance, instead of naming an award "Monthly Meeting Place," it could be "Monthly Meeting Place <name of place> <month and year>," and the person could choose for themselves whether they'd like to keep.."wearing" it, as it were. What do you think of that? :sherlock:
Fine with us to go ahead with the new system. :goodjob:
I'm glad you approve, but it seems it doesn't do exactly what I at first thought: :?
There is no way to associate links with awards, and there doesn't seem to be a way to choose specifically which should appear in mini-profiles. You can set a global limit on the number shown there. I think "favorites" will have priority for being shown there--but there doesn't seem to be a way to make awards not be shown there if the person has any..
By the way, the awards are links, but they link to the member's award page, and can not be set arbitrarily.
On the other hand, it does seem to be a significant improvement over our current awards mod, which also seems to no longer be maintained. However, if we change, current awards will be lost--how much of an issue is that?
By the way, the awards are links, but they link to the member's award page, and can not be set arbitrarily.
On the other hand, it does seem to be a significant improvement over our current awards mod, which also seems to no longer be maintained. However, if we change, current awards will be lost--how much of an issue is that?
Can't they be transfered by hand some way that is not too time consumeing, IE a script to do this on its own or somewhat of the sort?
I think we only have three awards at the moment that have been given out to a total of three people currently. Migration shouldn't be too hard, right?
Can't they be transfered by hand some way that is not too time consumeing, IE a script to do this on its own or somewhat of the sort?
Of course; we can always customize things to our needs. The awards do have a "date awarded" field already...
I think we only have three awards at the moment that have been given out to a total of three people currently. Migration shouldn't be too hard, right?
No, it shouldn't be difficult. I may be doing this tonight, if everyone is cool with it...
Hey, how's it going fellas?
I've got an award! :approve:
Please pardon my good friend nu up there; he was kind enough to try on a new (and possibly radioactive) award.
As you can see, nu's award is displayed in his mini-profile. If you click on it there, you'll get a page with more information on the award, along with a list of everyone else who has received it. In addition, in nu's profile, there is an awards item on the left under profile info; this gives all of nu's awards.
If you are an award awarder, you should have access to a new item in the admin panel, awards. It has five tabs:
Here is a list of the currently held awards.
(All of them are Monthly Meeting Place, so I will just indicate their metallic persuasion.)
iadr - gold
Armored Bore - silver
Alex Lou - gold
pj - platinum
DrTechnical - bronze
I'd re-award them myself, but I don't know what the new awards should be like.
Hey, how's it going fellas?
I've got an award! :approve:
And a big one. Can you make them smaller?
You can use the images we have used so far to re-award things.
That's really good nu! um.. i mean mu! I like it, the only thing that's slightly annoying is the black box around the awards as seen in the thread window, but other then that its really good :)
How do i achieve the nuclear award comrade? I have to kill a nu? 8)
I get the following error when trying to click on nu's award. Also, I can't see anything on the awards page in his profile. The rest seems to work well, though.
Unable to load the 'awards_members' template.
I get the following error when trying to click on nu's award.
Unable to load the 'awards_members' template.
I don't see any error
I get the following error when trying to click on nu's award.
Unable to load the 'awards_members' template.
I don't see any error
In that case, can mu please make sure the template is in place for all themes?
Have another go at it, StarMist-using wolve.. :thatso:
Edit: Edit never mind, not yet. And sorry for breaking stuff for you for a minute there. :teeth:
Have another go at it
Now I just get a completely blank screen. Can you have nu try it out on starmist and see what he gets?
StarMist-using wolve.. :thatso:
Should be fixed now. :smugbow:
That's really good nu! um.. i mean mu! I like it, the only thing that's slightly annoying is the black box around the awards as seen in the thread window, but other then that its really good :)
I agree. I'll play around with the style later. In the meantime,
DEAL WITH IT!!!!!11!! :mwahaha:
How do i achieve the nuclear award comrade? I have to kill a nu? 8)
I'll think about it.. :plotting:
That's really good nu! um.. i mean mu! I like it, the only thing that's slightly annoying is the black box around the awards as seen in the thread window, but other then that its really good :)
I agree. I'll play around with the style later. In the meantime,
Make them smaller! :)
I just switched to star-mist for a test and it works perfectly fine for me. :content:
I've changed the style, and have given nu some more stuff so we can see what it looks like with it. What does everyone think?
I just switched to star-mist for a test and it works perfectly fine for me. :content:
That's because it was already fixed. :P
Can you make them smaller?
Make them smaller! :)
:plotting:.. :uhm: I don't understand what you mean.. :huhwhat:
Can you make them smaller?
Make them smaller! :)
Oh, so it's up to the uploader to define how big will the award thumbnails are?
(the new nu's award's are great :goodjob: )
I like, good job! ^^
So... who can give badges/awards? I'm in ;)
I think Lumi, iadr, and myself are the only three with the group necessary at the moment.
Rebel made some really nice contributions which would be a shame not to take advantage of.