Mortal Mist
Welcoming Boards => Lucid Dreaming Techniques => : zachharmonic August 12, 2011, 01:06:51 PM
Have any of you taken a line from Inception and tried using an object to do RC's? My friend was telling me about him doing that last night and he was saying it worked out fairly well for him, he ended up getting lucid because of it. I'm going to start trying that today, anyone else have any experiences with this?
Following up on this, I usually never remember to do RC's and today I must have done at least 20. So, this seems like it should work, for me at least :D
Following up on this, I usually never remember to do RC's and today I must have done at least 20. So, this seems like it should work, for me at least :D
Most people are probably like you zachharmonic and hardly ever remember to do reality checks. If the thing you are using for your object is something that you often dream about, then this will probably work very well.
I've never had a dream about it, I actually just found it today in a bag I meant to take to school. But I figure if I keep it on me at all times and spin it (It's a top) arbitrarily, with the connotation of it being a RC then I should dream about it eventually?
I have a necklace that I sort of use as a "Totem," not as a reality check but as a kind of power up in dreams.
In my daytime meditation I "imbue" the necklace with positive energy. When in the dream (after becoming lucid) I can rely on the necklace as an energy boost in the interest of Dream Control. This has worked wonders for me, in fact I haven't had to use it in quite a while because my control improved so readily with the use of it.
Hope this is helpful!
I don't have any tiny objects I can use as a "totem" but I do use my dresser [weird, i know] for a reality check sometimes. I dream about that dresser a lot and it's usually in a strange place. I guess that can count as a totem? I don't believe they ever said it had to be a tiny object but just a object. :D
Random note: Speaking of "Inception", one of my lucid dream goals is to do the city bending thing. It's not going well though... XD
I've been quite curious about this subject as well. Using "totems" to help with you with reality checks in dreams. Just like the movie Inception. Has anyone had something like this that worked before? Did it work for you? I'm interested in this subject. Like using a spinning top in a dream to see if it will keep spinning or seeing if it will stop. This would be a good experience.
Ive been keeping a stone in my pocket constantly. The hope is that in my dreams i can try to change its properties (color, size, etc) as a dream check, and maybe associate with a dream power or DC, to double its usefulness. So far, the best ive done is remember that IRL i keep a stone in my pocket and i feel its weight in my pocket during a lucid dream.
Have any of you taken a line from Inception and tried using an object to do RC's? My friend was telling me about him doing that last night and he was saying it worked out fairly well for him, he ended up getting lucid because of it. I'm going to start trying that today, anyone else have any experiences with this?
Inception ~ My Spirit Weeps, where is my mind?
What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. ~ Confucius
Truth and value do not come from movies, they come from within.
Truth and value do not come from movies, they come from within.
I'm not sure that applies here Indigo. His idea is taking an object and seeing if it changes to decide if he's dreaming or not. Just because it came from a movie doesn't mean it's bunk. On an ironic note, that quote of Confucius tells you that you shouldn't listen to anything Confucius says.
What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others. ~ Confucius
Implying if you have to rely on Confucius for wisdom you're a small man, right from the man himself. :chuckle:
Implying if you have to rely on Confucius for wisdom you're a small man, right from the man himself. :chuckle:
I don't seek of Confucius, I simple quote him. I seek in myself, why else would i care? ^^;
I just don;t want OP to get stuck in a pattern of watching lucid dreaming movies and following them exactly, and besides i though it went without mention but the whole totem idea is just extra work for something that is very easy and if he obsesses on a totem he will actually loose the thing that is most important, self experience. If he just looked inside of himself then he could discover that you don't need a toy to focus on, you simply need to focus on yourself and you will never have a problem with lucid dreaming again because knowledge of the self "how you feel, think, act, do." will trigger a lucid dream instantly for the fact you are not yourself at that time.
the whole totem idea is just extra work for something that is very easy and if he obsesses on a totem he will actually loose the thing that is most important, self experience. If he just looked inside of himself then he could discover that you don't need a toy to focus on, you simply need to focus on yourself
Yes it is an inanimate object and yes, the inspiration might be from a movie. But you animate the object by giving it your energy and attention`and movies are just a way to tell a story, and we tell each other stories to expand our imaginations and beliefs, to share ideas and make you reflect on your own internal state, to question yourself and your surroundings and the world and sometimes even dreams. Truth and value can definitely come from movies.
The best part of using my totem is that it is NOT an external toy. The concept is that you are putting part of yourself into the totem, and can have something you can touch see and feel that is part of yourself If you do not identify with your totem on a core level, it is NOT a totem.
knowledge of the self "how you feel, think, act, do." will trigger a lucid dream instantly for the fact you are not yourself at that time.
And having something solid in your pocket to remind you to reflect on who you are is not difficult and can't hurt
Hehe, Confucius is being a jerk there.
Implying if you have to rely on Confucius for wisdom you're a small man, right from the man himself. :chuckle:
I don't seek of Confucius, I simple quote him. I seek in myself, why else would i care? ^^
Hey, I wasn't having a personal jab at you, I was just saying how his quote was a little ironic as a comment on the side. ;-D
Implying if you have to rely on Confucius for wisdom you're a small man, right from the man himself. :chuckle:
I don't seek of Confucius, I simple quote him. I seek in myself, why else would i care? ^^
Hey, I wasn't having a personal jab at you, I was just saying how his quote was a little ironic as a comment on the side. ;-D
I know that, was just saying because quoting is not seeking :content: , if that was the case i would be this guy right now.
I just don;t want OP to get stuck in a pattern of watching lucid dreaming movies and following them exactly, and besides i though it went without mention but the whole totem idea is just extra work for something that is very easy and if he obsesses on a totem he will actually loose the thing that is most important, self experience. If he just looked inside of himself then he could discover that you don't need a toy to focus on, you simply need to focus on yourself and you will never have a problem with lucid dreaming again because knowledge of the self "how you feel, think, act, do." will trigger a lucid dream instantly for the fact you are not yourself at that time.
For the record, I have moderate ADD. :T Simply forgetting about it is a genuine issue for me, so don't be an asshat.
One thing I've tried that's kind of like a totem is to change something that I usually have with me in some way so that I'll notice it's different. For example, if you normally wear a ring, wear it on a different finger. Or if you normally wear a wristwatch, wear it on the other wrist. Or add an old key you never use to your key chain. Or put a piece of duct tape on the back of your cell phone. You'll notice the thing that's different from time to time during the day. When you do notice it, do an RC and/or think about some aspect of LDing. You have to change whatever it is pretty frequently, though, or you'll get used to it and not notice it.
I don't use a totem per say. But sometimes I'll draw an "A" on my hand and do a reality check every time :explode: I look at it. It works surprisingly often.
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I posted the following in a slightly different topic within this Techniques section. It more applies here in this thread so I'm copying it below:
Hey everybody,
I'm new to this site, but not new to lucid dreaming. About 10 years ago I was really into it for a few years. Practiced like mad and had a steady stream of LDs. Then I got side-tracked, stopped doing RCs and writing in a DJ, and of course the LDs stopped too. Now I'm back!
I have noticed that one of my strongest dream signs involves magic tricks and magic shows; I'm a retired professional magician! So I've been wearing a red rubber finger lately, like the one they use for counting cash. My two part-time jobs are bookkeeper and retail office supply associate. Wearing a red rubber finger is quite appropriate in these jobs. I have been doing sleight-of-hand tricks with this thimble sized, red rubber finger, for staff and customers as of late. Because magic tricks is a constant dream sign and looking at my hands is a popular RC, I'm convinced I'm onto something, for me. People are quite amazed with the magic, and I look at them as if they are dream characters, looking at my hands doing magic, as if it were a dream.
I've just ordered a set of professional Gold Thimbles for magicians; should arrive in about a week. I am going to wear a Gold thimble at these jobs, and justify it by doing the trick. I've been wearing the red rubber finger on the bus and such, and when people look strangely at me I just see them as random dream characters.
I would love to have some input from some of you regarding this new technique that I think is quite tailored (mind the thimble pun) to my own circumstances.
My inspiration was watching the movie Inception last week, in particular, the use of Totems. So far, no LD, but it's only been 4 or 5 days so far, and I'm determined!
I am a great fan of sleight of hand. I know enough about it to appreciate the real thing - and thimble illusions are the real thing!
I posted the following in a slightly different topic within this Techniques section. It more applies here in this thread so I'm copying it below:
Hey everybody,
I'm new to this site, but not new to lucid dreaming. About 10 years ago I was really into it for a few years. Practiced like mad and had a steady stream of LDs. Then I got side-tracked, stopped doing RCs and writing in a DJ, and of course the LDs stopped too. Now I'm back!
I have noticed that one of my strongest dream signs involves magic tricks and magic shows; I'm a retired professional magician! So I've been wearing a red rubber finger lately, like the one they use for counting cash. My two part-time jobs are bookkeeper and retail office supply associate. Wearing a red rubber finger is quite appropriate in these jobs. I have been doing sleight-of-hand tricks with this thimble sized, red rubber finger, for staff and customers as of late. Because magic tricks is a constant dream sign and looking at my hands is a popular RC, I'm convinced I'm onto something, for me. People are quite amazed with the magic, and I look at them as if they are dream characters, looking at my hands doing magic, as if it were a dream.
I've just ordered a set of professional Gold Thimbles for magicians; should arrive in about a week. I am going to wear a Gold thimble at these jobs, and justify it by doing the trick. I've been wearing the red rubber finger on the bus and such, and when people look strangely at me I just see them as random dream characters.
I would love to have some input from some of you regarding this new technique that I think is quite tailored (mind the thimble pun) to my own circumstances.
My inspiration was watching the movie Inception last week, in particular, the use of Totems. So far, no LD, but it's only been 4 or 5 days so far, and I'm determined!
It's a clever idea and as good as any dream sign. I don't know that dream signs are all that useful and the same for reality checks. Darn it, I'm becoming lucid in most of my normal dreams. Anytime I exercise dream control I'm becoming lucid, lol, I have much better dream control in non-lucid dreams, or anytime I ask how I got here or anything magical happens- the effect of realizing that one can become lucid in normal dreams rather than just Wilds. I assumed all lucid dreams were Wilds before I began forum posting.
It's a clever idea and as good as any dream sign. I don't know that dream signs are all that useful and the same for reality checks. Darn it, I'm becoming lucid in most of my normal dreams. Anytime I exercise dream control I'm becoming lucid, lol, I have much better dream control in non-lucid dreams, or anytime I ask how I got here or anything magical happens- the effect of realizing that one can become lucid in normal dreams rather than just Wilds. I assumed all lucid dreams were Wilds before I began forum posting.
Hey Snaggle,
Sounds like you carry a certain amount of awareness into your dreams. What is it, do you think, that causes you to so easily apply conscious direction while within a dream?
And yes, PJ, sleight-of-hand is a wonderful art; my favorite type of magic!
It's a clever idea and as good as any dream sign. I don't know that dream signs are all that useful and the same for reality checks. Darn it, I'm becoming lucid in most of my normal dreams. Anytime I exercise dream control I'm becoming lucid, lol, I have much better dream control in non-lucid dreams, or anytime I ask how I got here or anything magical happens- the effect of realizing that one can become lucid in normal dreams rather than just Wilds. I assumed all lucid dreams were Wilds before I began forum posting.
Hey Snaggle,
Sounds like you carry a certain amount of awareness into your dreams. What is it, do you think, that causes you to so easily apply conscious direction while within a dream?
Hi PerchanceToDream
I've always seen hypnagogic images when going to sleep. Had to undergo a sleep test last year, could not fall asleep, but their machines said I was sleeping :-[. I was in a very shallow rest far from even decent NREM dreams, so using their tests as a guide I've always been able to do Direct WILDS going into sleep, so am a natural WILDer. Though personally I don't consider it to be a real WILD until one crosses over into REM sleep or that one is really asleep in NREM, since one is still aware of what's happening in the real world can move without breaking the dreams and can "wake up" by just opening ones eyes. During my test the hospital bed was so uncomfortable that I could not fall asleep (at least into REM sleep).
It's a clever idea and as good as any dream sign. I don't know that dream signs are all that useful and the same for reality checks. Darn it, I'm becoming lucid in most of my normal dreams. Anytime I exercise dream control I'm becoming lucid, lol, I have much better dream control in non-lucid dreams, or anytime I ask how I got here or anything magical happens- the effect of realizing that one can become lucid in normal dreams rather than just Wilds. I assumed all lucid dreams were Wilds before I began forum posting.
No disscusion you have a lot of awareness in your dream!