Mortal Mist
Welcoming Boards => Lucid Dreaming Techniques => : VagalTone January 24, 2013, 01:00:21 PM
Hi !
do you recognize a special dreamy feeling in your dreams ?
is there a way to get used to it ? what do you think ?
the mild tecnhique includes feelings but to be aware of them is more dificult than objects i think, and perhaps the approach is different.
it would be great if we could probe that feeling more often. According to Tim Post, the Lucid Daydream Tecnhique, has this advantage.
do you think a daydream or visualization may resemble a dream in its feeling?
I think it was Ryan Hurd who talked about Lucid Daydreaming in one of his recent publications. The concept is really nice and can be practiced any time - you remain aware during your daydreams and take control rather than just letting your thoughts wander. It obviously wouldn't be as vivid as night dreaming, but it is good practice. I believe it has produced results for some people, otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned it.
It is harder than it sounds - for me, anyway. Maintaining awareness with enough diligence to be lucid in your daydreams is no small feat!
Maintaining awareness with enough diligence to be lucid in your daydreams is no small feat!
a good meditation routine may help here.
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I'm not sure if it counts as day dreaming. But imagining a dream in a wakeful state can help achieve lucidity. I'll often close my eyes in bed and visualize a dream that I want to have. Sometimes some of those aspects will come through.