Mortal Mist

Welcoming Boards => Lucid Dreaming Techniques => : Jmac1982 February 12, 2013, 01:41:22 PM

: ? about CAT
: Jmac1982 February 12, 2013, 01:41:22 PM
If a person were to try this method, after the first strict 7 days, what happens if you go out one night on the weekend and party? Does it screw it all up and you have to start over or would you just make sure to still wake up at the time your supposed to? Because you obviously wouldn't be going to bed at your normal hour. Thanks in advance
: Re: ? about CAT
: Jomid59 February 12, 2013, 03:47:11 PM
Search reveals nothing to me.

What is CAT

edit:  :D thanks to MM active help (had to read posted post), looked it up.

Being a bit of a purist, I would think best to keep to routine for at least a month. So no parties!
: Re: ? about CAT
: Shellidfl February 12, 2013, 05:39:24 PM
Being a bit of a purist, I would think best to keep to routine for at least a month. So no parties!
That would SUCK! :D
: Re: ? about CAT
: Jmac1982 February 12, 2013, 05:50:16 PM
:( was hoping I wouldn't hear that lol
: Re: ? about CAT
: Sunshine February 12, 2013, 08:18:14 PM
(content removed by user request)
: Re: ? about CAT
: Heidiho775 November 05, 2017, 09:46:56 AM
Cat is a very nice technique. I had few success with it but friends of mine just use CAT.  :D