Author Topic: GADOWAS (I Am Hunting)  (Read 1401 times)

Offline Wędajihs

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GADOWAS (I Am Hunting)
« on: April 22, 2020, 02:10:59 PM »
GADOWAS (ga-DOE-wahs) The word means 'I am hunting or I am a hunter'.

A dream is a mythic wilderness within. We sleep and then awaken in a wilderness that is ripe with wisdom and soul shifting experiences to be had... if we want for it. I realized, lately, that my dreams have been severely lacking in passion, purpose, and direction. I could keep passively bumbling my way through the dream wilds OR I could hone my purpose, choose direction, and rekindle my passion by actively hunting for deep mental and spiritual sustenance within dreams. I have chosen to be a hunter.I will begin my dream hunt tonight, on this new moon night, April 22nd.

Hunt 1: Who Am I?
Prey: A container, any container, hold it with the question firm in mind, "Who am I?. Then empty the container, inspect the contents, interpret an an answer.
I will keep track of non lucid attempts and successes, as well as lucid attempts and successes.

Preparation: Enact the same intention with containers throughout the day, train the action to carry over into dreams, lucid and non lucid.

If anyone is reading and wants to join the hunt too, I welcome you. Log in-dream attempts and successes here. I'd love to read and discuss the experiences.

Happy Hunting
2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Wędajihs

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Re: GADOWAS (I Am Hunting)
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2020, 07:51:22 AM »
Much intentioning mentally and vocally yesterday. I believe I landed my first Hunter dream.

April 23: No More than a Shadow
I was in an old house, might have been the house that I remember as my first childhoood home. People were going into the house and disappearing. I went in out of curiosity. In the basement, one of my greatest fears met me. I defended myself by repeating, "I am wedajihs. I am alive. You're dead. It withered back into the shadows. I was on the fringe of lucidity as I looked around me and thought, "You can't hurt me any more than a shadow can," to the house and everything in it.

Preparation: When I saw an empty cup, box, or anything else, I picked it up, and repeated... "Who am I?" mentally and then vocally. I closed my eyes and tipped the object over and visualized things falling out of the object.

The Container: This house is a container, a jumbled and dark representation of a childhood home where my my earliest memories were formed.

Who am I? I am me. I am alive. I am no longer a prisoner of the dark parts of that container. They can't hurt me any more than a shadow can.

I did not empty the house physically but I did go in and stand up against the shadows that exist within it. It was in my moments of weakness and fear that I asked myself, "Who am I?" over and over again, and in my mind I told myself that I am not a frightened little child anymore. I told the shadows over and over who I am, that I am alive, and that shadows can't hurt me. The things lurking in the dark retreated, perhaps even left the building because though it was still dark the entire landscape felt lighter. I realized and was confident that nothing could hurt me there.

I did not discover why the people were disappearing or where they went but I feel like that was not the reason for me being there. It was more like the house was hunting me, baiting me with the disappearances. So in actuality the Hunter became the hunted but I then managed to reverse the roles.

2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Caradon

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Re: GADOWAS (I Am Hunting)
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2020, 12:09:51 AM »
Cool. Interesting idea!

Offline Wędajihs

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Re: GADOWAS (I Am Hunting)
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2020, 07:53:39 AM »
I realized that true passion and reaching for a goal was missing from my dream life. I was thinking to back to some of my best dream experiences and there usually a purpose, an almost obsessive drive behind them. I want that back. Well, I need it back in my life. Especially now.
2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Wędajihs

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Re: GADOWAS (I Am Hunting)
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2020, 02:19:27 AM »
Had a strange one this afternoon.

I had to keep answering the door, got frustrated and left the house. I knocked on another door to some random place. Someone said, "Who is it?" and I remembered my intention. "It's me." I replied. "Who is it?" the voice behind the door asked again. "It's me. Who am I? Show me who I am."

The door swung open to reveal a very tall red haired guy. "Who am I?" I asked him. He inspected me closely and waved for me to come in. He pointed to the right, "You'll find out down there."

The door had been attached to a building but as I stepped through I realized it was just a door standing by itself along the road. I walked through and the red haired man pointed the way again. I was at the top of a steep hill. I had to walk to the end of the hill to find the path down to the hill's base where people sat waiting. I stepped onto the path and realized it was a sidewalk just hanging in the air as if the ground had eroded away from beneath it. I walked the hovering path to the bottom of the hill.

Two people greeted me. The man said, "Who are you? What do you want?". I answered by asking, "Who am I? What am I here for?" The old guy laughed and then launched into a string of sentences that made no sense or had no punctuation. I stopped him in mid rant and asked, "Who am I?" The man laughed and said, "Everywhere. You are everywhere. How did you forget?"

I shrugged and the old man lead me further along the paved path. We came to an elevator door that stood alone at the end of the path. I knocked on the steel door and yelled in, "Who am I?" I pressed the button on the door to open it but it would not come open. I pried the door open and stepped into the elevator. All the walls were mirrored and I danced around while watching my many reflections dance off into a reflected eternity. The elevator ride became jerky ride took me to a crowded mall full of dead eyed people milling about. I tried to use the elevator to escape the mall but it would not work anymore. I tried to fit into the milling crowd by acting the same because I felt that if I didn't, they would attack and kill me.

2021 Lucid Dreams: 8

Offline Caradon

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Re: GADOWAS (I Am Hunting)
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2020, 05:06:58 AM »
That sounds like a profound dream. Scary at the end though.