Author Topic: 01 Welcome!  (Read 2589 times)

Offline Seeker

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01 Welcome!
« on: April 30, 2008, 03:47:54 PM »
Hello and welcome to the first Back to Basics Workshop, thank you very much for your kind words and enthusiasm.  This workshop will run the entire month of May and will provide a review of basic techniques to induce lucidity in a structured format.  During this month, we will cover topics ranging from dream recall to simple induction techniques.

First off, I apologize if all of this seems too simple or a boring repeat of techniques already well understood.  We have a very advance company of lucid dreamers here, each and every on qualified to teach this course.

Perhaps it is best to think of this as a review, kind of a rediscovering your roots.  With luck, future workshops will include those who are only beginning their quest for improved lucidity.  I've had the opportunity to speak with and offer advice to many lucid dreamers who have found that their ability to lucid dream diminishes over time or evaporates entirely.  These “dry spells” are a source of great stress to the lucid dreamer who remembers those grand lucid dreams of the past and constantly sees those around him having lucid dreams.  One cause of dry spells is a forgetting of basics, the advanced dreamer becomes lax, fails to perform reality checks and eventually lets his recall slip.  If you are in a dry spell right now, ask yourself.  “How many reality checks do I perform daily?”  I'm sure it will be nowhere near as many as when you were having lucid dreams regularly.  I myself will personally participate in all exercises, I've also been in a serious lucid drought lately.

OK, back to the workshop.  You have noticed by now that this workshop is contained within it's own sub-forum.  As we progress through various topics in the workshop, I will create threads related to each topic.  At the beginning of each thread, I'll say a few words and assign some exercises.  You as a participant will be asked to respond in the thread with requested information,  questions, and problems.

Here is the general outline and order of topics we will discuss.

1)   Dream recall
2)   Dream journal
3)   Dream signs
4)   Reality checks
5)   Simple induction techniques
6)   Summary and critique

NOTE: It will benefit you if you sort the topics in this form ascending by subject.

The things learned from this workshop will be used to fine tune future workshops.

OK, Let's go!  This should be a blast!
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