Author Topic: Sara's journey continues  (Read 180725 times)

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #900 on: June 09, 2009, 07:36:07 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline LucidBuddha

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #901 on: June 09, 2009, 08:48:09 PM »
Careful Sara

A story if you will....

My girlfriend and I both keep a Dream Journal - although mine is consistent and hers is not. Well, one day this past March she wants me to come over. When I arrive she shows me a little fleshy thingie in a dish. Turns out that she was pregnant for 2 months and didn't know it. She continued birth control and that terminated the child. She was devastated (and a bit relieved).
A day went by and as I'm consoling her a bit, I ask her if we could go through her DJ to see if there were any clues. Approx. 2 months prior - 2nd week of January - she recorded some dreams. These were back to back.

The first - She dreams that she is pregnant and she has to turn down alcohol and a party because of it.

The 2nd - She dreams that she is helping a bride before a wedding. The bride takes a pregnancy test which is negative and gives her the 2nd one. It reveals that she's pregnant. She tosses it aside and walks to a mirror where an electronic device is blinking and flashing lights that say "YES!!! YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!"

I couldn't believe that she wrote both of these down and didn't think to check it out. Turns out her roommate also had a dream about my girlfriend being pregnant around the same time. I'm thinking we all knew the same time my girl just said, "I always have pregnant dreams"

Sorry for the long post - hope you get something out of it!  :D
"It is your mind that creates this world"-The Buddha

Offline Burned up

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #902 on: June 10, 2009, 04:35:38 AM »
Careful Sara

A story if you will....

My girlfriend and I both keep a Dream Journal - although mine is consistent and hers is not. Well, one day this past March she wants me to come over. When I arrive she shows me a little fleshy thingie in a dish. Turns out that she was pregnant for 2 months and didn't know it. She continued birth control and that terminated the child. She was devastated (and a bit relieved).
A day went by and as I'm consoling her a bit, I ask her if we could go through her DJ to see if there were any clues. Approx. 2 months prior - 2nd week of January - she recorded some dreams. These were back to back.

The first - She dreams that she is pregnant and she has to turn down alcohol and a party because of it.

The 2nd - She dreams that she is helping a bride before a wedding. The bride takes a pregnancy test which is negative and gives her the 2nd one. It reveals that she's pregnant. She tosses it aside and walks to a mirror where an electronic device is blinking and flashing lights that say "YES!!! YOU'RE PREGNANT!!!!"

I couldn't believe that she wrote both of these down and didn't think to check it out. Turns out her roommate also had a dream about my girlfriend being pregnant around the same time. I'm thinking we all knew the same time my girl just said, "I always have pregnant dreams"

Sorry for the long post - hope you get something out of it!  :D

That's amazing.  I've heard about these kinds of stories in books etc but never first hand.  Somehow people know (unconsciously at least) whether they're pregnant or not.

Well, Sara - those kits probably only cost a few euros.

Offline Sara

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #903 on: June 19, 2009, 05:25:03 PM »
Woops, I certainly hope that's not the case, LB :)

It's hard for me to get back into the habit of recording dreams. I have a notebook next to my pillow, but I haven't written a single word since my promise to try and make notes.

Anyway, no more baby-dreams in the past 10 days, pfew!

A lot of horse-dreams, which I love!
Most about going to competition while my horse isn't ready, so we leave, or we don't compete and still get a second price :D

Last night I had a very big BFO (AHA-moment) in my dream. I woke up and thought 'wow, this is really important, I should remember it' but I went back to sleep and of course, I forgot...  :doh:

Tonight, I'm sure I'm going to make some notes, so I can post a very nice dream tomorrow morning  :dream:
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #904 on: June 19, 2009, 07:50:21 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Sara

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #905 on: June 23, 2009, 08:34:57 AM »
Owww, I never should've written about the baby-dreams disappearing...
They are back, and how!!

After my promise of making nightly notes, I only wrote down 1 word, the name of the baby-girl of my friend. I had a lovely dream about her, but I don't remember much details.

22 June 2009

Flying through the airport
I'm coming from a train and have to catch a plane to Sweden, as I'm running through they airport, I'm almost falling down into a large hall, but manage to catch a railing just in time, pfew! I hurry, but there's a HUGE shopping area before the airport, in which I get lost...
I feel overwhelmed by the size and the beauty of the shops (hmmm, I saw 'confessions of a shopaholic' recently in French (really, it was synced, but I could understand most of the movie)

23 June 2009


I'm in a train, which is going very fast. Problems with catching a connection

Elevator at school
I'm at uni, wanting to catch some equipment from the 2nd floor, however, the stupid elevator brings me to the 6th, which is a 'no go zone' for me. Several of my old class mates are at work on this floor and tell me not to touch anything. I accidentally press a button on an aquarium with fish, so it turns dark. Oops! I crawl under the door of the elevator (which was stuck halfway between 2 floors) and try to escape.
In the hallway, I run into a professor who had sent me an email I didn't want to respond. I expect her to be angry, but quite the opposite: she's nice and offers to delay our meeting till next year :D

The lovely baby-girl
My best friend goes out for the weekend, I get to take care of her baby-girl. The girl has grown a lot since last time! She's now 90cm, but still only 3 months old. I dress her in very cute clothes: a blue shirt with horseys and white pants, also with some horsey symbols. This was a gift for my friend and I'm sure she's going to like it.
Unlike previous dreams, this time the girl cannot talk, but she has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. I love her so much and give her a big hug!  :content:

Completed lucid challenges:
Intermediate: IA WW EF TK

Lucid count:
DILD=14??:: WILD=8 :: total lucid time: approx 3h 50 mins
2007: DILD=16, WILD=13, total lucid time approx 1h 50mins

Offline Burned up

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Re: Sara's journey continues
« Reply #906 on: June 23, 2009, 01:30:41 PM »


:chuckle:  (followed by a RC)

I'm in a train, which is going very fast. Problems with catching a connection

I think I've forgotten more dreams like that than most people can remember.

I accidentally press a button on an aquarium with fish, so it turns dark. Oops! I crawl under the door of the elevator (which was stuck halfway between 2 floors) and try to escape.

Why do they do that?  In dreams, I mean.

The lovely baby-girl
My best friend goes out for the weekend, I get to take care of her baby-girl. The girl has grown a lot since last time! She's now 90cm, but still only 3 months old. I dress her in very cute clothes: a blue shirt with horseys and white pants, also with some horsey symbols. This was a gift for my friend and I'm sure she's going to like it.
Unlike previous dreams, this time the girl cannot talk, but she has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. I love her so much and give her a big hug!  :content:

Sounds nice :D