Owww, I never should've written about the baby-dreams disappearing...
They are back, and how!!
After my promise of making nightly notes, I only wrote down 1 word, the name of the baby-girl of my friend. I had a lovely dream about her, but I don't remember much details.
22 June 2009Flying through the airportI'm coming from a train and have to catch a plane to Sweden, as I'm running through they airport, I'm almost falling down into a large hall, but manage to catch a railing just in time, pfew! I hurry, but there's a HUGE shopping area before the airport, in which I get lost...
I feel overwhelmed by the size and the beauty of the shops (hmmm, I saw 'confessions of a shopaholic' recently in French (really, it was synced, but I could understand most of the movie)
23 June 2009T-wordI'm in a train, which is going very fast. Problems with catching a connection
Elevator at schoolI'm at uni, wanting to catch some equipment from the 2nd floor, however, the stupid elevator brings me to the 6th, which is a 'no go zone' for me. Several of my old class mates are at work on this floor and tell me not to touch anything. I accidentally press a button on an aquarium with fish, so it turns dark. Oops! I crawl under the door of the elevator (which was stuck halfway between 2 floors) and try to escape.
In the hallway, I run into a professor who had sent me an email I didn't want to respond. I expect her to be angry, but quite the opposite: she's nice and offers to delay our meeting till next year
The lovely baby-girlMy best friend goes out for the weekend, I get to take care of her baby-girl. The girl has grown a lot since last time! She's now 90cm, but still only 3 months old. I dress her in very cute clothes: a blue shirt with horseys and white pants, also with some horsey symbols. This was a gift for my friend and I'm sure she's going to like it.
Unlike previous dreams, this time the girl cannot talk, but she has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. I love her so much and give her a big hug!