Author Topic: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry  (Read 48827 times)

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #255 on: June 04, 2009, 06:40:43 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #256 on: June 10, 2009, 06:18:06 PM »
I lie on my back and relax myself by imagining my feet sinking into the bed. I alternate "pushing" my face and my feet deeper into relaxation. I replay a memory in my mind from earlier in the day, riding my bike through the grassy hills with my little brother. When I feel relaxed enough, I roll to my left side and begin feeling my body hum with energy. The humming gets stronger, vibrating my body until I feel like my head will explode. I encourage the vibrations to get stronger, while keeping my breath even and calm. I imagine the feeling of swaying back and forth, loosening myself from my body.

I am still imagining myself bike riding through a grove of sycamores. This visualization starts to flicker, flashing back and forth to another scene that feels more vivid. In this new scene, I am rollerskating, swaying back and forth down a city street. It feels completely real, but I am still aware of my real body back in bed. I keep myself breathing evenly in the dream, and can feel my real body doing the same back in bed.

I am moving fast, half-skating, half-flying over the steep hills of San Francisco. Buildings flash past me, as I soar inches from the ground, flying faster than a car on a freeway. There are crowds of people all around me, but I weave in and out of them with ease. As I enter the towering skyscrapers of the financial district, I throw out a long cable or rope, hooking it onto a nearby building. I pull myself up on it, launching myself into the air like spiderman. My swing sweeps in a wide arc along the street before shooting me high above the nearby rooftops. Once airborne, I fly around the skyscrapers, admiring their realism and detail.

After several minutes exploring the city from above, I stop midair, and just admire the view I have of the whole city. As I focus my vision on each part of the city, buildings seem to appear and disappear. Each building I look at seems to gain detail, while the others fade into obscurity.

I am still consciously metering my breathing to keep the dream stable. I can feel my body breathing, back in bed. By shifting my attention, I easily return to my body. I use this technique several times to "reset" the dreamscape. Back in bed, I simply fly out of my bedroom, and smash out the front window of my house to fly to a new scene. I explore several different scenes, including some old neighborhoods from my childhood and the picturesque canyon lakes from Twoshadows' photos.

The last time I fly out of my window, I just fly around my neighborhood a bit. It looks like the sun is just coming up, illuminating the bare branches of the winter trees in crisp sunlight. I hover slowly around the neighborhood, even with the tops of the trees. As I watch their swaying branches, they start to sprout buds, then flowers, and finally leaves. The seasons seem to pass before my eyes, and soon the trees are covered in lush green leaves.

I explore some streets I have never been down before, curious to see what they look like. Strangely, they all seem to be from the early 1980s. The cars are stereotypical of the late 70s and early 80s (including some pinstriped Chevy vans that make me laugh). The streets are full of children, playing outside. I land to play some playground ball games with a few of them. I show off a little, throwing the ball impossibly high in the air, then leaping up to catch it. The sight of so many happy children playing outside and enjoying life makes me very emotional. I laugh so hard, I start crying tears of joy. I can feel my real body back in bed laughing and crying, also. It distracts me a little, and brings my attention back.

My girlfriend gets out of bed and starts stomping around the house. She keeps yelling at me to wake up, saying she is making my favorite breakfast. I try to stay in the dream, mumbling to her through my sleep paralysis. She turns on a loud movie called "Order of the Phoenix", apparently a sequel to the movie "The Water Horse."

I finally give up, and open my eyes. Instead of my bedroom, I see an out of place scene of a mirrored closet door. From my viewing angle, I see a strange purple glow reflected from the corner of the mirror. There is something glowing just out of my field of vision. I try to move my head to see, but I am paralyzed. I relax, and let my consciousness drift away from my body so I can see what is glowing. My point of view floats to the side, and I am startled by an unexpected sight. A beautiful, half naked woman is dancing wildly in the corner of the room. Her skin is glowing purple, like a neon sign, and her body is clothed in massive amounts of gold jewelery. I think to myself that she looks like some sort of Hindu goddess. In response to the thought, her dancing and spinning reveals several more sets of arms.

Interrupted, my vision snaps back to where it should be, and I feel like the dream is over. I get out of bed, but notice I am still in the strange room with the mirrored closet door. This must be another false awakening! I see a naked, teenage girl inspecting her reflection in the mirror, unaware of my presence. She is crying, obviously very unhappy about her skinny teenage body. I float over to her, and give her a hug before floating out of the room.

There is a party going on in this house. It seems like a fraternity. I turn visible, and create a body for myself. People are surprised to see me appear, naked, in the middle of their party. They start lightheartedly teasing me and joking with me. I laugh with them, explaining that I am a model, and am doing a photoshoot in this house. A group of guys shows me out to the courtyard garden, where there are tables set up with a catering company. It looks like a wedding reception, or reunion of some kind. We sit down and have some drinks at one of the tables, waiting for our food to come. I explain to them that this is all a dream, and show off some cool tricks. One of the guys throws plates into the air for me. I use my telekinesis to make them fly around and do flips before landing in a stack in my hand.

I slip in and out of lucidity at the party. Eventually, I realize what a long dream this has been, and decide I should wake myself up to write it all down. All together, the dream lasted at least 60-90 minutes, and was incredibly vivid. There were parts I didn't even record in my bedside journal, and parts I left out of this writeup. I wish I had time to write it all down, or explain how much fun it really was.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Robot_Butler

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On the way home...
« Reply #257 on: June 22, 2009, 01:01:55 PM »
It is a long walk home, but I don't mind.  In fact, I'm secretly glad I missed the bus.  I dust the sand off of my flip flops, throw my towel over my shoulder, and start shuffling home.  I'm glad I'll get to enjoy the afternoon sunshine a bit longer.

As I pass a new apartment building, I hear laughing and splashing coming from the other side of the fence.  It sounds like a pool party.  Well, I'm already dressed for the occasion.  I bounce on my heels a few times, considering it, then leap into the air in a high arc.  I easily clear the tall fence and land, with a splash, in the pool.

Everyone is a bit surprised by this stranger dropping out of the sky and into their party.  They seem wary at first, but warm up to me after a few minutes.  Most of the people seem familiar in a vague sort of way.  I hang out for a while, showing off some fun tricks such as walking on water.  Nobody quite comprehends why I have such confidence and control over my surroundings.

Eventually, I convince everyone to come out with me for a night on the town.  I tell them I can give them the night of their lives, making all of their wishes come true for the evening.  One pale blond girl complains that she is not dressed or prepared for an evening out.  She seems awkwardly self conscious.  I stand face to face with her in the waist high water, and hold her head in my hands.  I tell her to imagine exactly what she wants to look like, and who she wants to be.  I run my fingers through her thin hair, and notice she is more pale than I first thought.  Her hair is falling out, and her skin is like paper, showing the spidery veins underneath.  As I pull her hair away from her ear, I see a trickle of blood.  I trace it down her neck to a ghastly open wound torn across her throat.  It looks like her neck has been slit, or her throat torn out by an animal.  She tells me the wound never healed properly since she died in an accident with her friend several years ago.  Not put off, I continue stroking her hair and pouring loving energy into her.  We both close our eyes, and when I open mine, she looks like an entirely different person.  Her hair is full and freshly styled.  Her skin is smooth and flawlessly healed.  She is even fully dressed in evening wear, with a professional makeup job.

The club we want to go to, "Point A," is the newest and hottest nightclub in town.  The crowd spills out onto the street, and the line stretches around the corner.  I calmly make my way through the crowd, walking slowly.  I teleport around people by focusing on the space right in front of them.  Every time I blink my eyes, I am moved forward another few feet.  I take a seat at a crowded table in the corner, surrounded by a group of strangers.  I close my eyes, then open them to see the crowd of strangers has transformed into all my new friends from the pool party.

I get into a conversation with one of the guys.  I can tell he doesn't like me much.  Now that he is out of the pool, I see he is in a wheel chair.  His legs are mangled and withered.  He says he has grown accustomed to his condition, and doesn't want me to take the injury away from him.  I show him how I healed his girlfriend,  who is now talking to a random girl from the crowd.  He still refuses.  His injury has become a part of who he is, and curing it would be like stealing the experience from him.  He does admit to wanting a sex life again, making a joke about his legs not being the only thing that got taken from him in the accident.  This admission seems to suddenly release him.  He instantly transforms into a ghostly 8 year old child in a white suit, and climbs into my lap.  I hold him with one arm as I continue chatting with everyone.

From the corner of my eye, I notice a  man staring at me.  He gets up from his table, and starts making his way across the room.  Did I go to high school with him?  Is he someone's older brother?  I know him from somewhere.

I notice the blond girl I healed is talking to an old friend.  This friend looks almost exactly like her.  I realize that when I told her to imagine what she wants to look like, she chose this friend as a model.  They have the same haircut and the same clothing, but their faces still look different.  This new girl  has dark, sunken eyes, where my blond friend has brilliant sparkling green.  There is something sinister and cruel about this stranger.  She climbs on top of me in an aggressive way and kisses me forcefully.  She teases me, saying I smell bad, and that my lips are greasy from sunscreen and lip balm.  I defend myself, explaining I was at the beach all day rescuing swimmers from shark attacks.  I remember back to this part of the dream, and wish I had a dream camera.  It will be difficult to remember all the details from that previous adventure.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Seeker

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #258 on: June 22, 2009, 02:24:27 PM »
Wow, that is one wonderful dream!  I applaud you for using your powers to help and to heal.  So often I am saddened when I read post after post about distruction and selfishness.

Bravo!!  :clap:
be the change you wish to see in the world

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #259 on: June 29, 2009, 02:22:08 PM »
Thanks, Seeker.  Many of my dreams lately have had a loving, peaceful atmosphere.  I'm hoping that is a good sign that things are going well in my life.  It is always so hard to figure out what is really going on in these obtuse brains of ours.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Robot_Butler

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #260 on: June 29, 2009, 02:22:31 PM »
I've been having tons of these short spontaneous DILDs lately, even though I haven't been doing anything specifically to cause them.  Here are a few from the last week:

The Wolf
Looking in the mirror, I realize something is wrong with the reflection.  The reflection of my face looks correct, but my clothes and surroundings are not reflected properly.  The objects I am holding don't show up in the mirror, and my body does not even seem to be in the same position.   I realize I must be dreaming.  I slowly and purposefully make my way out of the house, looking at my hands to stabilize the dream.

As I walk into the front yard, I count my fingers.  Six, seven, eight fingers?  Everything looks remarkably stable and real, even my eight-fingered hands.  I pause for a minute in the front garden.  This is not my house, but my childhood home.  I stop by the lavender plants, and lean in to smell the small purple flowers.  As I look closely at the plants, I notice dozens of bees darting around.  I take a deep breath to relax and try to see if I can feel their life energy.  I can hear their soft buzzing, and feel the vibrations resonate in my body.

This humming feeling makes my body start to change.  I bend over on all fours, looking down at myself to see I have turned into a large white wolf.  It feels natural to walk on all four of my legs, so I take off running down the street.  I can run incredibly fast, and circle the block faster than I could in my car.  As I approach my original starting point again, I see some people on the street.  I recognize one of the girls, the sister of an old friend from college.  Apprehensively, she reaches down to pet me gently, like a dog.  I can tell she is frightened of me.  I talk with her for a while, and we end up having sex right on the street.  The sex feels strange, and I realize I am still in the body of a wolf.  I briefly consider how perverted this scene is, before waking up.

The Bear
I'm wandering around at a concert at an outdoor amphitheater.  A path leads to a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean.  Steel rails flank the path, separating it from some animal cages, beyond.  Zookeepers are busy cleaning the polar bear's cage.  I briefly wonder where they keep the bear while they clean.  As I turn around to walk back to the concert, my question is answered as I see the polar bear climbing over the railings.  He looks right at me, and slowly approaches.  He seems friendly and curious about me.  I get a strong feeling of love and friendship from him like you get from your dog.  Of course, I still continue walking away from him since he is a gigantic, wild polar bear.  I don't want to provoke him by running, but I also don't want to get too close to him.  Halfway up the path, we are intercepted by another bear.  This one is a large black bear the size of a grizzly, but patterned like a sunbear.  He and the polar bear stop to sniff each other, while I take the opportunity to run away.

I make it safely back to my group of friends, and start to tell them about the bears.  In trying to explain the events, I realize how ridiculous and unbelievable my story sounds.  I instantly know I must be dreaming.  Before I can consider what to do, I see my polar bear friend making his way through the crowds towards me.  I approach him, in awe of his size and majesty.  I stroke his fur, amazed at how real and warm it feels.  I can feel his powerful muscles moving beneath the thick coat of white fur.  It is really intimidating to be so close to such a huge and dangerous animal, even though I know it is a dream.  My heart is beating fast, and I feel the adrenaline from the excitement.  I wrap my arms around the beast, and bury my face in his soft, sweet smelling fur.  He lowers himself down, and I climb onto his back for a ride.

He stands up quickly, throwing me off balance for a second.  As I struggle to hold on, I'm surprised to see feathers sprout from his sides.  The feathers grow into wings, snow-white and fluffy like an angel.  The winged bear leaps into the air, and takes me for a short flight around the outdoor amphitheater.  The sudden flight is a little too vivid and unexpected.  The excitement wake me up.
My Dream Journal:
Snacks From The Butler's Pantry
Basic: HA, LM, FL, GG,
Intermediate: TP, DC, MO, CW, WW, JT
Advanced: OB, AN, GC, DR, SC, ST

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Snacks from the Butler's Pantry
« Reply #261 on: June 29, 2009, 04:58:24 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »