Author Topic: Rhythm Napping  (Read 3188 times)

Offline BNNewsHadow

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Rhythm Napping
« on: June 30, 2010, 03:42:41 PM »
Hey there,

Im sorry, if theres a topic on this already but i didnt find anything, so this is what i have to say and ask or even introduce you to:

The Timer-method! or "rhythm napping"
This video from our well known.. Nicholas Newport is the best way to explain it

If you cant (be bothered to) whatch video, rhythm napping is a technique allowing you to sort of hover through the different sleepstates while remaining lucid. The trick is that you set up a particular timer interval (8,4,8,12,16,20,20,6, end) to wake yourself up in the (for lucid dreamers/ OBEers) unimportant sleep stages until your inner clock >expects< another beep in the next few minutes and thus "wakes" you up right before the SP begins (people often wake up a few minutes before their alarm clock rings, you know ;D).
This can pretty much be discribed ad the best method ever.. so far :P (who knows what comes? Right, PS9?

and now heres my problem: i cant find a "8,4,8,12,16,20,20,6," timer setting as an mp3  :sad1:

Offline DownTheRabbitHole

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Re: Rhythm Napping
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 05:12:34 PM »
I can email you the sound clips I have and you can arrange them by silcence/beeps, if you want.  :D
I've seen all the lucidology 101 videos, and this is actually the only method that's worked for me, but not exactly how it was intended. Instead, it just made me sleep lighter, which made it easier to get lucid, which I guess is kind of the intent...
Lucidology has  a few other good kurnles, but nothing else that really worked for me x_x
It's good if you wanna see what all the possibilities are.
You can call me Skye =3
.Oh look, it's a turtle, you should probably do a RC.
Pick a color, any color, as you see it... are you dreaming?

Offline BNNewsHadow

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Re: Rhythm Napping
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2010, 09:01:13 AM »
and you can arrange them by silcence/beeps, if you want.  Grin

How would I do that?? O_o Im stupid, you know =P
How did you manage to see all lucidogoly 101s? Did you give him your email?! Cos he was kind enough to lack 3 videos on youtube!

Offline DownTheRabbitHole

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Re: Rhythm Napping
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2010, 06:17:37 PM »
I've seen all the videos that are on youtube.
And what you do is (if you have an ipod) You play a beep track, put several 10 (or so) minute silence tracks in a row, right next to eachother, then another beep track, stack more silence clips, another beep, ect.
If you pm me your email, I can email you.
You can call me Skye =3
.Oh look, it's a turtle, you should probably do a RC.
Pick a color, any color, as you see it... are you dreaming?

Offline BNNewsHadow

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Re: Rhythm Napping
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 02:39:47 AM »
Neither do i have an I-Pod nor an I-Phone nor an I-Pad!! ^^
But I have a handy and therefore an mp3-player.
I dont need any more help anyway, thanks =). I downoaded the 4base timer thingie and cut away the 6sec beep at the beginning  :)