Author Topic: Dream recall by meditation  (Read 3182 times)

Offline Luminous

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Dream recall by meditation
« on: June 16, 2009, 04:26:36 PM »
Through personal experience, I have learned that it is possible to recall recent dreams that you didn't remember even when you woke up in the morning. I have come up with a technique that I use to do this, and I believe that it can be useful for others. This recall technique is based on meditation, so this technique is good for those of you who have experience with mediation. It also have the advantage that it can be done whenever it suits you.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position (though if you are sleepy, you might fall asleep if you feel too comfortable) and use your favorite meditation technique to get yourself in a calm, relaxed state of mind. The meditation technique I use, is to focus on my breathing and counting my breaths, relaxing a little more at each count. When you feel good and ready, ask yourself: "What did I dream last night?" Think of nothing else. If you can recall even the tiniest fragment, even an emotion you remember feeling in a dream, focus on that. You might experience seeing dream scenes as hypnagogic imagery. Play through them in your mind, and let more and more details return to your memory. Once you feel that you have recalled everything you can, slowly get up, and write it all down.

Did this technique work for you? If so, please make a note of it in your workbook.

(Winner of the coveted Black Hole Award!)

Offline Burned up

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Re: Dream recall by meditation
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 04:31:42 PM »
This is closer to what I do than anything else I've read.  The only trouble I have, though, is falling asleep.

Offline Luminous

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Re: Dream recall by meditation
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 04:42:12 PM »
This is closer to what I do than anything else I've read.  The only trouble I have, though, is falling asleep.

Maybe you can try it at a time of day when you are not sleepy, and in a sitting position?

(Winner of the coveted Black Hole Award!)

Offline Burned up

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Re: Dream recall by meditation
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2009, 04:27:15 AM »
This is closer to what I do than anything else I've read.  The only trouble I have, though, is falling asleep.

Maybe you can try it at a time of day when you are not sleepy, and in a sitting position?

Yes, and I guess that's what you meant first time :doh:
I'll try it today.