Thanks pj

I've certainly had a lot of success with recall since using a sleep mask. At first I just wore cheap ones but then I started ordering and trying different types online. I've tried quite a few but the absolute best by a country mile is the Escape mask by Dream Essentials. You can get it on Amazon, or directly from their website. I bought one of the new improved softer versions and it was so amazing I bought a second one. It really does block 100% of light. Many sleep masks advertise this, but in reality they don't. It is also beautifully soft and comfortable even when lying on your side. It also has cut out indents for your eyes so you don't feel it rubbing on your eyelids and lashes and you can comfortably open your eyes while wearing the mask and remain in total darkness.
Here's the link to their website might want to try a cheap mask first to see if it works for them.
The other thing that helps with recall is to try and remain still upon first awakening, keep your eyes closed, and focus on where you just were. If you naturally open your eyes when you awaken don't worry, just close them again. The beauty of the sleep mask is that you will be kept in darkness so your dream will still be accessible. It seems to be light that washes your dreams away. If nothing comes to you

then simply put everything out of your mind and start drifting back to sleep. You don't have to go completely to sleep, and in fact you don't need to because as soon as your brain re-enters a deeper alpha rhythm getting close to theta, your dream should come flooding back of its own accord.
It may take a few mornings before you recall a dream, but like I said, after that it gets easier and easier.
These links provide an interesting read on brain waves and sleep/wakefulness. Once you understand how the different brain wave patterns relate to different levels of arousal you'll see why my techniques are so conducive to good dream recall. you know that at any time throughout the day you can willfully alter the rhythm of your brain waves simply by closing your eyes? 
If you didn't know this then you really should read the links. Your brain is a tool you use for lucid dreaming so the least you can do is know how it works!

Let me know how you all get on with this!