Author Topic: Maya's mini DJ  (Read 2726 times)

Offline miss_maya

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Maya's mini DJ
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:19:12 PM »
:Welcome to my mini DJ:

Color codes for dreams are:
Blue - Lucid
Purple - Semi-lucid (lowest level awareness e.g flying)
Black - Non-lucid


Offline pj

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Re: Maya's mini DJ
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 08:45:02 AM »
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: Maya's mini DJ
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 01:33:07 AM »
Sorry i havn't had access to a computer recently, i'm attempting to catch up using my phone at the hair dresser, lol.

What i believe dreams are.

To cut a long story shorter, my ideas about dreams come mainly from what i've taken in from reading about Psychology, Jung, Tibetan Buddhism, and Lucid dreaming. This mixes in with my own experiences with dreaming, meditation and one very mysterious supernatural life changing incident of literally "going into the light".

To try to define what i think the meaning of dreams is, would be to delve into questions on existence and reality itself. So i will list what i think dreams represent:
-Dreams give us some indication of the current state of our mind.
-Dreams allow our conscious mind to take a rest and process our reality in an uninhibited way.
-A dream can be an echo of something from real life, a new idea, an unexpressed emotion, a healthy escape, a problem to be worked out, etc. etc.
-I agree with Buiddhists that dreams are karmic traces to work through.

What i believe dreams are not:

-Although i could appreciate the usefulness and validity of symbolic representation that Dream Dictionaries provide, i have also realized that personal meanings are often much more valid.
-Dream interpretation, including those you think may be premonitions, should be treated in a light hearted "just for fun" way. Don't stress out about them or take too seriously.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 06:32:00 AM by miss_maya »


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Re: Maya's mini DJ
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 02:59:36 AM »
We want a dream!   ;-D

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Maya's mini DJ
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 11:08:13 PM »
I second that :D
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline miss_maya

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Re: Maya's mini DJ
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2010, 06:21:30 AM »
So sorry for the lateness, i hadn't had access to internet or computers lately.
i FINALLY had a dream i can remember a fair bit of, and finally have access to a computer w00t!! :D

Lucidity level: 4/5
Lucidity lacking: Control of my emotional attachments.
Dream sign: Car disappears, Dream people have come to comfort me.
Reality checks: none.


I'm flying somewhere and then it feels like i'm driving up and down some local hilly streets. Suddenly something reaches breaking point. All at once the car, my body, my emotions and my mind run completely out of fuel. I have no more energy to keep flying or running away. I feel no point continuing such an activity. I stand there on the road, my car has just vanished. A feeling of loss and sadness overwhelms me as i stand on the grey grass. I'm overwhelmingly sad for no precise reason only that i'm exhausted. i see now, i realize its time to stop running, my heart feels like it's on the floor. I've realized i cannot run inside my dreams any longer.. As soon as i look up i see some people who have come to comfort me during this important moment. My mother in her most compassionate form, my cat Kicha (deceased IRL) and 2 other small animals.
It calms my heart to see them all here, i bend down and gently pat Kicha on her head while she looks up at me concerned. I tell her in my quiet thoughts "i know.. i'm dreaming". She understands.
I had just surprised myself at how i had became very lucid without the need to proclaim i'm dreaming or do interesting RC's. Its the gentlest lucidity awakening i've ever experienced.
I also got this vague feeling that i've been lucid in more dreams than i've been admitting..
Back to the story, Kicha wants to help my state of extreme weakness, so she brings out a small bottle (nail polish size) of what i understand is "life-nectar", which she telepathically tells me will replenish the energy i've lost during all that escaping i've been doing in dreams and possibly in life.
I'm touched and i take the bottle. As i look at it, i notice Kicha has vanished.
No, i can't take it, where did she go? i forget about the drink and call Kicha to come back. I call her until she does return. I pick her up and hold her. She places her paws around my neck like a hug, just like she used to do in real life. Its such a good familiar feeling, i walk around with her like that until the dream fades
(or maybe i woke).

I'm in some really nice school building by the sea. It has cream pillars. The place has this Japan feeling to it but actually i'm not sure where this is.
Inside the building i meet some beautiful people. One of them is a very beautiful tall Japanese man. Otherworldly beautiful in fact, very rare face i get to enjoy looking at quite closely. He is kind but turns to walk down the hall. I follow him and these people into the dark depths of this building..

I can't recall how i got to this next part, but i'm near the door of the school now looking out into the scenery. To my delight i see the sea! I become lucid, because i realize the sea looks incredibly closer this time than it has been in previous dreams. This must be a good thing! it certainly feels so, and as i go onto the street to look at the sparkling sea in the noonish sunlight, i feel my eyes feeling so fresh, so lucid. I have this distinct feeling that something in has changed in me today, i feel like i'm entering a new beginning of some sort. Definitely like something has changed, i just can't find the words.
For some reason i begin thinking about left and right brain functions and how they might effect dreaming (totally something i never thought about IRL, spur of the moment).
I decide to do a little experiment. "ok so, right eye connects to the left brain.. k.."
I close my left eye and observe the street/beach/school scene.
I close my right and open my left eye, i'm in the bedroom in bed! ok,
I switch eyes again and i'm back at the scene.
I'm fascinated and keep walking along experimenting with this interesting new RC.
I see new scenes, and my room. The results of what i can see in each eye are inconsistent, but the right eye tended to see a dream scene while the left eye saw the room i'm sleeping in. fascinating.
I do it until i lose the dream..

I wake up and realize that seeing my room was probably FA.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 06:32:58 AM by miss_maya »


Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Maya's mini DJ
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2010, 03:39:07 AM »
I'm sure I'm missing the background here:  the things that you're running from, escaping from in life.  I have no idea of your situation.  But, you seem to be sizing up your social/emotional resources for whatever changes you want to bring about.

Seeing the sea sounded really significant.  A sign that you're ready for something.  Or that you've overcome something within yourself.

Offline Burned up

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Re: Maya's mini DJ
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2010, 02:37:03 PM »
I'm especially taken by the scene with Kicha and the potion bottle.

You have one but you can't have both.  Kicha gives you a warm, loving feeling.  The potion gives you (as far as you know) energy - but would you give up the warm love for a magic cure to the exhaustion of running all your life?  You make a choice, and you choose the warm love.

Not entirely sure about the potion.  Seems to be more about temptation in general than specifically about the energy.  But I don't know, let's look at a DD...



To see a potion in your dream, indicates misfortune and negative consequences. You should not try to purposely alter the normal rhythm of things.

Well there you have it (if the DD is remotely accurate).  You did right to choose the cat :goodjob: