Author Topic: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations  (Read 3176 times)

Offline DrTechnical

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Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« on: August 07, 2011, 02:07:45 PM »
I recently stumbled onto a very powerful and reproducible technique. The best finds are always tripped over.

Many of us have had the experience of creating a "portal" and walking through. There are various ways to do this. For example, kneeling in front of a wall, placing your hands on it and de-materializing the substance of the wall and walking through. More often than not, people tend to report one of two things:

1) getting caught in a nebulous, unformed sort of void
2) Moving into a new scene which is quite random in nature.

The result in (1) is quite interesting. In a certain sense you have lost your dream visuals which is one major simulated sense in the dreamspace. So if one sense has been lost, why not leverage some of your others?

I have found that a combination of the following tools can help me manifest a desired target location:

a) Feel for some object consistent with the target.
b) Listen for some sound consistent with the target.
c) As always, intention and confidence will be part of your success.

I will provide an example. I walk up to a wall, and decompose it. I find myself in a void. I rip open a hole in the nebulous fabric. I feel for the banister of the basement stairs of my old house. As I begin to walk, I listen for the sound characteristic of walking up a wooden stairway - and of course I hear just that.

What I have found, is the more dream senses that are exercised, the more clear and well formed the new dream scene becomes.  Voila ... instant dreamspace teleportation to a specific target location.

This observation and method should be generally broad enough for anyone to apply. Just choose your target and anticipated sensory input wisely.

Good luck!
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2011, 03:38:23 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2011, 04:06:08 PM »
Good stuff, as always.

I routinely walk through un-decomposed walls.  It seems about 50-50 whether I end up in a void or a place.  I like the focus on the other senses. . . makes sense. 
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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2011, 07:46:41 AM »
I have not really had the void problem. It may be down to the fact that when i used my "fall backward through the pavement and end up on my front in the other dream scape method". I shut my eyes when this happens, I let the gravity pull me through and flip me on the other side. I guess my way removes the human aspect of it and that may be why i don't get the void. I would guess walking into a void consciously would equal a void, where i don't even see a void i just fall and fall out again.  :content:

If you don't see it, It may not be there.
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Offline Sunshine

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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2011, 07:53:52 AM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2011, 02:08:46 PM »
I like entering the void and spend time playing and observing the patterns in there. Its feels restfull to me and its great to let the senses have a bit of a break at times
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Offline SmifoPL

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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2011, 07:38:31 PM »
Falling backwards is how I learned to finally get thru solid things.

I don't get it .. when i fall backwards i do not actually fall i just float on my back as if swimming backstroke.. i've tried many times now and always the same happens i set my mind to actually falling but when it comes to it i just float

Offline DrTechnical

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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2011, 09:05:29 AM »
A spin on MB's idea of falling backwards is to hop around waiting to find a soft spot in the floor and falling through. Works especially well when the scene is night time. You might wanna try that rather than the falling backwards thing if floating is getting in the way.
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Re: Portals and Entering Specific Target Locations
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2011, 05:47:49 PM »
I don't pay enough attention to voids to be able to comment on them at present, but I am very familiar with portals. Portals always feel interesting to me; they have their own unique feel. A while back I became interested in making my own portals to see if I could. My methods seem to have been a little different that what's described here, though. If I wanted a portal to another place in the same dreamworld, I made an elevator. If I wanted a portal to another dream, I would decide that one was there and it would be. Nowadays I teleport more often than making portals and only last used them when I needed to transport a DC/DCs.

As for using your senses, that is useful. The sense I use most often isn't one of the five senses, though, so it's sort of hard to explain. Hukif calls it a scanning sense. If I want my SC to solidify and/or add details to a new dreamworld I find it easier to just tell her so via her language and ask her questions such as, "What's around me? Are there any people? What's the plot? What's my backstory/the backstory of the DC I'm in?" etc. I've found that she likes to develop worlds more in response to my questions. She can become irritated if I catch a plot hole she misses, though. When that happens I point it out and ask for a fix. She tries to fix it and sometimes can, sometimes can't if it's too big of one. When she can't she gets irritated and a little snippy. It amuses me when that happens; it reminds me that she isn't some omnipotent dream entity -- she's just another part of me doing this for fun just as I am and she can have troubles with the program just like I can.