Author Topic: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)  (Read 1826 times)

Offline annehhh

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Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:39:53 AM »
Hi! I'm Annie. I'm 20 years old. I've never been on this forum, or ever spoke about my lucid dreaming online before, so please be patient with me.
My lucid dreaming started about two months ago. I'll start by saying that I know most people try to lucid dream, but I don't. I didn't even know about it until I looked it up after a few times of doing it myself. At first it terrified me as I didn't know what was happening to me. It still scares me sometimes. I've been told by a friend that when I'm in the dream, I should go with it, and see where it takes me. Sometimes I get scared though, and try to wake myself up - I throw myself into things and just end up 'waking' up back in my bed. Sometimes I can 're-wake' 10 up to 10 times. Every dream I've had has started, or I've been contained to my bed. When I try to escape the dream, and wake up for real, my ears get completely muffled and my chest hurts - and I get this feeling that I'm dying. When this happens all I can think is that my partner is going to find me dead! I was wondering  if anyone else gets this feeling? If this is what my friend tells me, a spiritual connection, out of body experience, am I getting too close to another spiritual plain?
Anyway. My main question is - WHY AM I HAVING THEM? I'm not complaining. I am just a little scared. I just want to know - is there something medically wrong with me? Or am I connecting with something spiritual - and why has it just started happening now? I have the dreams about 2 times a week. Also, when I have finally woken up, I sometimes hallucinate. 3 times I have seen words floating around in a square, once I saw red circles (like the ones on no smoking, no entry etc) floating around my room (this was my first one, I jumped up and looked outside, I thought someone was shining them into my house from outside!!), and the last time, two days ago, I saw the square text, and also faces. Lots and lots of changing faces. Then I saw mine, and I was just staring at myself. Then there was more faces. I was just lay in my bed watching them.

Does anyone have any theories as to why am I lucid dreaming without trying, and then hallucinating when I wake up? Also, does anyone have any tips on how I can be less scared when I am there? Thank you so much for listening to me.

Offline pj

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2012, 12:07:30 PM »
First, welcome to Mortal Mist, Annie.

I doubt anybody here will be able to answer the question of "why" for you.  Lucid Dreaming is still a very new frontier as far as science and medicine are concerned.  The other questions you ask will bring many different answers and perspectives.  Some believe that Lucid Dreaming is a spiritual experience, others do not.  Some believe that what is happening is beyond the bounds of our physical beings, while others believe firmly that everything will eventually be explained in a purely objective scientific manner.

What I CAN tell you is this; it sounds like you are one of a very select few among us who have lucid dreams without trying.  Most of us - me included - require an ongoing effort to get lucid only occasionally!  You are what we call a "natural".  Why you suddenly became a natural is beyond anything any of us will likely be able to address. 

I believe that the frightening things you are experiencing when you try to wake up are related to Sleep Paralysis or SP.  This is a perfectly natural (and necessary!) thing the body does when we go to sleep.  It is rare to be conscious during SP, and it can certainly be terrifying if you don't know what is going on.  Ryan Hurd is an expert on Sleep Paralysis - he has published an excellent book on the subject:

Ryan's website is

He is a member here, but isn't very active.  I'm sure he would welcome you contacting him.  (Let him know who sent you!)

I am going to bring this thread to the attention of a couple of our naturals here.  They will at least be able to relate to your experiences, and perhaps can offer advice and support for you.

Lucid Dreaming, for many of us, is one of the most amazing experiences we are capable of having.  Once you learn a bit more about control and the physiological aspects of sleep, I think you will have less fear and be able to explore and maybe even enjoy your new found skill.
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Offline Luminous

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2012, 01:16:47 PM »

Like pj said, no one can really tell you "why". Just keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with you - I'd say that something is right! You're probably scared because it's new to you, and you're not sure what's happening to you. Knowing that many people have experienced what you're going through, and that it's safe and not a sign of illness will probably calm you down. Your friends offer good advice with going with the dream and see where it takes you. After all, they are dreams, you can do whatever you want!

When it comes to the hallucinations and strange experiencing with waking up, I think pj pretty much covered it. They are classic symptoms of sleep paralysis, and hallucinations, like the ones you're describing, are common during this. There is also something called hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations that occur right before you fall asleep, or right after you have waken up, that you seem to describe. They can occur outside of sleep paralysis.

I hope you stick around and share more experiences! We're happy to help you, and it's great to get to meet someone who is new to lucid dreaming, regardless of how they occur. ;)

(Winner of the coveted Black Hole Award!)

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2012, 05:41:09 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Snaggle

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2012, 09:03:05 PM »
...At first it terrified me as I didn't know what was happening to me. It still scares me sometimes...Sometimes I get scared though, and try to wake myself up - I throw myself into things and just end up 'waking' up back in my bed. Sometimes I can 're-wake' 10 up to 10 times. Every dream I've had has started, or I've been contained to my bed. When I try to escape the dream, and wake up for real, my ears get completely muffled and my chest hurts - and I get this feeling that I'm dying. When this happens all I can think is that my partner is going to find me dead!

It's perfectly normal to be frightened by new experiences. Are you becoming lucid in the dreams or are you going into sleep with unbroken consciousness? Pressures on ones chest are one of the signs of sleep apnea (AKA you've stopped breathing while asleep). You should have a doctor test you for it, though it's most likely that your fear is causing you to stop breathing.

I was wondering  if anyone else gets this feeling? If this is what my friend tells me, a spiritual connection, out of body experience, am I getting too close to another spiritual plain?

I would say not.

Anyway. My main question is - WHY AM I HAVING THEM? I'm not complaining. I am just a little scared. I just want to know - is there something medically wrong with me? Or am I connecting with something spiritual - and why has it just started happening now? I have the dreams about 2 times a week.

 Why they're happening is the part of your brain associated with consciousness and your real memories (if you also have them) has turned on in your dreams or not turned off. This is abnormal, but common place and is not medically threatening, but your chest pressures are something else and they are threatening.

Also, when I have finally woken up, I sometimes hallucinate. 3 times I have seen words floating around in a square, once I saw red circles (like the ones on no smoking, no entry etc) floating around my room (this was my first one, I jumped up and looked outside, I thought someone was shining them into my house from outside!!), and the last time, two days ago, I saw the square text, and also faces. Lots and lots of changing faces. Then I saw mine, and I was just staring at myself. Then there was more faces. I was just lay in my bed watching them.

Does anyone have any theories as to why am I lucid dreaming without trying, and then hallucinating when I wake up? Also, does anyone have any tips on how I can be less scared when I am there? Thank you so much for listening to me.

 The reason you're seeing hypnopomic images when you wake up is easy to explain. When someone sleeps normally their brain slows, in the case one non-lucid dreamers who can't retain unbroken consciousness Or lucid dreamers who can't do wake initiated lucid dreams the whole brain is slowing from a beta brain wave state to a theta brain wave state in which hypnagogic images and dreams happen. what is happening to you is that as you're waking up the part of your brain that creates dreams is still in a theta brain wave state and has not sped up to it's normal waking state fast enough. Your forcing yourself awake may be causing these image to appear as you're transition from sleep to being awake has been too fast. They in any case are just dream images and you can ignor them, just turn them off or play with them as you choose.

sorry did not say hello :-[ Hi Annie welcome to the forum.

Offline Jomid59

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2012, 09:43:01 AM »
Hi Annie,
(my grandmother's name)
Welcome to MM.  :)

Does anyone have any theories as to why am I lucid dreaming without trying, and then hallucinating when I wake up?
Many theories, no conclusive answers. Keep an open mind.
IMO, this sounds like some form of light-sleep paralysis. I would suggest as result of some disturbance to your sleep pattern.
Read what you can on sleep paralysis. I started this thread,5483.0.html  as a result of a newspaper article. I am sure others here will have other links.

Also, does anyone have any tips on how I can be less scared when I am there?
Attend a reputable self-defence class IWL.

btw, are you eating well?
"Stranger in a strange Land"

Offline mentalenforcer

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2012, 03:36:06 PM »
Hi! I'm Annie. I'm 20 years old. I've never been on this forum, or ever spoke about my lucid dreaming online before, so please be patient with me.
My lucid dreaming started about two months ago. I'll start by saying that I know most people try to lucid dream, but I don't. I didn't even know about it until I looked it up after a few times of doing it myself. At first it terrified me as I didn't know what was happening to me. It still scares me sometimes. I've been told by a friend that when I'm in the dream, I should go with it, and see where it takes me. Sometimes I get scared though, and try to wake myself up - I throw myself into things and just end up 'waking' up back in my bed. Sometimes I can 're-wake' 10 up to 10 times. Every dream I've had has started, or I've been contained to my bed. When I try to escape the dream, and wake up for real, my ears get completely muffled and my chest hurts - and I get this feeling that I'm dying. When this happens all I can think is that my partner is going to find me dead! I was wondering  if anyone else gets this feeling? If this is what my friend tells me, a spiritual connection, out of body experience, am I getting too close to another spiritual plain?
Anyway. My main question is - WHY AM I HAVING THEM? I'm not complaining. I am just a little scared. I just want to know - is there something medically wrong with me? Or am I connecting with something spiritual - and why has it just started happening now? I have the dreams about 2 times a week. Also, when I have finally woken up, I sometimes hallucinate. 3 times I have seen words floating around in a square, once I saw red circles (like the ones on no smoking, no entry etc) floating around my room (this was my first one, I jumped up and looked outside, I thought someone was shining them into my house from outside!!), and the last time, two days ago, I saw the square text, and also faces. Lots and lots of changing faces. Then I saw mine, and I was just staring at myself. Then there was more faces. I was just lay in my bed watching them.

Does anyone have any theories as to why am I lucid dreaming without trying, and then hallucinating when I wake up? Also, does anyone have any tips on how I can be less scared when I am there? Thank you so much for listening to me.

Lol, everyone's advice is different because their own personal experience is different!

Most often, if I hallucinate things it means I haven't actually woken.  Not always.  Once last year I woke to see a giant (15-inch legspan) spider across the room on the ceiling.  Within a few seconds, it scurried behind a wall.  I wasn't in SP because I was able to lunge to the side in an attempt to keep it in view.  And it wasn't a false awakening because I stayed awake after.  That's the only experience I can think of with something like this when awake.

More recently, I had a pleasant experience of continued false awakenings, with 9 in total I think.  I knew what was going on and was enjoying the dreams.

It sounds like you might be trying too hard to wake yourself, if I'm correct that the bad feelings you describe happen in response to your effort to wake.  Most times, you should be able to gently will yourself to wake with little effort.  There are exceptions to this.  Three times I've found myself in a dream I couldn't wake from in this way.  But almost always it works.  Learning to wake was something I did early on in dreaming, to escape some scary situations.  (such as falling from a great height)  I can't remember now how I learned.  Maybe you could try to open your eyes while thinking about waking?  I don't think opening the eyes is necessary, but sounds like something I would have tried back then.  In any case, you shouldn't have to force it.

When you have these hallucinations, has it been after you'd pushed yourself to wake?  It could be a matter of managing to wake while you're still dreaming.

As to why your dreaming has picked up lately?  Who knows.  Maybe a breakthrough in your spiritual progress?

Anyway, my advice is, if you want to wake yourself, be gentle.  No need to kick down a wall if there's a door right there.

Welcome to MM!  :)

Offline DrTechnical

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2012, 08:10:45 PM »
I haven't read the other responses but let me offer a few thoughts.

The issue of fear in a lucid dream is an issue of expectation. I have read numerous accounts where people where afraid of the experience or afraid to try something and low and behold, they have a freightening and unpleasant experience.

Here's the thing. Going into a lucid dream with a mindset that nothing can hurt you is very important. In fact, once you learn your way - you will find that lucid dreams have tremendous potential - for just about anything you want (fun, spiritual development, fantasy type experiences, etc ...). The limits to what you can do are defined only by the limits that YOU place on the experience.

It makes very little difference why you have started lucid dreaming. Who cares. Maybe one day this will become more obvious. For now. go with the flow and try to enjoy it. Explore! If you usually start in bed, think about the first thing you will do the next time you find yourself lucid in bed. Maybe you will float up and through the roof and into the night sky? Maybe you will sink into your bed and be transported across space and time to some specific location. Have a plan and know that nothing bad can happen.
"In a fearful stampede to save themselves from the terrifying menace of an original idea, the herd can become a mindless destroyer of the light." - Thomas Campbell

"I just had to get nice last night. My Mind is so free, you wouldn't believe ... you wouldn't believe" - Dave Wyndorf

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2012, 08:14:30 PM »
Hi Annie, and welcome to Mortal Mist.

A lot of us including iadr, have experienced many of the things that you're experiencing, in addition to other scary things, only ours usually happened after taking certain supplements that aid in lucid dreaming. Hearing loud voices, finding our self out of our bodies, while at other times finding our self in our body and being unable to move. All of these things can be quite scary at first, but get much easier to handle the more they are experienced, and the more a person learns what is causing them. and learns how to deal with them. It's sort of like giving a speech. A person can be scared out of their whits the first time they get up in front of a group to speak, but after giving several speeches they get to enjoy giving them and then look forward to it.

With time you will probably look forward to the things you are experiencing, as they will no longer be frightening to you, but will allow you to experience more freedom in the other dimension.
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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2012, 12:19:21 AM »
Welcome to MM. :)

First of all, I relate to your experiences a lot. I did know about lucid dreaming, and I did purposely try to have them, but they also led to a lot of things I didn't know much about and I found it pretty terrifying. The hallucinations, the SP, and later on, OBEs and other states of consciousness.

When you wake up and you're still in a dream, we call that a false awakening. Some people have them more than others. If you're scared and want to wake up, just keep trying. You may want to try things that will destabilize the dream, and that might take some experimenting. For me, spinning in circles is a sure fire way to destabilize the dream and wake up.

The pressure on your chest. I think PJ has already covered that. Sometimes, you can get really strong vibrations from sleep paralysis, and also loud noises like ringing in your ears or even some pain. Try not to freak out...just stay calm. In my experience, the best way to get out of SP is to focus on shaking my head or moving my finger. It might take a minute, and a little concentration but this method seems to work for a lot of people. Sleep paralysis is fairly common; almost everyone experiences it at least once, but some people just tend to have it more. For whatever reason, they become conscious before their body completely wakes up.

When you wake up seeing hallucinations, we call that hypnagagic hallucinations. They're completely normal. If they freak you out, try changing them. You may be surprised at how easy it is to change them around. That includes sounds as well. For me it's like listening to a radio and I can change the station when I want to. :)

It's hard to say whether you are connecting to a spiritual plane or anything like really depends on what you believe. You're the only one who has experienced your own dreams and altered states of consciousness. So we can make guesses but at the end of the day nobody can take a ride inside your head to find out what's going on...and even if we did we could still be wrong. :P

I think it's important to remember that the things you're going through don't mean there's anything wrong with you at all. We have lots of very experienced lucid dreamers here and no harm has come to any of them. Lucid dreams are a natural part of life. Almost everyone has a lucid dream every once in a blue moon or at least once in their life. Some people are just more...talented than others. Natural lucid dreamers like yourself. Think of it as one of life's free gifts. :)

BTW, if you happen to see people in the chat, don't be shy about joining.

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Basic: FL, GG, SO, CL, LM, LC
Intermediate: CO, MF, TP, EF, IA, DC, JA
Advanced: TE, AN, MU, HP
SP: Destinations China, Egypt, England, South America, Australia via TARDIS

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Re: Hi... I'm new here and would please like some help? :)
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2012, 06:54:43 AM »
or some fellowship here as you follow your dream-journey.
????+ Spirulina +????+?????+????+ Lion' s??+ Probiotic Acidophilus?