The cell phone techniqueThis technic on youtube: practice of this phase(OBE, AP, lucid) entry technique is to imagine the sensation that something is resting in the hand, desirably upon awakening without any physical movement. It is best to imagine a cell phone is in the hand because the modern person is quite accustomed to this sensation, although any other object will do. It is necessary to actively and attentively focus on the sensations in the palm of the hand. Most likely, the physical sensation of a phone lying in the hand will quickly arise. The sensation will become increasingly palpable. If a sensation does not arise within 10 seconds, the technique not going to work and it is time to switch to another one.
When the sensation of a phone in the hand occurs, focus every bit of attention on it. It should be noted that this will not be an imagined sensation, but a real one. This should be understood from the very beginning, and results should be expected. Once the sensation is stable, start feeling the mobile phone with the fingers. Physical sensations should be experienced. The physical body, of course, must not move or strain. If this does not work, only focus attention on the sensation of the phone lying in the hand and try to feel the phone with the fingers later. If feeling the phone with the fingers is successful, actively roll the phone around the hand, feeling all of its details.
As soon as it is possible to roll the cell phone around in the hand, separation from the body may be attempted. In this case it is usually easiest to separate by rolling out or standing up. Continue to hold the phone and roll it around, which will maintain the emerging phase state. Separation in this case should be more like actually getting up physically or rolling out of bed, rather than actually separating one thing from something else. That is, do this in the same way as physically getting out of bed, starting from the sensation of the phone in the hand.
If separation is unsuccessful, continue to attentively feel the phone in the hand for a little while longer and try to separate again. If separation happens, the next step is to take actions that are typical for a phase experience: deepening, and then accomplishing predetermined tasks while performing maintaining techniques. If only a partial separation occurs, then separation by force should be attempted.
Generally, the real sensation of a phone in the hand arises with every second attempt. Furthermore, achieving success only requires experience and some dexterity since feeling the sensation of a phone in the hand signifies that the required state has been reached and subsequent actions may be attempted.
It works in 30-50% of attempts
Typical errrors:
- doing it not after awakening
- doing it too long if nothing happened(more than 15-30 sec)
- waiting for something if any phone already in the hand