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Offline Seeker

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« on: May 01, 2008, 08:46:23 AM »
Benchmark – Recall/Lucid Dreams

“To know where you're going, you must know where you've been”

The above quote is often used and is a fundamental truth.  In order to improve, you must know where you stand and where improvements can be made.  This first exercise will establish a benchmark for each of you.
Over the next 24-48 hours, I'd like for each of you to review your dream journal for the month of April and save the following information in your workbook.
1) The number of recalled dreams for the month
2) The number of recalled dream fragments for the month
3) The number of lucid dreams for the month

A recalled dream is a dream in which you remember most of the dream including a lot of detail.
A dream fragment is a dream that is dimly remembered, such as "I dreamed about cabbage".
A lucid dream...well I don't need to tell you guys what that is.  :D

After you have the information, make the following calculations and enter the results into your workbook on the same posting.

1) Dream recall average = # of dreams in April / 30
2) Dream fragment average = # of fragments in April / 30
3) Lucid dream average = # of lucid dreams in April / 30

For example:

-- April 2008 Statistics --

       Dreams:  23
    Fragments: 15
Lucid Dreams: 5

     Dream mean:  23/30 = 0.7667
  Fragment mean: 15/30 = 0.5
Lucid dream mean: 5/30 = 0.1667

We will recalculate these numbers periodically during the month of May to measure progress. The end goal is to increase your number of dreams and lucid dreams while reducing the number of fragments.

If your dream journal is incomplete for April, when calculating the mean, use the number of days your journal spans instead.  For example, if you have only been keeping a journal since April 15, calculare the dream mean as follows:
     Dream mean:  5/15 = 0.3333

If you have not been keeping a dream journal at all, make a best guess at the numbers.  Please be as accurate in your estimate as possible.

If you have not already done so, please create a dream journal and start writing down your recalled dreams.  

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Offline Oneironaught

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« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2008, 11:05:29 PM »
Are we counting short lucid flashes as an LD or only where more than a few seconds exist?

My eyes have been burning me all day (for a week actually) and it's so bad right now that I can barely stop blinking at a rapid rate or holding them closed so I'll have to make my tally tomorrow after work.
Life is wonderful

Offline Seeker

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« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2008, 05:15:40 AM »
It doesn't really matter, so long as you tally up your dreams, frags, and LDs in a consistant manner.  Everyone will be monitoring his/her own progress during this workshop with a goal of showing some improvement.
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