Just letting you know I'm reading too - don't always have time to comment everywhere I stick my nose, but I am enjoying your journal.
cool thank you pj!
I was in this wooden toolshed, watching television. then I cycled the channels looking for some important debate program- the channels were bbc 1,2,3,4 and "bbc commerce", (all of them are available only in britain or unless you have a very very large sat dish) anyhow the second option didn't occur to me at the time
btw I was watching them on some oldschool keyboard that happened to have a detatchable numpad with a small mobile-phone sized LCD on which the channels were shown. I remember one of the channels showed up upside
anyhow I started thinking that I had to be in britain to watch them, and the cost of flying there just to watch TV was way too high and I could buy other stuff for that money
so I got sorta suspicious. I saw a can of deodorant/spraypaint or something like that- in a compressed bottle
I took it and was able to bend it into an arc-shape as if it was plasticine
I realised I was dreaming, was quite cool
GAINED LUCIDITY I started floating in lotus pose (dreamgoal)
I didn't want to remain in a wooden shed for the entire LD- I saw a window, it was covered with curtains and was closed but I deliberately ignored that and was able to fly through it and through a big green tree
then I was in an alley or something. I had to fly down from the toolshed to get there. Now that I think about it this goes a lot like my reguar dreams my brain just replaced my room with a toolshed
anyhow I flew around there below, trying to summon chuck norris- I tried thinking hard to summon him, not just his image but also images of him roundhouse-kicking, explosions, etc, but didn't work. I flew out of the alley and was on the street where my house is at
I started sneezing and woke up,perhaps into an FA, not totally sure
btw I used a somewhat different induciton technique. I took some tips from the dream yoga book and also from one of Shifts posts
at first I was trying to WILD however I didn't try not to move, just to lye generally still, and also I was lying with my legs in a lotus pose and extra pillows behind my head
I couldn't fall asleep in that position though it did get me into that "dream mood"
so basically it was sorta like a cross between trying to WILD and meditating in between sleep during the night
though atm I'm still taking this with a grain of salt because I LD anyway every 2-3 days and this was a 3rd day