Author Topic: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]  (Read 5748 times)

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Re: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2009, 01:55:14 AM »

Offline yuriythebest1

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Re: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2009, 10:11:50 AM »

Offline mu

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Re: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]
« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2009, 12:26:47 AM »
I know that summoning chuck norris is impossible because...
:rofl:  Those were great man!!  :goodjob:

I was playing a video I made of a parrot (I don't have a parrot)
then I was like "hey I still haven't received my minoru3d! this is physically impossible!"
 but I enjoyed the feeling of having that webcam so I didn't object to the dream and proceeded to download/install the newest drivers, then the dream ended
 I guess the dream was so "regular-dream-ish" cause I didn't really object to anything and didn't go against it
Videos/cameras can do some really amazing things, even in regular dreams.
It's often very interesting "not going against" the dream while remaining lucid!

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Re: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2009, 06:16:14 AM »
I was playing a video I made of a parrot (I don't have a parrot)
then I was like "hey I still haven't received my minoru3d! this is physically impossible!"
 but I enjoyed the feeling of having that webcam so I didn't object to the dream and proceeded to download/install the newest drivers, then the dream ended
 I guess the dream was so "regular-dream-ish" cause I didn't really object to anything and didn't go against it

still a nice dream by regular-ppl standards :)

The way I see it, if I knew it was a dream through a large part of the dream, then it is lucid.

That's an interesting camera.  Is that something you are planning on getting or have already ordered?

How do you view what it records?
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Re: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2009, 01:52:42 PM »
Just letting you know I'm reading too - don't always have time to comment everywhere I stick my nose, but I am enjoying your journal.

cool thank you pj!

I was in this wooden toolshed, watching television. then I cycled the channels looking for some important debate program- the channels were bbc 1,2,3,4 and "bbc commerce", (all of them are available only in britain or unless you have a very very large sat dish) anyhow the second option didn't occur to me at the time
btw I was watching them on some oldschool keyboard that happened to have a detatchable numpad with a small mobile-phone sized LCD on which the channels were shown. I remember one of the channels showed up upside

anyhow I started thinking that I had to be in britain to watch them, and the cost of flying there just to watch TV was way too high and I could buy other stuff for that money

 so I got sorta suspicious.  I saw a can of deodorant/spraypaint or something like that- in a compressed bottle
 I took it and was able to bend it into an arc-shape as if it was plasticine
 I realised I was dreaming, was quite cool


 I started floating in lotus pose (dreamgoal)
I didn't want to remain in a wooden shed for the entire LD- I saw a window, it was covered with curtains and was closed but I deliberately ignored that and was able to fly through it and through a big green tree

 then I was in an alley or something. I had to fly down from the toolshed to get there. Now that I think about it this goes a lot like my reguar dreams my brain just replaced my room with a toolshed

anyhow I flew around there below, trying to summon chuck norris- I tried thinking hard to summon him, not just his image but also images of him roundhouse-kicking, explosions, etc, but didn't work.  I flew out of the alley and was on the street where my house is at
I started sneezing and woke up,perhaps into an FA, not totally sure

 btw I used a somewhat different induciton technique. I took some tips from the dream yoga book and also from one of Shifts posts
at first I was trying to WILD however I didn't try not to move, just to lye generally still, and also I was lying with my legs in a lotus pose and extra pillows behind my head
I couldn't fall asleep in that position though it did get me into that "dream mood"
 so basically it was sorta like a cross between trying to WILD and meditating in between sleep during the night
 though atm I'm still taking this with a grain of salt because I LD anyway every 2-3 days and this was a 3rd day

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Re: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2009, 01:26:52 PM »
right, I was trying iadr's  WILD visualization technique and it yielded some pretty good results considering it's the first time I attempted it. I got some nice HI of logos/images of blue transparent skulls/heads in helmets coming towards me like so:

this was followed by an image of part of a 3d cow's head and ended there no matter what I did, still since this is the first time I attempted his method I think there is something to it

Anyhow later on I was too tired to try this visualization technique again so fell asleep normally-ish with a touch of MILD.  I was walking away from my university when I did a hand RC. the first time I looked at it it was normal but the second time it was like so:


I flew up and started flying slowly along the city, taking care not to fly to high in the sky as I need tangible details (buildings) or my dream will destabilize, I flew several blocks at a constant altitude,

 at one point I grabbed a power line but that started destabilizing the dream so I let go and was able to restabilize.  I flew out of the city and into a farmland, however the detail was like that of a computer game. I landed and started making things more detailed by looking at them. At this point I realized I was actually watching everything through my 3d monitor that I have in RL, and it was as if my monitor was showing my dream/subconsciousness, this has happened to me once before so I knew what to do- I slowly leaned into the monitor and the borders disappeared and I was now "full screen" again.  I was now in a space scene, not too vivid, where there was a 3d cartoonish spaceship inside an asteroid field, I commented on the depth of the scene.  then I had an FA.

I found myself standing in the middle of my room, watching my screen, as I had been previously in the dream, only now it was night and everything was turned off and it was dark.  I was also wearing my headphones. At first since I was in the exact same position I thought I might have sleepwalked there.
I decided to go back to bed but first I wanted to do a routine hand RC, but it was dark so I tried flipping the light switch but guess what- no effect! that immediately got me suspicious. I got back up from the bed and started walking around the room I punched a wall but my hand bounced back, no pain at all. Still, I wasn't convinced since everything was uuuber matrix-like real, and I didn't want to jump out of the window based on a hunch, since what if the power really did go out?  Or if not next time it does go out do I just jump out of the window? nooo I didn't like that prospect. Like it's one thing when everything is "dreamy" or you know you are 99% dreaming, but here everything was indistinguishable from RL and I had no solid evidence to the contrary. so I went to the middle of the room

I tried to float and was able to do so effortlessly.

I felt comforted since now I knew my "state" and flew with confidence out of the window. As I flew out it became daytime, and I was now over a playground- there is indeed a playground outside my window but this was larger and much more intricate. I was now hovering over the playground. I decided to remember to do one of my dreamgoals and remembered telekinesis. I started looking for something to levitate. my subconsciousness conveniently placed a cute chick from my class on top of one of the, man I forgot what they are called in english- anyhow the generic thing playgrounds are made of -slides, swings, etc- it was quite tall btw. Anyhow I was able to levitate her effortlessly into my arms and we started flying around. I started commenting to myself about the details and vivid colors of the rides, and that made em somewhat more detailed. Surprisingly though I do not really remember what they looked like except they were  painted red and blue, I think and were quite large. then the dream destabilized and I woke up.

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Re: yuriythebest's lucid dream journal [with images]
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2009, 07:54:29 PM »
Yuri - do you create all these images?

That gif image is cool.  Does iadr know you've had some success with his methods?
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