Radiohead [Dream]

I am in some squash courts with Radiohead and a bunch of their fans who are travelling around with them. We are all walking down some stairs from the squash court viewing platform to head to the bus to take us to the next place. As we are walking there, someone asks the band what they think about rumours concerning the band splitting up. Thom from the band replies with something like "break-up, schmake-up", not even breaking step on route to the bus. This makes everyone in the group happy and quite excited.
As we near the bus, I see a very large white spike sticking out of the concrete car park floor into the side of the bus. It is jagged and rough. It looks a bit like ice. It is ignored by everyone and we pile into the seats of the tour bus. The interior is nice, it's a smart bus. Radiohead are all sat near the front, behind the driver. I am pretty far from them, and not very happy about it. To my delight we are all told that we will have to change buses (I guess because of that spike) and so the coach empties.
I try to ensure that I will be sat near Radiohead by sitting near the front on the drivers side. I keep the seats in front of me free for the band
(lol at my fanboyish ways) whilst looking around for them. When I look back at the seats in front, my housemate R is sat there! I am not happy, I was trying to save them. However I don't mention anything and Radiohead end up sat at the back of the bus, again far from me.
P [Dream]

Outside the entrance to a university is a platform on a pole. It is only chest height and has a book on top of it. Inside are little summaries of all the courses that are on offer. I see a woman looking at them, and I quickly recognise it to be P
(a friend of my mum that neither of us have seen for absolutely years and years). We talk a little about the course and I randomly ask if she would be interested in coming over to my place.
(I guess I must have had a latent fancy for her when I was a kid ;P).She says yes and we start walking back. We walk through a group of gangsters. Some are breakdancing and they are all having a pretty nice time. Out of nowhere P bursts into gangster mode, including an exaggerated gangster walk, hand motions and rapping. The people all around are amused and impressed as we walk past. I find it amusing and laugh a bit, but am also heavily, heavily confused.
We arrive back and my girlfriend is there. I am distracted by her, completely forgetting about P, and the night passes. I do not recall what took place unfortunately. The next thing I know it's the morning. I look up and see that P is sat perched on a table top by the wall. I immediately remember inviting her over and feel guilty for spending no time with her. I am alone so invite her to lie on the bed with me. She does, it's comfortable and after a few minutes we have a singular kiss.
Football [Dream]
Oh my days this was is pretty boring on paper. Watching the football lasted the longest, and that was fun, but that doesn't really come across in the writing.I come across a large grassy field surrounded by houses. There is about 200 people playing a single game of football. I am hovering near the outskirts of the mayhem trying not to get too involved.
One guy chasing the ball comes kind of close, and I ask him if everyone here knows eachother. "Nah, not really" he says, "come on, I'll introduce you to my grandparents". I think this sounds kind of reasonable so we walk to a big shooping centre where they are apparently waiting for him.
When we arrive, I realise that the guy is actually my good friend LS. He sits between 2 old people and we talk a bit about nothing interesting. My own grandparents are sat in the group also, apparently good friends of L's grandparents.
I make some excuses and leave. As I head up an escalator on the way out, I see that I have left my bag on the ground floor. I look closely at it from above and realise that it is identical to my rucksack in every way except that the zips are purple and more cheap looking than normal. Content that it is not my bag, I leave.