Author Topic: Quantum Mirrors: Part II  (Read 16280 times)

Offline kineticwaves

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Re: Quantum Mirrors: Part II
« Reply #135 on: December 23, 2021, 09:18:10 PM »
From June:

Aight so I had a two really bizarre dreams - the first dream was based off of the band King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard where I told my mom in the dream I listen to them and my mom said the lead singer was friends with a serial killer she knew in real life which was VERY creepy lmao and I am sure the King GIzzard singer is a normal dude and the second dream I had I was getting my eyebrow pierced and the person who pierced my eyebrow was putting a blue stud in my eyebrow and said I would like purple but maybe blue... and I told her it was cool but then I showed her some Kilian Eng drawings and wanted her to know that purple vibrates with my soul a bit (I told her Kilian Eng's artwork is in the sci-fi/abstract/and surreal realm and that I like the purple vibes of his synth drawings)

Offline kineticwaves

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Re: Quantum Mirrors: Part II
« Reply #136 on: December 23, 2021, 09:18:42 PM »
From June:

i had a dream that i was inside of the Majora's Mask realm and there was a hidden omega level that I wanted to get to by asking the mask person in the shop how to get to it - I asked about a mask and some piece of paper that had directions on it - and when I entered the omega level I needed a metal suit so I looked on my screen to see if I had it, and nope, had to go back to the Mask dude to ask for it. So I did that and was able to get back into the omega level where I could finally defeat some of the enemies - the omega level itself was me trying to plunge through a lot of open spaces by defeating the enemies for more space to appear. Also while I was inside of the realm I ended up seeing other people on computers trying to look up how to get into the omega realm and I myself never entered it even though I played and lived in the realm for ages
Then the next dream I had after that I was trying to type out the dream on discord lawl

Offline kineticwaves

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Re: Quantum Mirrors: Part II
« Reply #137 on: December 23, 2021, 09:19:55 PM »
From August:

I had a dream that I was on campus except there was a pizza parlor that was part of the dream realm and as I walked up a ramp to getting pizza inside if the building I got this feeling of deja ju

Offline kineticwaves

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Re: Quantum Mirrors: Part II
« Reply #138 on: January 03, 2022, 03:36:29 AM »
I had a dream that I met a person who has the same last name as me and we became good friends. In this universe, this person was also a fairy type and had a really mystical appearance. I thought it was cool that we became friends. We were both at a family gathering of sorts and I saw a type of steampunk fidget spinner that had a portrait in the center and the two hands of clocks that you would spin and every time you spin the thing the portrait of the center would change. There was also an innovative lace dress with steampunk gears that would spin as you wear it and I told the friend with the same last name that it was super expensive and she said that the dress could cause cancer. Earlier in the dream I asked if her last name was my last name without saying what my last name is and she said 'what's wrong with my last name' to which I replied 'nothing. I have the same last name.' I think this character was like an alter ego or something

Another part of the dream: in the bathroom, one of my sculpture pieces (that I didn't make irl) had ants crawling through the crevices so my sculpture piece became a resting place for ants - a housing for them.

Offline kineticwaves

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Re: Quantum Mirrors: Part II
« Reply #139 on: January 15, 2022, 05:22:28 PM »
I had a dream that I was trying to sneak into a futuristic building that I believe was a store, but on the sides of the building, the windows were all miniature stoves instead. I was trying to 'parkour' my way across the entrance before getting burned by the stoves, because another person was capable of turning a dial to control said building. I saw in the dream a glimpse of a person plotting to turn the dial so I wouldn't succeed. I did eventually succeed, though without getting burned or killed by the stoves, and ended up putting vr glasses on. I ended up flying through space and ended up inside of a spacecraft, looking at all of the mechanics on the top of it. I said aloud that Tangerine Dream and a band that I don't think exists  Space 63? Is some of the most innovative electronic music I heard. Then as I looked at the top of the spacecraft some more, admiring how sleek and chrome-streaked everything was, I ended up weaving my way out of the current dream scene and into the outer world where I was still floating .. I was float-swimming inside of an ultra colorful aurora borealis..

Offline Caradon

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Re: Quantum Mirrors: Part II
« Reply #140 on: January 18, 2022, 04:25:02 AM »
Nice to see I'm not the only one parkouring through dreams! :)

Offline kineticwaves

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Re: Quantum Mirrors: Part II
« Reply #141 on: February 08, 2022, 02:49:13 PM »
I had a dream that I was inside of a psychedelically designed synthwave/Tron-ish video game where I was trying to dodge all of the glowing obstacles and I just felt so c o o l.

 :gotcha: :explode: