i'm at the 'Big Day Out' which is a massive music festival except i don't have a ticket to enter. All of my friends are inside and i don't want to miss out on the experience. So i decide to jump the fence. I jumped the fence easy enough except i attracted the attention of one the the security guards. Luckily theres a mosh pit of people a few metres away from me, so i move swiftly towards it. Once in the mosh, i move through the crowd like Altiar does in 'Assasins Creed'.
I evade the guards and meet up with my friends. We talk for a while but then people start moving away because they need to get food, or go to the toilet. I decide to go for a walk, with two close friends of mine, and help them set up a coarse for a running race. walking away from the festival, the scenario turns out to be similar to that of the countryside in England.
Somewhere along the walk, i bump into some of my other friends who are at this really expensive house drinking excessively. i decide to leave Alana and Aimee (the ppl i was walking with before) and stay with the ppl at the house. I then find myself on top of this wall made out of bricks, with Marco by my side with a Margareta in his hand. His telling me to jump off the wall into the water. i look down to the water and it appears to be a 30m drop. This scares me and i start to ramble an excuse as to why i can't jump off the wall. As i'm doing this, a fat man jumps off the edge and falls into the water, and as i saw before it was a really big fall. I then look forward to try and measure the actual distance to the wall on the left side of the pool. This time it appears to be only a few metres of a drop.
I find myself back on the track heading back to the festival, and i bump into Aimee who is just finishing setting up the running coarse (don't know where Alana went, didn't question it either). I help her put down the last marker and start walking back to the festival. while we're walking i ask her: 'am i dreaming?' she says something shrubbing the topic off (urgg! forgot to do a reality test). i reach the festival (still thinking i never left the premises), except its blocked off by another fence. Aimee gets in a i'm really sad i couldn't go in as well.
I then find myself at my 'house' (which is nothing like mine in real life), and my parents are drunk. i tell them about what happened and then my mum gives me a ticket to the big day out. I'm really happy and run back to the festival, which is now in the middle of the city, and much much bigger. i get to the festival except now there's a really big line. i get very annoyed and try to find a way around it.... i wake up.
I personally think that dreams are meant to prepare ourself's for what happens in reality. With that in mind i consider this dream as a sort of 'trial run' (interesting the running race in the dream). I had full intension to jump the fence the day after the dream occurred (i didn't end up doing it tho, cause my friend was sick). The dream pretty much goes through exactly what would happen in reality (at least at the start). It also prepares me emotionally if i don't find a way to get in, but at the same time reinforcing how important it is to get into the festival.
not too sure about the other parts of the dream or the minor challenges, and ideas?