Author Topic: Searching for her Star  (Read 14774 times)

Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2009, 03:59:13 PM »
I've been recalling about one dream each night (the last one of the morning), but depending on how vivid it was and how much emphasis I put on it, I often forget it.  This morning was weird enough to warrant remembering enough to write it down.


Zombie invasion?  What?!?

Yes, I don't normally have funky-themed dreams, but once in a while I find myself having a zombie-invasion dream.  I don't know exactly what triggered the invasion, but all of a sudden I and everyone else knew what was going on and we scrambled to get away.  It was on TV and on the radio so everyone knew.  I think these were more of the slow-ish moving zombies, but I never really interacted with one so I don't know.  I am then with my family at our church and we're loading up our car with supplies.  After talking with someone else for a little while we start to drive (but don't get very far).  We stop where Les Schwab is, only it's more of what is supposed to be a grocery/supply store.  Instead of walls, four pillars are holding it up on each end, but there is a south wall which also sports a stage upon which people (?) perform.

As I'm there I'm trying not to attract attention, I come across a shelf in the northwest corner pillar.  Sitting on it is a small Chucky doll (and I don't know where that came from!).  My persona pulls it out and I bring it over to this fireplace that's up by the stage.  I wonder if Chucky would be able to get rid of the zombies or if the zombies would destroy him for us, and my persona poses the question as to whether the people standing there would prefer one or the other.  I call out "No!" but my persona (not sure if I'm in 3rd person or 1st) throws it into the fire and it doll comes back to life.  I decide to leave.

Then I find myself (by the MS?) in a strange area filled with a maze of bookshelves.  I'm running from some group that will do something to whoever they catch (not sure if it's the zombies).  Shino (?) is there and has been for a while and tells me how he hasn't been caught.  He has this cream-colored blanket/shroud with a very simple design that he covers himself with and lays down on one of the shelves - on top of the books and below the shelf above him - and he becomes invisible to the bad guys.  I see some blankets hanging nearby which had recently been cleaned and I smile, knowing he's been successful and is now being kind toward me.  He goes off to hide and I lay down on one of the book shelves, but find that it's not very wide and would be somewhat uncomfortable to sleep on.  A group of bad guys come, but they can't see me.

The dream shifts and I head down the southgate hill.  There is a wall surrounding a building off to the right and I enter the building.  There's a group of us there hiding safely from the zombies.  I don't recall everything that happened there except the fact that we felt safe and were more or less happy for the time being.  I think I or someone was going to leave to do something useful, but I woke up.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2009, 03:47:53 PM »

I don't recall much, but I was with a small group of people in this downtown area.  We were about a block uphill from the door to the building we were headed for.  All of us had skateboards and I was considering riding it down the hill to our destination (and actually thought longer than I usually do in dreams), and kept wondering about it as I was walking, but never actually used it.  I figured I wouldn't be able to stop easily, so it wasn't worth risking it.

Later on I was in a building and MoS (Josh) was there.  I don't recall what he looked like, but there was nothing unusual about him.  I just knew it was Moze :)  Anyway, somehow the subject of changing cell phone providers came up and he and others were talking about it, but I didn't know that we were going through with it, so I didn't want them to ask me.  I woke up shortly after that.

I do handle cell phone stuff for work and I find it a royal pain when work infiltrates my dreams.  *grr*
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Offline pj

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #77 on: February 10, 2009, 04:06:52 PM »
I do handle cell phone stuff for work and I find it a royal pain when work infiltrates my dreams.  *grr*

I find it a royal pain whenever any work-related activity invades my dreams, except for when solutions for problems are presented. . . which does happen from time to time!
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #78 on: September 18, 2009, 06:20:11 AM »
Well, it's been a little while since I've posted in my DJ...  I haven't done very well with recall recently, though heaven knows I'd like to.  We'll see.  Anyway, here's what I recall of last night's dream and the night before, both heavily influenced by watching the show Criminal Minds (the first two seasons in just under two weeks):


I'm in some city where there's a lot of water (rivers? ocean? IDR).  There's a creature/person who's been killing people and I'm with a group of people trying to figure out who it is and why.  There's a park (amusement part?) of some sort and you can walk through some "tunnels" (resembling the inside of these pipes, only bigger) to get where you need to go if there isn't a road already.  I know that at least Dr. Reed is with us helping to locate the killer, and when we get to the end of one tunnel at the end of the path ahead of us (a couple hundred yards away or so) is this creature who was once a human and it's terrorizing the people around it.  It's a big gray mass with two eyes and its sprouted a number of gray tentacles from its body and is flailing them around like in a cheesy horror movie.  We decide we can't just take it on ourselves, so we don't go near it, but Reed says it's the mother of someone or a mother (IDR exactly) and it was significant in some way.

Then I wake up.

Hopefully I'll be able to recall more of my dreams as time goes on.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #79 on: September 18, 2009, 06:38:31 AM »
Shoot.  I had copied last night's dream, but copied something else over it.  Oh well.  :)


Something about being with friends (BT, KH?).  IDR what we're doing but at one point BT has an idea on how to "spraypaint" some stuff on a shelf blue.  He has some aerosol can at the end of a garden hose or something which he designed and puts a very small bit of blue dye on the end where the water comes out and when he sprays it, it turns the objects blue, though a less dark blue than the other items to the left.  I begin to leave.


I'm in my hometown and there's a killer on the loose.  For some reason I head up onto the mountain that overlooks the valley that my town sits in.  I'm not too far up and am walking along this unpaved road which is well-traveled by cars but there's no one around.  I think I feel more safe there, less likely to come in contact with the BG, though he might have shown up briefly (IDR).  I walk to this one spot on a steep part of the hill/mountain just below the road and look down into the valley.  I know that at the bottom is a small school that I should or am supposed to visit for some reason.  Looking down, I don't see a path, but eventually I notice one that zigzags down towards the bottom (I think it's like a red line, actually).  My gaze drawn down there, I see buildings show up, including the school and another significant building (IDR what) and I consider going down there but don't know if I want to climb back up again.  I think I decide not to.

# Then I'm back in town and wandering around.  I am called by the killer (Frank from season 2 of CM) and given instructions to go to a certain place at a certain time or to bring something somewhere or else I or someone I know will be hurt or killed.  I'm walking by our post office when this happens.  Then I'm in this restaurant (which doesn't exist IRL) looking for him, but I don't find him.  Then I'm by our town's auditorium/library and I know he's nearby, but IDR if I see him for not.  I'm upset and frustrated the whole time this is going on, but not excessively so.

I wake up before it's resolved.


Hmm... there were a lot less people in my dreams last night.  That's unusual now that I think about it.  *ponders*  I wouldn't have caught that if I hadn't had to write out this dream twice...
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Offline pj

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #80 on: September 18, 2009, 09:27:12 AM »
Another great reason to journal!
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #81 on: December 16, 2009, 08:04:54 AM »
Ack.  So many nights.  So many dreams not written down.  Unacceptable!

Though, it's not much, here's what I recall from last night's dream.  I'm going to have to put a journal within closer reach.

All I remember is towards the end of the dream I was here in St. Petersburg on the corner of Bolshoi Prospect near the metro and it was reasonably warm and the sun was out.  I see a man who I "know."  He's middle-aged and a little portly but he's very nice and gentlemanly.  He is a successful restaurateur and tells me he just partnered with a man who's just starting into the business, but the portly gentleman thinks he'll do quite well.  He thinks there's fabulous deserts and gives me a pumpkin pie.  I cut it up in pieces and just eat a tiny bit.  He says I should eat more (and I see that the pie is, in fact, small enough to fit in my hand).  He points to a larger piece and suggests I at least eat that one because it looks "powerful" and will make me feel powerful (or something like that).  I eat another piece or two.  It was tasty, but wasn't mind-blowing.
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Offline pj

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #82 on: December 16, 2009, 08:24:55 AM »
MMMmm.  Pumpkin Pie Power!

Any dream from you in Russia is cool.
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #83 on: December 17, 2009, 04:42:18 PM »
Day 2 of recording dreams again.  Off to a good start, even if it was difficult to go to sleep last night.  Didn't properly fall asleep until about 2 am, though that could have been avoided.  Taking something tonight to make sure.


(Man, I wish I could remember why I wrote some of this.)
Swimming, river, I get out, I get back in.
#(Shift)  Then I'm in this house.  There's a bedroom off to the right wherein my cat, Monica is staying.  For some reason in the dream she's become rather angry and violent in her old age and others don't want to be near her.  I say I'll watch her, but as I'm in there she doesn't seem to care for me much, either.  I think she scratches at me a little, but isn't as mean to me as to others.

I'm in my hometown looking at these evergreen trees which don't seem very tall, but think about it in perspective are taller than the buildings in the town (but I don't think about that at the time).  There's a legend that if I can climb the tallest tree, something amazing will happen (perhaps a wish come true? IDR).  These statues are being built, HUGE noes!  One of them is of a scantily clad lady, and somehow she's considered the "tallest tree" that I decide to climb.  I'm not supposed to climb it, though.  Military personnel are stationed around it, walking around.  A woman (working there?) decides to help me.  Going swiftly, I go up, up this ramp and come to a sort of auditorium where a play/opera is taking place.  There's a rope and I grab it and run and jump and am somehow able to swing across and up onto a balcony and... (There's a gap and the dream resets.)
#I'm back down at the bottom again.  Working my way back up, I get to the auditorium again.  There's a work meeting.  A manager is punishing an employee for lying (I think).  He says that if the man is a liar, he can place this cat in a bucket of (nasty stuff) and if he's honest, he'll eat the stuff himself.  I'm repulsed by both ideas, especially watching the man as he places the cat into the bucket (the cat doesn't fight).  I'm facing the man in charge and the same option.

Yah, definitely weird, but oh well.  They're dreams.  Apparently I had cats on my mind last night.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #84 on: December 18, 2009, 03:44:14 PM »
Hey, look!  Another DJ post :D  (Day #3)

Dream #1
First, I'm playing a game similar to football and soccer (Mary F. from one of my classes is there in a position behind me).  I'm confident.  during one play one opponent goes after the guy/girl behind me and stops them, but our play is still successful.  During the second play he says, "Well, what do you think about this?" and goes past me toward the back where he doubles around and goes after Mary, really knocking her down.  I go after another guy who is cocky and he tries to fight me (not against the rules) and put him into an arm lock to stop him.  He's upset, too, but I feel victorious.

Then, post game, the first guy tries to go after us but doesn't.  We're in this room and he starts writing on the board (he's then alone) about each person in the group that he doesn't like - why he hates us.  He writes a second version and quite a bit is crossed out.  He writes a third and people come in and see it.  The third is more reasonable and is more a critique on our behavior and is a little less emotionally charged.  I can't make out what's written but want to know what he thinks in order to better understand what I can do.  Then our leaders come in and start up a song for all of us to sing.  At the chorus, the leader translates the lyrics into different languages though only he sings.  I know the Russian interpretation, but want to be sure and don't sing it.

#The dream shifts and I'm with my parents.  We're going somewhere.  I'm in this large room, in a huge kitchen.  Packing?  There's a gadget that my dad really wants.  My parents come back in a talk about wants for the kitchen.  He starts making something.  I look at the kitchen gadgets in the cupboard.
(Note:  I'm almost positive that the segment above took place at least last week, but it's possible that this is a different version.  I really don't know and it's confusing me.)

At some point I'm trying to get some to someone.  I have to go through a lot of stuff in the room (oddly shaped blue blocks?).  Crawling, I can see some square tunnels with a square of light at the end.  Some go where I don't need to go.  I only go down those that I feel I won't inadvertently fall through and be unable to get back.

Dream #2
I'm on the streets of a large city (Tallinn?) with my team of superheroes.  Some of them are in trouble and I have to go help them.  I run and sense the main villain about a mile away.  He's gearing up for his final attack to destroy the city.  There's an aura of power about him and he begins to unfold these long tentacles with these spade-shaped tips, which he is about to shoot out.  I send out my own beams of light from where I'm standing and begin to hit and destroy his own.  I'm casting them out so quickly that he's unable to keep up and is reduced to himself with a "shell" of power around him.  I go over to finish him.  He's captured Aang (from Avatar: TLA), Katara, and another person.  He turns Aang to wood, but that doesn't stop the boy who jumps on a ball of air and goes after him.  He ends up kicking the (rather small) bad guy into the trees behind him.

#I'm in my apartment in St. Petersburg, trying to be quiet.  I have my laptop and am listening with my headphones.  Sounds come from Rachael's bedroom and mine and it seems like more than just Rachael is in the apartment.  As it turns out, Karen G. is back as well as my aunt (Pam? Nancy?), (Uncle?), and new cousin (a girl who is a few years old but I hadn't heard about her).  The cousin plays around a bit.  The others come in, including my dad, whom I am rather shocked to see.  *(At some point I do think that he looks different, but I don't really question it).

We go out to do something.  We come to this part of the city (IDK which city) and Rachael thinks we should go to the left and then take a right to get where we want to go, but I recognize the cafe/pub(?) on the corner and know we can just go straight.  My reluctance is apparent but I go her way with the others.  We come to this sports field that we usually take a right on, along with a street/sidewalk, but this time there's just dirt/grass.  We walk straight a bit more and run into a baseball game.  A man in the group had been fixing it up - to the surprise of his daughter - and says they can live in the apartment next to the field.

We keep going and head toward this mall.  We'd been in there before to stop a bad guy.  At one point he had used his power to open a hole in the mall in one of the hallways.  A man - a runner - nearly fell in.  We (I?) remark that if the timing had been off by a second or so, he would have been killed.  He's someone important that we have to rescue (as he'll do something great in the future).  Then we're in the mall.  We arrive at a point where stairs go down and a smaller corridor goes straight.  I come to the end and a balcony overlooking an area.  My team needs me and I jump over the side and float down.  There's no real BG, but there is this annoying man who is pestering people and causing trouble.  (It's a "chocolate" factory.)  I go over to him.  He glares at me.  I walk past into this booth when things are covered in chocolate.  I'm "covered" and walk out and he notices.  Somehow I intimidate him or something.

Pfew!  I suppose I can spend a half-hour writing these things down in the morning since I don't have to get up early :D
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #85 on: December 19, 2009, 05:07:03 AM »
:yawn:  Good morning.

8:30 AM
I'm watching a child for someone (important?)  Much later, I'm giving gifts to students.  He (singular use intentional) thinks it's something awesome inside, but it turns out to be just mixed nuts and something else.  Leaving and waiting for a train (I'm outside on this platform, surrounded by a railing), I'm talking about movies and I ask if people have seen K-Pax.  Some haven't but as I ask, more people have, including CN.

11:00 AM
(School, miss bus, hospital, gifts, man, family, emergency [bleach])
I work for a school fixing computers and my mom was there.  Then I get off a bus (marshrutka?) and do something but want to get back on.  It starts driving off.  I run through a building to try and get to the other side, hearing the bus the whole time, but it's already gone through a tunnel.  I'm outside of the building trying to get in.  I'm behind the school and see an open window to my left.  I know I'm able to reach it and hold on to the edge while I try to pull myself up.  It's difficult and takes me a little while, but I eventually get up and look in the window.  It's the library/classroom I had been working in and there are students in there.  IDR if they're watching me or not.

Then I'm in a hospital walking around.  I get into an elevator on the fifth floor and head down towards the first.  On the way out (onto Despain street) I see a man in a wheelchair and decide to follow him.  He gets onto the elevator and doesn't notice me until we get off on another floor.  It's a huge open area with an open circular area in the center that looks down at the floor below.  He goes off.  I see a group of people who interest me and walk over to them but don't talk to them.

Then I've walked through this underground area (a walkway beneath a road so people can cross without going through traffic) after the man I saw before (who's walking).  I meet him and he seems intrigued by myself as well.  He's a teacher of something interesting (martial arts?).  His family is coming and he leaves but I want to see him again.  I run into his family (at least a daughter and son, maybe one or two others).  They seem very nice and I tell them I've just met their father.  We don't talk much before dream shifts.

#Then I'm watching an emergency at a temple take place.  A man runs through a room with many (golden?) artifacts and up to the front.  There's an open area to the right with a few small pillars framing the "window."  The man starts to pray, asking someone for help.  He looks up, frightened.  (I see some characters from Bleach: Mayuri fighting Kenpachi, Soi Fon, Ichigo; all very briefly.)  Then I see a man (can't see his face) who is attacking the temple.  He shoots off a bunch of arrows/very small spears that go through open windows in the temple and end up hitting the place where a group of children are studying.  Some in the front of the class are hit and they panic a bit.  They gather in the front of the room away from the door and I'm by the door looking out.  There's a small shift and I now have a bunch of candy for myself and others.  I take the candy that I want and am going to offer the rest to the others.  I take a couple pieces of each kind (which is a fair amount), put some back, and am teased for having more of this one kind which I have six pieces of.  I have all the candy arranged in a curved row, very neat and organized.  I give the rest of the candy to the others and wonder what to eat first.

These dreams were definitely all over the place and I can't say that they're necessarily in the right order.  :P
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #86 on: December 21, 2009, 02:53:11 PM »
Day 5 of recording.  Still going strong, but details are getting confused as I'm writing them down.  I forgot to type up yesterday's, so I'll write them right now.  I can't completely trust the order all the details come in, but I think I got most of them.

(Recorded at 5:30 am)

Riding around St. Petersburg, sometimes with R.  Some Russians try to talk to me.  I mostly can't understand them.  We're headed to several destinations.

Then something about my sister.  In the dream she likes Freddie Kreuger movies.  I don't.

(Recorded at 9:30 am)

I'm working for the ESD and playing with some technology.  I go on a lunch break and go home with two others.  One thinks it's too hot outside and is glad to come in the house to cool off.

#I'm with a class of some sort.  The classroom is fairly good-sized.  Three columns of chairs and 10-12 rows.  We come back and chairs have been hooked together. I unhook mine a little so I have some wiggle room.  We start up a song.  I'm reluctant to sing at first but I have to.  The whistling part is a little difficult at first, but then I get it and whistle fairly well.

#I'm out and about outside.  People are off to do something dangerous and I hope they don't get hurt.  Then I walk the streets alone with several items that will protect the people in the buildings.  I have small supply of magic sand and I sprinkle a tiny bit before the doorway.  The shop on the end is a bookstore.  The only person inside is a wild child who will later grow up to be famous.  I see his future favorite book through the window and as he comes over to look at me he sees it.  I keep walking and put some small (mini-bracelets) on hooks or nails where I think they won't really be seen and removed.  I put a green one in a restaurant to match the decor.  Outside of another I put one with a couple of amethyst beads.  I'm outside another and only have some twine, but I know that it will work, too.  A man asks what I'm doing.  I show him the amethyst one.  It has a purple "spider charm" on it.  As we stand there it becomes a tiny purple spider and gets bigger (kind of like a stuffed animal) and runs off down the wall.  I think it went under the place and will still protect it.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #87 on: December 21, 2009, 03:06:48 PM »
Day 6 of recording. :D

Fragment:  Something about giving up all dairy products for a while.  IDR exactly why.

(8:30 am)

IDR where we are, but others in a central building that's a parking lot for a short time.  Someone is a danger (sister?).  I use my abilities to subdue her.
#Driving.  I'm somehow in Missoula.  Anya from one of my classes is driving and I'm telling her where to go.  My cousin's family lives in a mansion.  We drive by it (there's two of them, one of which I've seen in another dream) and I point it out.  They're jealous.
#Using my abilities to subdue someone.  We end up in France looking at the city.  It's not impressive at first.  I think of London and the scene changes and it's beautiful and I want to visit all of these places.
#We're talking about LDing.  Something about a website.  One girl says she knows everything there is to know about LDing.  We click to go to her website.  It's completely disorganized and doesn't look great.  We look (and laugh?) at her and she's rightly embarrassed.

(11:30 am)

I'm in a class.  We're assigned a state report, but the teacher has a method of students choosing which state.  I don't figure it out since I came in late.  I try to ask subtly but don't understand what she says.  She goes off on something silly.
#Then I'm in some store (IDR why) in an aisle to the left.  I start to leave.  I have to use the bathroom.  There are two or three toilets but no stalls and when I go there's three guys standing there, two guys in fatigues watching.  I try to give them a dirty look, but they don't catch the hint.  (They watch more with curiosity than ill intentions.)  I finish and am about to leave but need to wash my hands.  I go back into the same shop and it's this wildly impressive baker with all sorts of crazy good stuff.  I plan to come back and get something before I leave. 

Then I'm going to be staying in this place that has Internet access, but uses a coaxial connection, so I need to find a coax to RJ-45 converter.  I walk around a store but don't see it.  At one point I think I see one in a black bag (it has two arms and what I assume are the RJ-45 plugs on the end), but upon closer inspection it's not and is just a camera thing.  A man sees me with it and questions me and I leave.  Then I'm walking through more shops and I'm somehow in trouble (with the last guy?) and am trying to enjoy myself.  I come across a very expensive clothing shop with sizes that won't fit me, but I recognize a sales girl.  I look at a purse, realizing I can't buy anything there, and move on.  She's busy and doesn't see me.
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Offline Amethyst Star

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Re: Searching for her Star
« Reply #88 on: December 22, 2009, 05:43:10 PM »
It's 12:41 am (I need to go to bed earlier....  That's the problem with being on break.) and I don't feel up to typing up last night's dreams, but PROGRESS!  Even though I wasn't fully lucid, at one point, my persona was aware that she was in a dream (black and white scene with blue sky, "new dad" being there and whatnot).  If recording dreams has helped me this much so quickly, I can't wait to keep going!  :D

Just had to say that.  Going to bed now.  :hug:
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