Hey, look! Another DJ post

(Day #3)
12-18-2009Dream #1
First, I'm playing a game similar to football and soccer (Mary F. from one of my classes is there in a position behind me). I'm confident. during one play one opponent goes after the guy/girl behind me and stops them, but our play is still successful. During the second play he says, "Well, what do you think about
this?" and goes past me toward the back where he doubles around and goes after Mary, really knocking her down. I go after another guy who is cocky and he tries to fight me (not against the rules) and put him into an arm lock to stop him. He's upset, too, but I feel victorious.
Then, post game, the first guy tries to go after us but doesn't. We're in this room and he starts writing on the board (he's then alone) about each person in the group that he doesn't like - why he hates us. He writes a second version and quite a bit is crossed out. He writes a third and people come in and see it. The third is more reasonable and is more a critique on our behavior and is a little less emotionally charged. I can't make out what's written but want to know what he thinks in order to better understand what I can do. Then our leaders come in and start up a song for all of us to sing. At the chorus, the leader translates the lyrics into different languages though only he sings. I know the Russian interpretation, but want to be sure and don't sing it.
#The dream shifts and I'm with my parents. We're going somewhere. I'm in this large room, in a
huge kitchen. Packing? There's a gadget that my dad really wants. My parents come back in a talk about wants for the kitchen. He starts making something. I look at the kitchen gadgets in the cupboard.
(Note: I'm almost positive that the segment above took place at least last week, but it's possible that this is a different version. I really don't know and it's confusing me.)
At some point I'm trying to get some to someone. I have to go through a lot of stuff in the room (oddly shaped blue blocks?). Crawling, I can see some square tunnels with a square of light at the end. Some go where I don't need to go. I only go down those that I feel I won't inadvertently fall through and be unable to get back.
Dream #2
I'm on the streets of a large city (Tallinn?) with my team of superheroes. Some of them are in trouble and I have to go help them. I run and sense the main villain about a mile away. He's gearing up for his final attack to destroy the city. There's an aura of power about him and he begins to unfold these
long tentacles with these spade-shaped tips, which he is about to shoot out. I send out my own beams of light from where I'm standing and begin to hit and destroy his own. I'm casting them out so quickly that he's unable to keep up and is reduced to himself with a "shell" of power around him. I go over to finish him. He's captured Aang (from Avatar: TLA), Katara, and another person. He turns Aang to wood, but that doesn't stop the boy who jumps on a ball of air and goes after him. He ends up kicking the (rather small) bad guy into the trees behind him.
#I'm in my apartment in St. Petersburg, trying to be quiet. I have my laptop and am listening with my headphones. Sounds come from Rachael's bedroom and mine and it seems like more than just Rachael is in the apartment. As it turns out, Karen G. is back as well as my aunt (Pam? Nancy?), (Uncle?), and
new cousin (a girl who is a few years old but I hadn't heard about her). The cousin plays around a bit. The others come in, including my dad, whom I am rather shocked to see. *(At some point I do think that he looks different, but I don't really question it).
We go out to do something. We come to this part of the city (IDK which city) and Rachael thinks we should go to the left and then take a right to get where we want to go, but I recognize the cafe/pub(?) on the corner and know we can just go straight. My reluctance is apparent but I go her way with the others. We come to this sports field that we usually take a right on, along with a street/sidewalk, but this time there's just dirt/grass. We walk straight a bit more and run into a baseball game. A man in the group had been fixing it up - to the surprise of his daughter - and says they can live in the apartment next to the field.
We keep going and head toward this mall. We'd been in there before to stop a bad guy. At one point he had used his power to open a hole in the mall in one of the hallways. A man - a runner - nearly fell in. We (I?) remark that if the timing had been off by a second or so, he would have been killed. He's someone important that we have to rescue (as he'll do something great in the future). Then we're in the mall. We arrive at a point where stairs go down and a smaller corridor goes straight. I come to the end and a balcony overlooking an area. My team needs me and I jump over the side and float down. There's no real BG, but there is this annoying man who is pestering people and causing trouble. (It's a "chocolate" factory.) I go over to him. He glares at me. I walk past into this booth when things are covered in chocolate. I'm "covered" and walk out and he notices. Somehow I intimidate him or something.
Pfew! I suppose I can spend a half-hour writing these things down in the morning since I don't have to get up early