Author Topic: HILD/PILD  (Read 2033 times)

Offline Cambodia

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« on: April 22, 2011, 07:58:21 PM »
First off, I have to say that all credit goes to Portalboat, as he was the first to use the technique.  Actually, as of this writing, he's the only one to use it.

Okay!  I will formally introduce you to the Heartbeat/Pulse Induced Lucid Dream!  Technically, it's a WILD, but I like HILD or PILD better  :D.  I will tell you that this technique should be quite easy to use, as long as you can get yourself to the resting point before SP.  This technique requires almost nothing.  All you have to do is lay down!... And focus on your own Heartbeat.

The Process

Relatively easy.  If you've ever laid down without sleeping for a little while, you may start to feel a "Pulsing" sensation on various parts of your body.  As an example, I feel them in my head, neck, chest, and sometimes my left arm. What you have to do is concentrate on this feeling.  My theory is that all you have to do for this is become aware of your heartbeat.  There is no training, simply lay down and you will most likely start feeling it in a short time.  The time may vary, for me the time is very short.  Once you reach this point all it takes is focusing on your heartbeat/pulse.  As of this writing, I haven't attempted it yet, but MM's own Portalboat has, and he reported satisfactory results.  He believes he was lucid on the first try, in any case it improved his recall.  However, it is certain that it got him there on the second try, and he listed the experience as either 8 or 9 on a scale of 10.

-A relatively good sense of rhythm.  This may be the deal breaker for you, but the "Pulse" is stronger than you might think, so it shouldn't be a deterrent.
-The ability to sense your heartbeat.  This isn't hard.  You don't even have to lay down to practice; simply sit still for a short time and you may feel it.  Personally, I feel it all the time.
-The ability to focus.  You've probably already developed this if you've attempted to WILD before, as it is necessary.  However, it is quite easy, because, as I've said, the pulse is quite strong.

-It is quite easy to sense the pulse, so it is easy to focus on it.
-No training required, as long as your relatively skilled at focusing.
-Portalboat's test speaks for itself!  8/10 or 9/10, either way, they're very promising results.
-Newbies can use this, as it is super simple.

-It hasn't been adequately tested.  As much as I trust Portal, the simple fact is this: Two tests don't vouch for much.
-It is a strange feeling the first time you feel it, and you may not know what it is at first.
-It is possible that you may not be able to feel the "Pulse".  I don't think so, but bear in mind that you might not be able to attempt this.

Author's Note
All credit for the discovery of this technique should go to Portalboat.  I just wrote it all down, as I know exactly how this feels, and wanted to take the opportunity to share it with whoever wants to try it.
I can't stress this enough:  This has not been thoroughly tested.  I will run my own tests, and I invite you all to do the same.  However, if you find that this doesn't work, don't get mad at Portal or I.  We aren't trying to annoy you all with a bogus technique, but it may not work.

Regardless of what I said, any feedback is appreciated.  This is the first time I've published a technique, so it may not be well refined.

Also:  Did I do fine with writing the article?  I know p.j. made his comment below, and to be fair, I wasn't very clear.  Any complaints you have, tell me and I will try to fix them.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 11:07:38 PM by Cambodia »
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« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 08:04:17 PM »
I'm not entirely sure I follow.

Do you focus on your heartbeat, like using it as a meditative focus?  Or is it simpler than that?
What truly matters is not built of right and wrong; but of grace, and of love.


Offline Cambodia

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« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 08:13:53 PM »
I'm not entirely sure I follow.

Do you focus on your heartbeat, like using it as a meditative focus?  Or is it simpler than that?

I'm sorry, I should've been more clear.  You do focus on your heartbeat.  If you would like to see it as a meditative focus, by all means, do so.  I don't know if I would call it that, but I guess I would compare.
Cambodiafied Madness - New and Improved