Author Topic: Miguel's Dream Journal : exploring, enjoying....  (Read 1693 times)

Offline miguelvb

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Miguel's Dream Journal : exploring, enjoying....
« on: December 13, 2012, 04:21:57 AM »
Hi all,

so this is my first entry into the Dream Journal.
As i posted earlier (,5647.msg142339.html#msg142339 I am re-beginning my journey into Lucidity.
And will try to keep a LD dream journal here, a great place.
Following Moonbeam color coding:
Lucid Parts, Semi-lucid, Dream Signs, Comments, You guys.

I began 3 nights ago trying to go again into LD. So let us begin.

Offline miguelvb

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The first 3 nigths....
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2012, 04:33:12 AM »

Dates: 10-11-12 /12/2012

In this 3 last nights, I have been trying to get lucid and recall my dreams. Before that, I had a period with almost no dream recall and of course LDs.
Coming to MM has been one of the triggers to make this DJ and to try to keep a focus on LD.
My technique has been WILD and FILD (which i found to be a great idea).
Dream recall has been around 1-2 per day and in the 11th,  i had an almost succesful WILD via FILD : i saw the begining of the imagery of the dream, clearly and I was conscious, but a few seconds later i fell asleep. The other nights I fell asleep too soon, I think I was too tired :-) . Laying on my back helps to keep awake but I fall into dreams which are not lucid....
Anyway, this is a very good begining, because my dream recall came back and I was really close to LD.

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Miguel's Dream Journal : exploring, enjoying....
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2012, 06:11:03 AM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Midnight_Toker36

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Re: Miguel's Dream Journal : exploring, enjoying....
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2012, 04:54:05 PM »
Miguel, will you tell me more about FILD? This is the first time I've heard of it, I've only been having LDs for a little over a year, so I'm not too experienced. I'm going to look up FILD on the internet, but I'd also be interested in hearing about your first-hand experiences.
Also, good luck!
"Not all who wander are lost." -J.R.R. Tolkien

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Offline miguelvb

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Re: Miguel's Dream Journal : exploring, enjoying....
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2012, 06:18:02 PM »

Dates: 13-14-15 / 12/2012

Stange days, extremly busy at work and home, and travelling-making concert, etc.
I could recall around 2 dreams each night, and specially yesterday two looong dreams where i got almost conscious.... really very close to that.
I am still trying WILD and FILD, but fall asleep too soon. Also I am RC looking at my hands during WL but, only 3-4 times a day, and that is really not enough.
But still happy about recalling my dreams and be able to read-think-imagine about LD again.
MM is getting really interesting, while i find threads i like.
I am waiting to have my LD soon, but with no pressure. I know, better to be relax about it and keep going.

Offline miguelvb

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Re: Miguel's Dream Journal : exploring, enjoying....
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2012, 06:26:19 PM »
I'm going to look up FILD on the internet, but I'd also be interested in hearing about your first-hand experiences.
Also, good luck!

Look here to know from MM people about it:,1983.0.html

In my personal experience i find this technique good because it is working without you having to wake up completly and so, i get less tired the next morning.
What I do is to move in a subtle way two fingers, and focus my attention on the feelings there. Then your mind is busy focusing on that and can remain awake while your body falls into sleep.
Has almost worked a few times (i saw the completed image of the begining of a dream) but fell asleep to soon.
I am still practicing it, and i will tell you about the results.

good luck with it if you try !

Offline miguelvb

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Re: Miguel's Dream Journal : exploring, enjoying....
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2012, 04:31:19 AM »
Ehehe,  :) ,
after some days (that is aprox 3 weeks, almost) of really smooth intent to have lucids, i have been very very close to that for a few times, and this night.... i just HAD ONE....  ;)

So that is great. Good post christmas present.

This lucid was kind of strange because i have been completely lucid in a sense, but because it got into a "normal" dream afterwrds, my recall of it is not so clear than other LD.

I was in a kind of a basement, and i suddenly became aware of being dreaming. As it happend a lot in the past, this comes with some "eye" movement, as if I open more the eyes, and then I get lucid.... strange... :-)
I walked around, enjoying that great feeling. The dream realm was very stable, and i was relaxed. I looked my hand when i noticed some disturbance, and as always, when i saw a window, i began to fly. I was kind of difficult, i was low, and got into the window, which came to be made as of a smooth transparent plastic, as a soap bubble when i passed through.
I began to fly, trying to put my arms in a good position, and then i remembered that in my previous LD that was sometimes an issue, the position of the arms and hands while flying. I managed to do the "superman" position, buy with both arms extended. I flew above some landscape and again above the city. I saw some people and decided to go down. That was a little difficult and when I landed i came to them to speak. I do not remember exacly the conversation, but it was really interesting, with some deep meaning about us and consciousness.... its a pitty i do not remember that. At that time the dream was going to a normal dream. I watched my hands again, and could get more into the LD,
but it went without me noticing it gradually into a normal dream, where my consciousness is far away.
HEy, i just remember now, I slept this night in the same room where i got my FIRST LD ever ! , that is in france in my cousin room, and that happened like 20 years ago. :-), just after reading in a magazine the story of a guy who had LD.

I am very happy about re-entering this cool world of LD.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 04:39:44 AM by miguelvb »