I haven't been having a lot of luck with the monthly meeting place recently, and I feel like I'm wasting my lucids a bit, so I'm going to try and get to 50 badges before the end of the year.
Here are the ones I still need to get:
Title: Black Hole Task: Go Through a Black Hole
Title:DE Task: Destroy the Entire Earth
Title: BO Task: Walk on the Bottom of the Ocean
Title: Clone Task: Fight a Clone of Yourself
Title: CM Task: Climb (or Fly) to the Top of a Mountain
Title: CP Task: Conjure a Person
Title: Cryokinesis Task: Control Ice with Your Mind
Title: DG Task: Meet a Dream Guide
Title: Dragon Task: Meet a Dragon
Title: Dumpster Diving Task: See what is in the Trash
Title: GC Task: Change Gender
Title: Geokinesis Task: Control Earth with your Mind
Title: Green Eggs and Ham Task: Eat Green Eggs and Ham
Title: GV Task: Go Into a Volcano
Title: Holy Grail Task: Drink from the Holy Grail
Title: IS Task: Make It Snow
Title: LS Task: Get Struck By Lightning
Title: Matrix Task: Consume either the Red Pill or the Blue Pill
Title: Sorting Task: Get Sorted by the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
Title: ST Task: Spin in a Tornado
Title: Stalk Task: Climb a Giant Beanstalk
Title: Supernova Task: Witness a Supernova
Title: TV Task: See What is on T.V.
Title: TE Task: Travel the Earth (to a different city, the top of a mountain, etc.)
Title: Titanic Task: Find the Titanic
Title: Transformer Task: Transform into a Transformer
Title: Truffela Task: Visit a Forest of Truffela Trees
Title: TT Task: Travel From One Point in Time to Another
Title: WA Task: Walk Up a Wall
Title: WF Task: Walk Through Fire
Title: Whale Task: Swim with a Whale
Title: Yellow Brick Road Task: Follow the Yellow Brick Road