Author Topic: Dream Homes  (Read 2890 times)

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Dream Homes
« on: July 13, 2019, 04:54:23 PM »
I've noticed that in dreams I rarely ever am home. When I am home in dreams it usually has to do with me protecting the property from home invasion or storms. I also know that generally homes in dreams are representative of the self.  It got me wondering, what is your in dream home like? So here's a thread dedicated to dream homes.
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Offline Caradon

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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2019, 11:19:02 AM »
I dream of my own place often enough.

But  I often have dreams of beautiful many roomed mansions with dark beautiful woodwork  like my mansion labyrinth dream recently.

Also, there is a place I'm wating to see show up in my dreams again. And I don't know why I can never remember to RC during it. BUt in my dreams, I always know of the small hole in the ceiling  of the closet that I can barely squeeze myself through, that leads to tunnels that lead to hidden, secret, closed off parts of the house. It's always a magical place full of lost mysterious wonders that I want to go and explore.

I guess it makes sense this place represents my inner self.

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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2019, 12:43:46 PM »
Your dream house sounds magnificent. I hope you get back to it and explore more of those secret places.

I dreamed of my place last night. I was in the living room and it was exceptionally dark. Thinking of it, even though it seemed relatively correct layout-wise, somehow the room felt far more empty than the size of it belied. The only other dream being in the house was my cat who just sat staring at me.

I think this is representative of my feelings that I am not living my fullest life. The livingroom is dark and feels like it should be larger or full of more. The cat, my curiosity or a shadow of my previous dreaming self watching my current dreaming self?
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Offline Caradon

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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2019, 07:14:53 AM »
My waking life dream home. Wish I could have an underground bunker like this so bad. A place where I could seal myself in and shut out the world and no one could find me. 

 Or this little mini bunker  would be more realistic on my budget, I could probably find a way to afford it if I really tried to. Just feed in some internet so I could kick back down there and watch my Netflix, sealed away from the world.  Or set up my PlayStation and VR. Some books. Work on my lucid dreaming. Would be blissful. For now, my tent, noise cancelling headphones, and imagination will have to suffice.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 07:20:46 AM by Caradon »

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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2019, 01:35:41 PM »
I've always wanted a bunker. I'm not sure I could live for long in one but I'd like to have one simply to feel safe in the knowledge that I have a safe spot to fall back on.

Regarding dreams: I've noticed that my home in dreams has more and larger windows than normal. I've been busy in these dreams attempting to cover the gaping windows with anything, blankets, newspapers, extra clothes, so that others can't peer in at me. Do I block out the world or start allowing others a peek in at the interior?
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2019, 01:35:46 PM »
My dream home last night had a spider infested half finished basement. My little pre school nieces played carelessly in it and a hippy was living down there for lord only knows how long. Now what is my innerverse trying to tell me?
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2019, 06:43:51 PM »
Another home dream. My yard was flooded in about 2ft of rain water. The interior was okay but outside, it was a mess. But then again mess is in the eye of the beholder because kids played happily in the flood while us adults were peeved and inconvenienced by it.
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2019, 04:31:05 PM »
In a recent lucid dream, my home was small and dark and illuminated from the outside. I was sluggish and barely able to move or think.

In a dream last night, my house (a single story) had several stories which I wandered through to find the source of a disembodied voice. Even though the house was massive somehow it was still just my single story house.

Invasions, darkness, fear, searching.
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2019, 06:47:13 PM »
I rarely dream of my own homes, but I come from two large families that were both organized around my grandmothers, growing up. When dad's family got together, it was almost always at his mother's house. Mom's family? Her mother's house. I dream of those houses much more often than my own.

Just this past week I dreamed of both, my paternal grandmother's is recorded on the 19th and my maternal grandmother's recorded this morning. Neither house looks anything like I remember nowadays in waking life, but both are distinct and familiar in dreams.

I do have several recurring locations in dreams that I consider homey, or that various dream characters have offered as places I'm welcome in, but they aren't home in nearly the same sense.
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2019, 07:14:07 PM »
I never considered homey feeling places when I started this thread. But those should count too because someone might feel at home someplace other than an actual house.

Last night I moved into a 'new' run down apartment with doors that did not fully lock. A coat closet was actually a haunted dungeon like basement. The upstairs was actually an entirely different apartment that was cleaner, newer, and had more windows and light than the downstairs. The only thing was that whoever had lived in the apartment before me left all of their belongings, books, papers, blankets, beds, everything. I didn't mind. I chose to live in the upper light apartment and let a sibling live in the lower apartment. I hoped to use the closet/basement at some point for other purposes, like arts or an exercise room, or renovate it altogether.
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2020, 02:44:53 AM »
Had a dream on the 10th where I was living in what might have been a studio apartment or a dorm room. Wooden floors, plain plaster walls and a single bed as the only furniture I saw.

I had a roommate in the dream and I'd make a joke about the implications but I'm not convinced the dream was presenting one bed for two people as a state with any particular meaning. I get the feeling it was more a matter of "BED" being the most salient feature of the space. I've lived in places I didn't use for much other than sleeping, and I'm guessing this setting was a place like that.
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2020, 02:05:40 AM »
That dream sounds like a rather clean dream, one that speaks to me of simple order and safety, or maybe even an easy level of confidence. All good things. It sounds like a place that I could call home.

In my most recent home dream, it was night, I had all the lights on in my house and trying to hang curtains over the large windows. The curtains kept slipping or they would not be wide or long enough to cover the entire window. Also I felt like I was trying to hide from someone, or pretend to not be home.

I had this dream after a few days of Threat Assessment and Trauma Response Training. A lot of high profile traumatic situations and family situations were talked about. A lot of the situations made me feel tense because I was very familiar with them, the disfunction, trauma, chaos. I felt very exposed and vulnerable, even emotional because I attached my sister's near death to the trainings and it made sense.

This dream home echoed that frustrating and exposed feeling I experienced at the trainings. I wanted the illumination of the trainings but at the same time wanted to escape and hide for a little while because of how I felt.
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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2020, 02:19:15 PM »
I'm noticing that my homes in dreams are not my own anymore, they are being taken over by others. Am I losing control?
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Offline Caradon

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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2020, 07:27:42 AM »
How about this. I love this this picture. So lucid dream inspiring, and inspiring to the imagination. I spent some time staring at this picture yesterday imagining seeing this place in a lucid dream and how I would explore it. Maybe it helped to inspire last nights lucidity.

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Re: Dream Homes
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2020, 07:55:54 AM »
Very cool but far too big for me, even for dream me.

I dreamed of my grandmother's house last night, which I also think of as home. We lived there for about 7 years, the longest stretch of time we'd lived anywhere in my youth. Other places were only a couple of years each. This house was rotting and needed much work but that familiar homey feeling was still there.

If I look at that house as a reflection of me, I see it as parts of me that need attention and fixing up, though mostly superficially. The frame is still in excellent shape, it's the walls and floors that needed sprucing up. The invasion of all those people in the house may have been like different versions of my own self? The annoying little kids, the impatient older me, CT representing the learning me. And my siblings, one hating the rez and one only there because he has no place to go, also representative of me in my early 20's.

Underneath it all was still that familiar homey love feeling, which made the entire experience a good one despite all the chaos inside of the house and the bidding wars outside of the house.

Oh, also the house was on a piece of property that was atop a cliff. Something different.
2021 Lucid Dreams: 8