Author Topic: Weird . . .  (Read 78625 times)

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #150 on: January 06, 2009, 11:13:37 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #151 on: January 07, 2009, 01:14:28 AM »
I think at first when I ate things in dreams they tasted weak, but the more I did it, the better they tasted.  I don't know if that's something you especially want to be good, but if you do it a lot it might get better.  I just do it automatically.  ::)
I was thinking the same thing actually.  I'd be surprised if it wasn't true.  But yeah, I don't have much of a desire to train my sense of dream taste.

Sorry if that photo's obnoxiously large.  It looked small on my other computer's browser, but on this one it's giant.  I don't know what's going on . . .

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #152 on: January 08, 2009, 12:46:06 AM »
I hadn't planned to write this one down.  I don't normally include low quality dreams like this.  But it was just so precisely on the border between lucid and non lucid that I've been thinking about it.  I seemed to know I was dreaming and know that I had dream powers, but I also thought that the world around me and the people (characters from books I read) were real too.  But I didn't think about it.  I didn't really think at all:

"I'll just fly him out of there."  It's a good thing I came along.  Tyrion's imprisoned; in there with the bear.  But there's no ceiling, just the high walls.

Garion looks at me, "You can fly!?"

"Of course I can fly.  Can't you?"  I find it amusing that he doesn't know about the rules of this world.  Or rather, the lack thereof.

I enter the prison.  The bear is huge.  As big as a mammoth.  It's an unholy thing with moldering fur and a faint green glow that rises off of it's back like flames.  It's face is permanently stretched into a snarl.  It's long pointed teeth drip slaver.  It swipes at Tyrion with it's giant paw with foot long claws as he runs to one side along the wall.

Wake . . . and back to sleep.

Outside of the prison walls on the riverbank the bear is still after us, lumbering along.  I step back and hover behind Tyrion.  I'll let him handle it now that he knows that he can fight with his will.  Standing on the ground he motions with his arm, making a fist in the air which he pulls toward his body.  Golden fire responds, exploding on the bear's flank.  It lets out a monstrous roar of pain, and I know that Tyrion's got the hang of it.  I watch as the battle unfolds.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #153 on: January 09, 2009, 01:46:36 AM »
How Do I Know It's a Dream When It Looks So Real?
Those 'real' dream are the best. It's kind of strange, that given that anything can happen, the strangest aspect of it is that it seems impossible to differentiate from reality.

(sorry that I felt the need to document every detail)
I enjoyed reading the details!

If I just don't have a good sense of smell and taste in my dreams, that would explain why I never smell or taste things in my dreams.
It is possible. I don't normally, either, but their have been times where it was very strong.


Well, I want to interact with DCs more right?
I focus on the feeling of her lips.  I slip my tongue in her mouth and can feel the little bumps on her slender tongue with mine.
That takes care of that!

About an hour later (IRL) I received a call requesting that I come work in his classroom.
I would say it's prophetic, but the dream said you weren't going to do that.  :)

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #154 on: January 14, 2009, 07:56:34 PM »
I enjoyed reading the details!

That takes care of that!
:chuckle: Not exactly what I meant.

About an hour later (IRL) I received a call requesting that I come work in his classroom.
I would say it's prophetic, but the dream said you weren't going to do that.  :)
[/quote]That would have been a lame prophesy then since I don't normally work there and hadn't been there in over 6 months.  As an update, I had expected that they'd ask me to come back this week, but they didn't.  And I don't actually believe in prophetic dreams.

I would have been recording more but am currently engrossed with World of Warcraft :shakehead: which is far too tempting whenever I sit down at a computer.

Even if I'm just swept along by the plot and not really accomplishing anything, it just feels so good to have awareness in a dream again that is worthy of my waking consciousness.  This is a repeat dream.  In fact it is a repeat of one I had several years ago.  How odd, why am I having it now?  I had another repeat earlier this morning.  But it's the same house with natural wood paneling covering every surface and the same tiny white flowers in place of a bouquet.  Did I know it was a dream because I've had it before?

Certainly, I must have been mistaken before and will find some visual differences between this and reality.  I look at my hand again.  All the minute wrinkles are in their characteristic patterns.   Along with faint freckles and the barely visible blue lines of veins.  I shift my gaze to a dresser.  Did I notice something when I looked from one object to another?  A slight blurring?  Maybe that's the key.

I should do something.  I have a challenge remaining for this month.  What was it?  The scene starts slipping from me.  I feel awake, staring at the darkness of the back of my eyelids.  Oh yeah, ride an animal.  I won't loose this dream!  I see four colored circles on a strip of color.  I add a fifth to the end and bring myself back into the dream.  There's an animal waiting for me just outside.  I can see it's outline in shadow.  I try to move toward it.

In retrospect, I don't think the dream was a repeat.  I'm also doubtful that I actually woke up.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #155 on: January 15, 2009, 08:53:09 PM »
Zombie Nightmare!
Zombies have invaded my hometown.  My husband has given me a gun and I'm shooting into a crowd of zombies and people trying to get head shots on the zombies.  Zombies keep attacking humans, so the ratio of zombies to humans keeps going up.  But it's easy to tell which ones are zombies because their names are red.  I'm doing pretty well at first, but after I pick off the zombies in a fifty foot radius around me, I find it difficult to hit anymore.  I've never been very good at video games like this.  I wonder why my husband gave me the gun instead of using it himself.  I consider using a more powerful gun but I like the infinite ammo on the one I've got.

We retreat to my parents' house along with some of our friends and a few of the kids I work with and barricade ourselves in.  There are lots of large windows in the house, but they're double-paned so the zombies shouldn't be able to break them.  But then we notice that they're piling scraps of plywood around the house.  Are they gonna set it on fire?  Are zombies that smart?  If they do the glass will shatter from the heat.  I begin devising a plan to bring everyone upstairs and somehow seal off the first floor.  But then I notice that there's plywood upstairs too . . . and the only way that the zombies could put the wood upstairs is if they're in the house already!

I run into one at the top of the stairs.  This has gotten too scary.  Being face-to-face with a blood-thirsty zombie, looking into his soulless, wide yellow eyes (with the eyelids rotted away) and gaping, drooling mouth is too much for me.  Its scalp is a patchwork of scraggly hair, green, rotting skin, and pale bone.  I could just wake up from this dream.  I should just wake up from this dream.  I shut out the image of the zombie and concentrate on waking, doubting my ability.

I wake.  It's still dark, the middle of the night.  I'm too freaked out not to think about how well fortified the house is against a zombie attack.  My husband tells me that the cardinal rule of a zombie attack is to use the staircase and then destroy it.  Yeah . . . he's more of a dork than I am . . .
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 01:39:14 AM by Alex Lou »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #156 on: January 16, 2009, 12:10:17 AM »
I'm trying to fall asleep.  I'm watching as people walk by my bedroom door one by one.  I can see the shadows of their feet through the crack under the door.  Then a whole group of people go by pushing chairs.  That's not right.  Could I be dreaming?  I try to fly up into the air as and RC and end up doing this funny little hovering leap instead, doing a couple martial arts kicks at the zenith.  Yep, dream.  I fly through my closed window.  As dark as this dream is I doubt that I'll be able to accomplish anything.  But there's the ocean right there.  There will be animals in the ocean for me to ride.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #157 on: January 16, 2009, 01:12:19 AM »
How, Now Nuncle!
I'm a little girl.  In the druidic shrine they worship what looks like a giant Christmas tree.  Only, it's not really big enough to be worthy of worship is it?  As I make it taller, until it almost touches the high, high ceiling, it grows proportionally in width as well.  But how will it get light inside?  I make a large skylight in the ceiling right above it so that this will all make sense.  Still not enough sun, I decide, but at least it's believable now. 

I notice shadow people, all hunched over, sneaking toward the tree.  They sneak up, take some kind of crystal, and then leave in a repeating cycle.  No one else seems to see them.  I tell someone.  He tells me it's just an illusion.  It's been going on forever, a shadow of the tree.  But as I watch I know it's not.  The shadows know that I'm onto them and one of them kills me.

I'm her brother.  I wonder why I don't cry for my sister.  Is it because I am male?  I hear that some men don't cry even in such circumstances.  Or is it because she was my dream sister, and I'd only known her a very short time?  The dream hadn't been very long so far, after all.  People keep coming up to me and giving me their condolences.  I want to tell them, "I'm all right, she was only my dream sister,"  but I do feel some deep grief. 

My cousin wants to date me.  She had curves to die for and curly dark hair that tumbles down her back.  I had kept my distance because of our close blood relation, but in grievance for my sister I'm not sure that I care anymore.  But no, I'm in love with another girl.  She had been close to my sister too and had gone back to her father's stronghold to grieve.  I travel there, walking across the countryside.  When I get there, I look for her in the kitchens, opening a cabinet under a sink.  There she is among the pipes, holding a whole bunch of books and some Comet.  She's blond and fair as my sister had been.  Although older, of my age.  "If you came to get me you should have looked for me in my room," she points out, annoyed.  I know that she's taking about stealing her away.  Is that what I came to do?  Maybe.

Just the same, she welcomes me into her home.  There's a famine in this part of the country, so when she takes me to dinner, the cook looks at me, and asks her angrily if I'm supposed to be there.  I'm served anyway:  eggs and oatmeal.  It's all they have.  Her father, who is my uncle, actually might not welcome me.

A doctor hired by my family comes to check on me.  After examining me he tells my uncle, "The young man is in grieving for his sister, but otherwise healthy."  The doctor is of the opposite faction from us, which worries me.  Will he attack us?  But I look in the upper-right corner of the screen and see that the name of our location is green; we're in our own territory and safe from attack.  But what possessed him to come here?  We could attack him at any time, and with so many of us there would be nothing he could do.  We would kill him.  Turns out that he was sent to get information out of my uncle in return for treating me.  He asks about how much money my uncle has.  My uncle gives some evasive answer and the doctor says, "No, how much gold!?"

My uncle summons me and I go to speak with him.  He tells me of his plans for his fleet in the war.  It's a conservative plan.  I'm closer to another uncle and me and him had discussed a more ambitious plan for our forces.  We had hoped to get this uncle to cooperate.  I'm referring to the other uncle when I say, "My nuncle-"

"You don't have a nuncle!" he interrupts me angrily, "For no demon came forth in a boat for you!"

I know that he's talking about my birth.  I had been wondering about the definition of "nuncle" IRL, I remember."  So does it have something do with demons?  Is a nuncle a demon uncle?  I'd thought it was just a familiar, affectionate term for a well-liked uncle. Or maybe had something to do with being a maternal uncle.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 01:18:23 AM by Alex Lou »

Offline Lucidbulbs

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #158 on: January 16, 2009, 02:54:59 PM »
O.o your Nuncles seemed to have confused yourself in that dream as much as it confused me reading it.

Ick, ick, ick, shooting zombies :X (if I ever have a zombie dream I'm so summoning you to fight them, fighting them makes me sick >.>)
Back from the dead...let's hope I'll stick to it.


Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #159 on: January 16, 2009, 09:14:18 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #160 on: January 18, 2009, 03:19:46 PM »
Wow, cool fairy-tale dream.   I like those collections of alternate-fairy tales, that reminds me of one of those.
Huh, interesting.  Didn't feel at all like a fairy tale to me, but I guess it did sound like one.

So if this is a dream and I know it's a dream, don't I have other things to do?  I've finally stopped having sex with all the nice guys long enough to think about it.  Oh yeah, ride an animal.  I'll need one first.  I've walked out onto a wide stone balcony into the night (away from the guys; it's probably best).  I grab the rail as I reach it and lean against it, looking down.  There's a small stream down below moving among small round gray rocks.  I don't really feel like I'll be able to summon an animal right now.  I look closely at the rocks hoping to spot a mouse or something.  I do see a snail.  I like the idea of shrinking down and riding a snail like a fairy might.  Maybe I'll even become a fairy.

I'm a little bit nervous about my ability to fly down, but I do it anyway.  Will a snail even count as an animal?  Well, technically, scientifically, it does.  But once I'm standing on those rocks I see a tiny bird hovering around.  But it has wings that look more like butterfly wings in parallelogram shapes.  I act quickly, shrinking myself down and catching the bird.  I ride on it's back as it hovers over the stream.  But I realize that I haven't shrunk myself down enough.  I must still weigh almost as much as the bird.  I feel bad for it and get off.

It's daytime now.  I find a building and start wandering through it.  It's ancient looking like the building with the stone balcony.  It's a series of connected corridors and antechambers.  In the center of a small hexagonal room is a winding stair.  Everything is made of a light beige stone with a gritty texture, with accents of smooth dark green that I think might be turquoise.  Archways open up to the open air everywhere.  I'm done with all the challenges, right?  So I can just wander around.  But then I remember that I told Lucidbulbs that I'd change into her snow-fox.  I walk out one of the archways and concentrate of giving myself a smaller, different shape.  My perspective changes and the world grows.  And suddenly I feel bouncy and more agile.  I leap around in little circles with my four slender, springy legs.  But it would be so much better if there were soft snow to jump into.  I feel kinda sad.  And I feel kinda strange.  I'm usually wolves in my dreams.  It feels strange to be such a small canine with such a delicate snout.  I should at least be a coyote. 

I pass back through the archway, turning back into my own form.  I see a train of people coming down the staircase.  At first I'm scared that they're Mayan zombie mummies or something.  But no, they're living people in traditional garb.  I walk up to them, talk to them, start walking with them.  Turns out they're in the middle of some kind of traditional marriage ceremony.  There are several couples being married.  I start making out with one of the grooms, with is conveniently on par with the ceremonies.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2009, 01:07:29 PM by Alex Lou »

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #161 on: January 18, 2009, 03:48:26 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #162 on: January 19, 2009, 01:42:20 PM »
Dreamed this yesterday actually:
I'm at some kind of family gathering.  An uncle who I've never gotten along with tells everyone that I'm depressed.  This isn't something that I talk about.  I used to be ashamed of it, and it bothers me when people go on about their psychological problems because they want credit for their disadvantages.

"Yes," I admit.  "It's something I've had to deal with most of my life."  I'm proud, but I start to cry.  He starts saying sarcastically, "Oh!  She's depressed!"  He seems to be implying that I'm making it up for the attention.  I'm angry now.  And hurt that most everyone else is doing their best to ignore the situation, to ignore my problems.  I grab a chair and throw it at my uncle.  My dad's sitting right next to him and it kinda hits him too.  I feel sorry for hitting my dad even though they both seem to be alright.  Everyone's mad at me now, so I leave.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #163 on: January 19, 2009, 02:56:09 PM »
Great process.  Congratulations on coming into your own about this situation with your Uncle.
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Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #164 on: January 19, 2009, 03:16:50 PM »
Great process.  Congratulations on coming into your own about this situation with your Uncle.
:wtf:  Not sure what you mean.  It really had nothing to do with my uncle.