Memory Test and Adventures in Wardrobe
I wake. My cat demands attention, so I brush her for a while. Then I put the brush down and tell her that's enough. I go back to sleep. The cat starts bugging me again, begging to be brushed. I look up to see that she's multiplied: there's also one of her on the floor pawing at something. Well that's a pretty clear sign. I try to fly but fail. Oh well, didn't I have things to do anyway? I decide that pj's dream memory thing should come first. I recite my address. Too easy. I throw in my parents' address (the address that I grew up at) for good measure. I'm thinking that I need to find my perfect dream lover for the challenge, but I'm not even sure how to tackle that one . . . Maybe my dream lover will come to me? I start calling out for my dream lover to make an appearance. I wake.
I'd like to go back to sleep, but better keep a record, lest I forget. I grab a notebook that I keep by my bed for dream stats. I'm glad that I left a pen on top of it. I find a mostly blank page and start tally's for "lucids" and "dreams." Do I need to write down my age? Nah, if I'm ever a different age than my own I'll just specify. I also write 10/10 under the lucid tally for the memory in the dream I just had. I leave my DJ on my bed by my pillow. I go back to sleep.
Now there are 3 of my cat. One on the bed and two on the floor milling about. I try to fly and fail. Might as well do the memory thing again since this is technically a different dream. I recite my address, then my phone number, then my social. Then I walk out of the room.
I encounter my dad in the hallway just as I'm thinking that I need to change an object. He'd been looking for his glasses and just found them.
"I need to change one object into another," I tell him. "What object should I use?"
"Try my glasses," he says, offering them up.
At first I'm thinking that I should change them in his hands without touching them. That's the idea that I got from the challenge: to just change something with my mind, all magical like. I think about it for a sec, but decide not. I hate force-manipulating stuff like that. It feels unnatural and usually yields instability. Instead I take the glasses in my hands and start stretching them like taffy. I form a long, sleeveless, Chinese style dress. The golden frames form the details at the hem and collar but the body of the dress is clear like the glass, although it remains flexible. I want to put it on, but I'm already wearing several layers of clothes. I start taking them off, realizing that I'm doing this in front of my dad and reminding myself that he's only a DC. Fortunately, when I look down and then up again, I see that my mind has replaced him with my husband anyway. That will be more comfortable. For some reason I'm wearing high-top sneakers and they're not that easy to get off. I'm surprised that I can get them off at all, although I realize that I probably should have imagined them away. Underneath I'm wearing two layers of socks, plus leg warmers. As I work at them I wonder if I was wearing any of this in reality, and if so am I really taking them off? But no, I only wore a loose, comfortable skirt to bed. A skirt and that's it. I find it interesting that I recognize one of the pairs of socks as a pair that I actually own.
I wake up and reach for my notebook, but it's not on my bed where I left it. Turns out that part was an FA.