Ah, I sleep so so much . . .

But at least I had an interesting night.

Started out with an episode of dreaming about lying in bed, or so I think. And then this morning:
Motivation to Go to ClassI hate my statistics class (not for the reasons that you think: I do well on the tests but can never find the time to finish the homework which is very stressful). But it's required for the MSN program I'm applying to next month, so whatever. So when my alarm went off this morning, I decided,
Screw it. I'll sleep another hour and show up late!I walk into class significantly late and my instructor is obviously irritated by it. He immediately walks over to me, puts a notebook on my desk and tells me that I
will take notes. I never take notes. I'm pissed. And I feel so tired.
Hmm . . . tired. Oh! As an RC I float up to the ceiling. My instructor continues lecturing as I grab a male student to have sex with on the floor. I realize that he's not really in my class IRL.
We go into a different room to take the test. I do an RC in case I've made it into reality somehow. Nose-plug this time. At first I don't pay much attention to it and just assume that it's reality now. But I realize that I could still breathe and try again. Yep, I can breathe.
Dream! I grab the same student again and we have sex next to the overhead projector.
I wake up and I'm so delighted by my dream. I actually feel like going to class now! I lay in bed thinking of my dream for a few more minutes. Then I really wake up.
I walk into class IRL an hour late, smiling. I do a nose-plug RC after I sit down just for fun.