I wake up and decide to go get something from the other room. I walk over and then remember that I'm usually sleeping in this scenario. So I plug my nose and I although my nose feels very much real under my fingertips (dirty with pores and oil) I can still breathe. So I try to wake myself up (I do have a purpose after all) and get up out of bed again. But another nose-plug RC reveals that I'm still dreaming. Repeat a handful of times . . . and I wake up with the object I was trying to get. Which is pretty obvious. So I give up, wake up my DC husband, go outside and fly a bit. Then go do ordinary everyday things as if it's a non-lucid, thinking "I wonder where this dream will go?"
After a while, I say to Armored Bore, "I haven't even gone to Dracula's castle yet!" (He told me to do that last night . . .) And we're off by ancient boat and horse on dusty trails. We accumulate a party of travelers that mostly consist of WoW players in the family. I know that AB's mom is there with us, although I don't recall seeing her night elf's pet. But we're determining our next moves with some kind of table-top game with dice.
I'm coordinating our next move and step aboard a boat and ask the NPC what the fare is. Then I recognize the NPC as my friend's boyfriend. And he says, "Fare?" and gives me a strange look. Of course there are no fares . . . this is a game, which must mean that I'm RPing. And I'm embarrassed, of course we're not RPing, we're just playing D&D or something where minimal RP is necessary.
Me and AB are walking along a trail by a river, presumably on our way home, when I say, "I haven't even been to Dracula's castle yet!" We turn to look away from the river and there's a skyscraper with a facade of black windows. Bold red letters label it, "Blord Corp.". We climb down a slope full of dead weeds and enter. I do hear a Dracula-like laugh as we go in. Inside, it looks like a hospital. We pass though what looks like a NICU where all the babies, although moving, are bluish and quiet. AB and I climb staircase after staircase, assuming Dracula will have his personal lair at the top, finally reaching a point where the stairs require keycards to enter. So I start wandering through the floor. I'm wearing my school uniform dress and ID and no one looks close enough to question me. I seem to be on a pediatric floor. Or maybe they're all pediatric floors? I see a nurse holding open a door which children are entering single-file. I rush over expecting it to lead somewhere, but instead it's just a small, brightly painted room where the children are sitting down. The nurse raises an eyebrow at me, "Are you here for the reading group?" "Oh, how cute!" I say as if I were just checking out whatever program they had going on, then move away quickly before she thinks to look at my ID. But the kids didn't look cute, they looked grayish and lethargic . . . no family members in sight . . .
And I wake.