I did study in my sleep, same subject, but not the specific bits I picked out last night for the quiz.
Pretest: 29/29
Post-test (after dreams): 28/29
And then I tried to get up and had a series of FAs. Probably because that's what we were talking about in chat last night.
I wake up and see that it's 5pm. How did I sleep so long!? I've missed my whole day and am really upset. But I feel really groggy. I think that I must feel this way because I slept so much. I lay down and as I feel the pull of sleep realize that I'm already asleep, that this is has been an FA.
I wake again, look at the clock, it's still morning, whew . . .
Drift of to sleep, wake up. Am I really awake? I plug my nose and try to breathe and I can't . . . but I don't trust it. I try to drive my index finger of my right hand through the the palm of my left and it won't go. But there's just something not right. My surroundings don't seem as richly detailed as they should be, and there's just a feeling of stagnation and despair. Must be a dream, has to be.
I wake up and look at the time. I don't trust it. I look at another clock and it's different. I start freaking out: what time is it!? Then I remember that I get freaked out like that about the time in FAs . . . best not to repeat the same mistakes. I have things to do before my day starts, best to really wake up. I really concentrate.
I come up against the wall of SP. My awareness of my dream body struggling to fit inside of my awareness of my real, paralyzed body; wispy white dream hands moving inside of my flesh ones. I struggle to move, my hands, neck, shoulders twitching. It's an unbearable sensation, it almost hurts. I back off, gather my intent for a sec, then throw myself into trying to move again. I wake up and sit up a few minutes before my alarm was set to go off.
This sequence left me feeling weird later in the day. As if I'd been living some alternate reality that was just as valid as this one. As if my life were split between these two realities.