Author Topic: Weird . . .  (Read 78652 times)

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #135 on: December 13, 2008, 03:56:35 AM »
Seeking the Orca
I decided that I ought to find that orca from my previous dream again and actually hear him out . . . and ended up spending most of my dream just looking for the ocean.  At first my mother was with me trying to help me find the beach.  Not sure if she understood what we were doing.  Sometimes we were driving, but looking back, there were flying parts as well.  No explanation for how my mom could keep up with me. 

The problem was that the ocean kept disappearing.  We started off very close (it's visible from my parents' house) and saw it in the distance several times.  But every time we approached it, it would end up replaced with more of suburbia.  At one point we were actually at the local marina and I was about to enter the water when it morphed before my eyes.  Understandably, I became somewhat frustrated with dream mechanics.  While we were driving around I remembered the telekinesis challenge and levitated a stick by the side of the road in passing.  It didn't move immediately (there was a second or two delay) and at first I thought that I might not have enough control in this particular dream. 

I'm with two of my friends.  We're standing outside of a cabin on a mountain looking out at mountains across a vast expanse.  I take in the scene.  It's beautiful.  It looks like it could be the local Angeles Forest with lots of little mountains covered with green and blue shrubs with sandy barren bits interspersed.  We're standing in one of those sandy areas and there's a rattlesnake a few feet in front of us.  I wonder if the snake is a threat, but no, he's just part of the scene.  I decide that my mind put him there to make it just that much more perfect.  I also resign myself to a dream with no orca.  Obviously my mind intends this welcoming mountain scene instead of a beach. 

I notice the details in everything I see and point them out to my friends, "See!  This is what my dreams look like."  I point at the pebbles that show up individually around the snake.  The pebbles are different colors:  pale beige, gray, and white.  Below them are individual grains of orangy sand.  Then the snake starts to come after us. 

We run into the cabin, but another snake appears inside.  I'm not really afraid of them since I know there will be no consequences if we get bitten.  But I would rather avoid an unpleasant experience all the same.  I do get bit, but it doesn't hurt.

We start playing some MMO video game, I choose to be the rat class because it's more of a challenge to play as.  I actually transform into a rat the size of a small dog.  I'm now in an mmo fighting beasties.  I wander into an area that's a bit too high level for me and have some difficulty not dying more than once.  I'm gonna turn back, but see that the ocean's just ahead.  Perhaps hope isn't lost for my visit with the orca?  I run out onto the beach (it's actually more of a bounding hop that I do in my rat body), and out of the water comes my orca.  I ask him, "Why?  Why do things have to be this way?"  Then realize that I'm just stupidly quoting myself from my last dream.  That wasn't the question I intended to ask him.  I shake my head to clear it.  "You said that you wanted me to be your messenger.  Messenger for what?"  Don't remember exactly what he said, but I noticed that he didn't call me "little one" this time.  Instead he called me something that I think referred to my rat form.  He didn't seem nearly as ominous either.  I concluded that this was because he had been in attack mode before, killing sharks by moonlight.  And now he was only a beached whale on a sunny day.  He indicated the sky.  I looked up and saw stars and planets.  He meant for me communicate something to space?  And then I knew that he meant the aliens in the UFO for the advanced challenge of the month.

Lol.  I actually did get bit today.  Must be psychic!
« Last Edit: December 13, 2008, 04:41:10 AM by Alex Lou »

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #136 on: December 17, 2008, 12:13:05 AM »
Congratulations on finding him! Of course, it can't be as easy as just driving/flying straight to the beach, can it?
Strange he didn't call you little on when it was even more appropriate.

I notice the details in everything I see and point them out to my friends, "See!  This is what my dreams look like."
Hehe, I wish I could do that instead of trying to describe it sometimes.

Lol.  I actually did get bit today.  Must be psychic!

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #137 on: December 17, 2008, 06:17:22 PM »
Hehe, I wish I could do that instead of trying to describe it sometimes.
:) Yeah. 
Eh, it's not actually far enough out of my regular routine for me to be psychic.  Kids bite.  Especially when they don't have the language to talk back.

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #138 on: December 17, 2008, 09:02:05 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #139 on: December 17, 2008, 11:11:43 PM »
Cool dream (and nice pic, love the hat  :)) even if you didn't find the orca again!
Not me in the photo.  But I did make the hat, so thanks :).  And I did find the orca.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #140 on: December 20, 2008, 02:14:34 PM »
Return to Saturn (Take the highway, duh!) :bliss:

Hmm, lucid again, cool.  This is my fourth lucid this morning, I'll have to remember.  It's on my mind to continue with some dream I was having before I woke up.  The parts are all around me.  But there's that UFO challenge I have yet to do.  I tell myself that I'm stupid for wanting to continue with that other dream when I have stuff to do.  I try to fly up into space but as I go the visuals fade, I'm loosing the dream I know.  I stop.  I try to summon a UFO in the sky, try to imagine the bright light that would envelop me as I'm being abducted.  It kinda works, but then somehow, all fades away.

I suppose I'm pushing things too deliberately.  I wonder if my mind will do what I want without my heavy hand.  I want a UFO, I need it to abduct me, I tell myself,  I will see it any minute.

I see it appear in the sky to the east.  It looks stereotypical:  saucer-shaped and silver with bits of bright green.  It's not actually spinning and I can see windows.  I run until I'm directly under it.  It starts zipping west, and I try to keep up.  Well, my mind got one part right, but where's the abduction?  And how am I gonna catch this UFO, don't they go really fast?  I'm right behind it, barely keeping up.  Then I jump on top of it O_O . . .  It's only the size of a trash can lid.  I realize that it had been right over my head and not way up in the sky like I thought.  It was just a trick of perspective that made me think it was large.  I try to ride it like a surf board, but my weight is too much and the ship crash-lands.

I stay crouching on the ship since it doesn't really look damaged and I wouldn't want it getting away.  What looks to me like ants start pouring out of the ship on all sides.  Well that makes sense.  Why did I expect aliens to look human.  Then a hatch opens in front of my foot on the top and a larger ant-like thing comes out.  It's about as big as my thumb and I know it's their leader.  He seems to know what I want and offers me a ride.  He and I both know that I can just shrink down.  But first I deposit this intelligent bug companion I have from my previous dream safely in the vessel.  He's kinda big, about as big as their leader, but seems to fit just fine.  Then I shrink down and get in. 

We fly toward a local freeway and head north until there's a turn-off for the intergalactic highway.  Of course, the intergalactic highway!  why didn't I think of that before?  I think it must be something from pop culture IRL, but I can't place it.  It's actually completely invisible which is way humans don't know about it.

Before I know it, we've arrived . . . someplace.  There are buildings everywhere that remind me of the Emerald City.  They have domes and what look like crystalline structures.  All the walls are windows and there are the greenest vines growing on everything.  It's quite beautiful. 

Once we land, I emerge from the ship into one of the buildings.  It's just as beautiful inside.  I'm walking through corridors that have transparent walls of a randomly zigzagging pattern like the outside of a crystal.  Intermittently there are vines growing up from the floor which produce flowers in magenta and navy blue.  The plants rustle softly in a slight breeze and I figure that the aliens must have the air circulating.  I wander a ways, choosing different corridors to walk down.  It all looks much the same and it's all empty. 

I eventually enter a room, and stop in my tracks.  This room is magnificent!  In the center is a huge model of saturn with it's ring.  Around it are all of it's moons floating in the air in orbit.  The model of Saturn's system takes up the whole center of the room.  Below it on the floor are circles of yellow and spring green.  The smallest circle is below saturn, and the next is around that circle, etc.  I'm quite astonished by the model.  It looks so realistic.  Did I even know that Saturn had so many moons?  Or their different sizes in relation to the planet?  I'm also a bit disappointed because this means that I'm on Saturn again when I could have gone to Mercury for the first time.  There is some kind of large machine to my right in the perimeter of the room, and to my left there's an alien who's using what might be a computer built into the white wall.  The aliens look like humans to me now.

"So are we're on Saturn?" I ask.

"Obviously" He doesn't even look at me.

"Well, I didn't know, I didn't see it when we got here."

"Pretty soon well be done expanding it," he says happily.

"Expanding it?"

"We're expanding all the planets."

I think about the eventual human problem of overcrowding, "So that you have more room?"  He nods.  "To live?"  He nods again.

But I think of all the empty space they seem to have in these buildings:  "There's all those hallways, why not live there?"

A second alien has entered and he laughs, "There's all those hallways!" he imitates me sarcastically.

"Okay, I know that's not as much as expanding the planets, but you haven't exactly built to optimize space."

A couple other aliens have entered.  One of them is female and is doing something with the machine to my right.  I wonder if the machine explodes or implodes objects once you put them inside, like a model of whatever their gonna use on Saturn.  I kinda want to get inside and try it out.  But I think better of it.

I walk over to the first alien by the computer.  "How do I get to Mercury.  I need to go there."  I'm thinking of public transit or something.  Maybe there's a bus or a train.  "Actually I have to go to the sun and the moon, and Ceres and Pluto too."

I feel silly for asking him how to get to the sun; of course he'll tell me that you can't go to the sun.  Instead he says, "Talk to him" indicating one of the aliens by the machine.  I wonder how DCs defy the dreamer's expectations like that.

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #141 on: December 20, 2008, 04:59:34 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline DrTechnical

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #142 on: December 20, 2008, 06:50:25 PM »
Wow, what a cool lucid. I'm jealous. In that circumstance, I'm not sure if I could have shrunk down to become their size. I'll be trying the UFO task again tonight.
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"I just had to get nice last night. My Mind is so free, you wouldn't believe ... you wouldn't believe" - Dave Wyndorf

"I don't understand. How can less be more? That's impossible. More is more." - Yngwie Malmsteen

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #143 on: December 21, 2008, 12:56:19 AM »
The conversation with the aliens was hysterical!
Awesome dream.  :goodjob:

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #144 on: December 27, 2008, 11:48:31 PM »
Clock Nightmare

I wake up and look at my cell phone for the time.  The time displayed can't possibly be right.  So what time is it?  Am I early or late, or getting late?  Can I go back to sleep, or do I need to rush out the door?  I'm in my brother's childhood bedroom.  I need to be at work by eleven.  My mom has come in the room and is cleaning.  She's throwing out old things that my brother hasn't used in a while.  There's a lamp that she's gonna throw out that has basketball icons all over it.  I hadn't previously realized that that's what that object was.  And when has my brother ever been into basketball?  I figure it must have been an unwanted gift.

I get up to leave the room to figure out what time it is.  I feel so tired . . . my body feels almost painful with it's longing to lay back down and lie still.

I wander down the hall . . . and my parents living room is a large, open-air space.  My parents and my brother are cleaning.  They're all moving around boxes full of junk.  I look at the time on the microwave . . .  the one on the stove . . . the analogue clock by the tv . . .  they all display different times.  11:46, 8:37, 9:18.  I figure that in all the cleaning going on the clocks got unplugged, and maybe the other one hasn't been wound.  I need to know what time it is . . . and I feel so, so tired.

I ask my mom and my brother, "What time is it?"  They don't know.  My mom tells me to clean up my stuff.  I decide to look for my old cell phone.  It always displayed the correct time.  I go back to my brother's room where I remember leaving it on the window ledge.  It's not there.  My dad is sitting on a stool by the closet looking through my brother's old artwork.  I ask him, "Can you tell me what time it is?"

"You need to clean up your stuff," he growls at me, indicating my junk that's thrown around the room.

"Mom already told me!  Do you guys always have to tell me twice!?"  I start to walk out of the room, but I'm really mad now and head back.  I hit the pile of sketches that he's holding, and then realize that I'm being kinda violent with my dad.  I'm too mad to apologize, but I figure I might as well explain so he can forgive me later:  "I'm really, really mad right now!"  I yell at him.  And so tired . . .  I'm crying now.  "Just tell me what time it is?  I need to know what time it is!"  I'm practically begging him and sobbing, but he doesn't know.  Guess I really did stay up to late last night.  They'll all forgive my behavior after I've rested and explained how bad I was feeling this morning.  I can't even think straight . . . 

I find my new cell phone on the hutch in the living room.  It says that it's far after 11.  Can't be trusted.  As tired as I am I'll be useless at work.  I need to go back to bed . . .  Might as well call in and tell them I won't be going.  But am I already late?  I think that it must be almost eleven, but I don't know.  No, I need to know what time it is before I call.

I see my husband helping with the cleaning.  He'll know what time it is! :)  I run up to him and ask, "Do you know what time it is?"

He smiles, "Yep."  I'm smiling now too.  I bite him playfully, and to my surprise he doesn't seem to mind.  But he continues carrying his box. 

I walk with him.  "So what time is it?"

He does a silly, excited little hop.  "I know what time it is, because they said that the nuclear disarmament needs to be finished by --" (apparently that's what all the cleaning and boxes are for).

I interrupt him:  "Just tell me!  Just tell me what time it is!"  I'm sobbing again.  He just smiles at me.  My mom and my brother have come up with boxes for the nuclear disarmament too.  I'm crying and crying.  I feel so distraught.  "Someone tell me!"  I'm yelling so loud that I'm doubling over from the exertion of expelling that much air.  "Someone tell me what time it is!"   :morecry:

I wake up to find that I am running a bit late.  Guess I slept through the snooze.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2008, 01:03:50 AM by Alex Lou »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #145 on: December 29, 2008, 09:56:52 PM »
Clock Nightmare II

I wake up to find that it's 12pm.   O_O  I'm an hour late for work!  I check some other clocks, but they all agree:  12:00 (they're also all digital).  I'm rushing to get ready.  I see that it's now 12:09.

I wake up and check the time.  It's 7:45, which is when I start work on school days.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #146 on: December 29, 2008, 11:55:27 PM »
That was pretty intense in it's own way. Everyone ignoring a simple question, carrying on with meaningless tasks like that. Reminds me of the twilight zone or something.
I thought your husband was really going to tell you at the end.  :chuckle: Very suspenseful!

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #147 on: January 06, 2009, 03:19:07 PM »
That was pretty intense in it's own way. Everyone ignoring a simple question, carrying on with meaningless tasks like that. Reminds me of the twilight zone or something.
I thought your husband was really going to tell you at the end.  :chuckle: Very suspenseful!
It was very intense.  Not because of what was happening but because of the emotions I was experiencing.  They weren't fully explained by the events taking place.

How Do I Know It's a Dream When It Looks So Real? (sorry that I felt the need to document every detail)
I wake up wondering what time it is and see that it's dark outside.  Would it be dark at this time in the morning?  No, it couldn't possibly.  Must be a dream.  The light streaming in the windows is actually kind of strange looking:  not as bright as the streetlight and flickering.  But everything else looks so real.  I walk out of my room and out the front door.  It occurs to me that if this is reality then I'm in trouble since I'm naked.  I'd thought that my dreams didn't get this grainy look in low light, but there it is; the physiological result of rods being active in the eyes instead of cones.  There are people out and about and every detail looks so real.  I marvel at it.  I realize that it's far too easy to forget how real dreams can be.  I lift my hand to look at it.  I can see the slight wrinkles in the skin.  I think of MB and the dream she had that was so realistic that she couldn't distinguish dream from reality.  So how do I know? 

I had only paused for a moment outside the door before I willed myself up into the air.  I want to fly anyway, but if I did error, it's the ultimate RC.  I rise up into the sky.  I see dark nighttime clouds far in the distance.  I want to be flying in those clouds rather than the clear sky where I am.  I fly toward them a little bit, then consider teleporting.  But something about the situation tells me that the clouds will elude me.  I return to the ground and start walking through the neighborhood toward the beach.

Now what were those challenges again?  It's a new month with three new challenges.  What were they?  I'm baffled that I don't just remember right off.  Maybe I shouldn't try, I could mess up the whole dream trying to concentrate and remember.  And I don't want to loose the dream; I could have all kinds of adventures.  I commented on two of the tasks, so I should remember.  I wrote ". . . should be interesting."  Oh yeah, I was talking about smelling things.  I need to experience the five senses.

It's sunny now.  I see a stem of sour grass sticking out from someone's yard, with it's yellow flowers at the end.  The yard is tiered so the flower is at the perfect level for me to pluck.  I put the stem in my mouth and chew.  It tastes watery, which worries me, but then I can ever so slightly taste the sour.  I wonder why my sense of taste is diluted.  Is it because of my expectations, my worries about the challenge?  Or is that just the way my dreams are?  If I just don't have a good sense of smell and taste in my dreams, that would explain why I never smell or taste things in my dreams.

I remember the clock challenge now as well and decide that I better have a device on me for checking the time.  I consider taking my cell phone out of my pocket, but look at the watch I'm wearing instead.  I don't even get a chance to read it before it changes.  Next it reads 17:00, and then it changes again.  I kinda wanna keep looking at it until it gives a realistic time, but decide that it doesn't matter.  I wonder why clocks always show realistic times in my dreams but this time didn't.  Expectations again?  Or is it because this watch doesn't really exist and I know it?  Maybe I'm not used to a display like this?  It's one of those old digital watches with a display that's all gray.   It keeps changing and I notice that it always has a realistic format at least with two digits, a colon, then two digits.  There are small symbols to the sides of the time that keep changing too.

Before I know it I'm entering a building that's on a cliff overlooking the ocean.  Lots of people are filing in and then going down an escalator.  Before the escalator there's what appears to be a small gift shop.  I ask a guy directing people down the escalator, "You have anything smelly?"  He indicates a small purple bundle on display.  It's actually something wrapped in purple fabric with a light netting around it.  I pick it up and take a sniff.  It smells ever so slightly of lavender.  I hope that I'm not just imagining it; it's so slight.  As I put it down I can feel the texture of the netting on my fingertips.

I walk out to a balcony rather than going down the escalator.  There's a large barge down below that the people from the escalator are boarding.  I start to fly out to sea, but decide that the barge might be faster and fly through a window.  I can fly out once we get out into the middle of the ocean.  There are lots of people sitting on benches that fill much of the interior.  The walls are formed by windows which go all the way around for a good view of the trip. 

Two women start waving at me and calling to me.  Well, I want to interact with DCs more right?  I greet them and head their way.  I sit down next to one of them.  She's my age, or maybe younger.  She has a dark complexion and delicate features.  Just sitting there, she looks so elegant.  Her eyes are forest green on the outside with an inner ring of golden brown.  Just like my eyes in the sunlight.  Somehow, her lips are the same.  I think about how people ask DCs their names, but instead I say, "You're really beautiful, you know that?"

"Huh?  I'm beautiful?  So you're saying I'm mean or something?"

"No.  I suppose that beautiful people can be mean because people treat them differently.  They can get spoiled.  But . . ."  It can result from beauty, but beauty does not result from it.  She seems to understand.

I ask, "What's your name?"


"Doria.  I mean Dora.  I don't know why I said 'Doria.'"  But I'm thinking that I said it because things don't come out right in dreams.  I start making out with her, and to my surprise, neither her or her friend seem to mind.  I focus on the feeling of her lips.  I slip my tongue in her mouth and can feel the little bumps on her slender tongue with mine.

Oh, I also had a dream that I was working with a kid that I work with on the weekends, but we were at school for some reason.  He was really an alien and had barbed green tentacles, with which he was latching onto the skin of my arms.  As he latched on to more and more places the pain came to be overwhelming and I started crying.  His teacher didn't believe me and told me to knock it off.  He thought I was being abusive to the kid, got mad at me, and told me to leave.  I told him I wasn't gonna work with the kid anymore. 

About an hour later (IRL) I received a call requesting that I come work in his classroom.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 10:00:28 PM by Alex Lou »

Offline dallyup52

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #148 on: January 06, 2009, 05:45:14 PM »
And some think that all dreams are "dream like"..   Makes more evidence that this is just a dream also.
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Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #149 on: January 06, 2009, 07:04:31 PM »
And some think that all dreams are "dream like"..   Makes more evidence that this is just a dream also.
Well, it was dreamlike in some aspects:  the time of day was unpredictable, I could fly, my senses were messed up, the watch display kept changing, etc.