Author Topic: Weird . . .  (Read 78632 times)

Offline mu

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #165 on: January 20, 2009, 01:10:59 AM »
I've considered your 'nuncle' situation...

I've concluded that the demon came forth (in a boat) for the uncle who made the statement:

Nuncle derives from "Mine Uncle".
Therefore, he said, "You don't have (a) mine uncle."
Since that doesn't make much sense, he must have meant "You don't have my uncle."
He implies that if one has his uncle, one would have had a demon come forth (in a boat) for them.
Since he has his uncle, it must be the case that the demon came for him. :uhm:

Really great dreams!
(except the last one. Not that it's any of my business, but that person needs to be forced to stop. There's no reasoning until after that.)

I'd day a snail is an animal, but it may not be the funnest one to ride.  :yawn:  :chuckle:

Let us know what happened with the dog!

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #166 on: January 20, 2009, 10:43:02 AM »
I've considered your 'nuncle' situation...

I've concluded that the demon came forth (in a boat) for the uncle who made the statement:

Nuncle derives from "Mine Uncle".
Therefore, he said, "You don't have (a) mine uncle."
Since that doesn't make much sense, he must have meant "You don't have my uncle."
He implies that if one has his uncle, one would have had a demon come forth (in a boat) for them.
Since he has his uncle, it must be the case that the demon came for him. :uhm:

Really great dreams!
(except the last one. Not that it's any of my business, but that person needs to be forced to stop. There's no reasoning until after that.)
Indeed!  I'd sure like to see him going to AA meetings.  But then I should go to Al-Anon meetings, and I don't, do I?

Let us know what happened with the dog!
:sad1:  I got paranoid once I learned that many dogs have microchips now.  I thought that I might be keeping him from his best chance of finding his owner so I took him to the shelter.  I felt so bad!  I had to put him in this tiny little cage (the guy working there seemed to be afraid of getting bitten) and he was shaking.  He trusted me and I betrayed him.

Back to High School
I have a project due and a paper.  And somehow I didn't finish either and it came time to go to school.  I'm sent to a room to make up a quiz.  There's a girl in there making up the same quiz.  She and I used to be friends when we were little kids, but she was really mean to me in middle school and I ended up hating her all through high school.  But I figure, how bad could it be?  We're both adults now.  She does seem to have changed and starts a conversation.  She tells me that she's trying to quit smoking.  I tell her that she really should because it causes pre-mature aging, and she has really small facial features which don't usually age well.  "I know!" she agrees without taking offense.

I'm trying to think how I'm gonna finish the project and the paper.  Will I have time before the classes in which they're due?  The project looked like it would take a long time (I had actually spent considerable time starting it) so I won't be able to do both.  I'll have to pick one and turn in the other late . . .  But I never turn in anything late . . .  There's a guy in there with us making up something else.  I'm fond of him now because he sent a letter to my husband at the end of high school (not IRL) that my father-in-law had and only gave to my husband now for some reason, nearly 10 years later.  Whatever drugs he's on make him really talkative with a short attention span and he keeps asking me questions and flirting with me.

The bell rings to signal the end of the period and my teacher comes in to collect the quiz.  I tell her that I need more time.  I indicate the guy and tell her that he kept talking to me, distracting me.  She's reluctant, but I say "I just need more time!" and she agrees.  She tells me that I'm in her next period too and I realize that it's core where my project is due.  I won't have any time to finish and I'll have to tell her that I didn't do it right after she gave me more time for the quiz.

I finish the quiz and then write down what I remember of the letter (the drugged out guy has left) so that he'll know we appreciated it if he comes back.  Then I go to class.  My core class is in a really old, dirty portable.  I wonder why I don't remember going to this class before.  Sure it's the beginning of the year, but I should have been here several times before.  Must be a dream.  That would make sense since I'm 25 and not in high school anymore. :hrm:

Now I'm watching myself on a screen with my missing friend.  I point at the screen and say to him, "I bet this is a dream too!"  I immediately feel dumb.  Of course it's a dream, I am watching myself on a screen. But the concept is actually pretty difficult for me to grasp and after I enter the self that's on the screen I soon forget.  We're walking through a private christian school, making fun of fundamentalist Christianity as we go.  School's not in session and all the classrooms are abandoned.  All the classrooms are small rectangular portables.  Many of them are attached to contraptions that resemble stopped carnival rides.  The classrooms tip and sway precariously in the wind and some are bent in the middle and rusting.  I comment sarcastically that the kids would have to learn faith to enter one of those classrooms.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2009, 11:34:29 PM by Alex Lou »

Offline mu

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #167 on: January 21, 2009, 02:14:51 AM »
:sad1:  I got paranoid once I learned that many dogs have microchips now.  I thought that I might be keeping him from his best chance of finding his owner so I took him to the shelter.  I felt so bad!  I had to put him in this tiny little cage (the guy working there seemed to be afraid of getting bitten) and he was shaking.  He trusted me and I betrayed him.
You had the his best interest in mind.  :) Especially if it's that dangerous for small dogs in your area. It's very hard to do the right thing for animals sometimes.

 :wtf: The guy works in the shelter and he's afraid of getting bitten?  ::)

Oh yeah, if he was microchipped, they probably should have been able to tell right away there. I don't know about CA, but around here the animal control (don't know about shelters) have these portable scanner things; they'll come over and scan a lost pet.

Back to High School
:chuckle: at the fatefaithful classroom.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2009, 02:34:42 AM by mu »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #168 on: January 22, 2009, 01:21:07 AM »
Down the Evil Storyline
I'm playing Breath of Fire III because someone I was chatting with online had mentioned that it was a cool game, reminding me of how much I love it.  I'd responded with some enthusiasm, but now as I play I wonder why I didn't mention what great games IV and V are.  II too, or even I.  No, not I, it was too tedious.

I'm the little girl Arya From George Martin's A song of Ice and Fire.  I return to Winterfell from Braavos and conspire to take some magical items from one of my father's gaolers.  When I go to take them, the man tries to stop me.  He's huge:  over six foot tall, and both muscular and fat.  I end up killing him.  The items that I take are some bags (which are larger than the ones I had, so I put them in my bag slots on the lower right of the screen) and something else . . . which unlocks powers within me.  I'm filled with the seductive feeling of destructive power.  Now I'm able to turn into a dragon.  I pick out my dragon form from a selection screen.  There are also more powerful dragon forms that I can't access yet.  They all look fairly humanoid. 

Now I'm navigating through an area filled with dragons.  They're all milling about, rather rapidly.  They are less likely to attack me because of my dragon form, but I'm prepared to fight.  I'll incinerate them with fire.

I'm back at Winterfell, having not reached my goal, but determined to try again to venture past the dragons.  My family has returned (except my mother who is among the walking dead).  Their hair is bright orange, as is my own, I realize.  Theirs is bleached by the southern sun, from black to orange.  I realize that my hair is only orange because I'm a child and always in the sun.  When I get older it will be black like theirs.  My father see's my evil deed, he sees that I killed his man.  He looks at me differently.  He asks me if it was worth it, killing him to gain my powers.  I say, "Yes.  Yes it was."  I feel evil.  I realize that I've gone down the evil path with Arya.  I'll have to save in a new file so that I can reload and play through the good story too.  I want to see all of Arya's storylines.

I'm making children into weapons.  Arya is the first.  I acquire two more.  The second has a defensive ability.  He becomes a tank.  But my favorite is the third.  He blows things up.  I realize that I really like blowing things up.  I'm some creepy, scrawny, evil genius.  With my mind, and their powers, everyone will be at my mercy.  I get magical artifact for my favorite weapon.  They're a pair of cute little orange shoes.  They allow him to make catastrophically large explosions.  I have him blow things up for my enjoyment then tell him to keep the shoes hidden.  I'm delighted that they look so inconspicuous.  If someone want's to take his powers they won't know where to look.  He's only about four years old.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #169 on: January 27, 2009, 03:44:25 PM »
I am Batman!?
Some evil scientist has been letting people stay in apartments rent-free.  But really he's using the occupants as guinea pigs.  The water in the apartments is contaminated with radioactive waste which can rapidly alter DNA.  He's also using the wastewater from the apartments to fuel biogenesis in his underground bio research lab, using the high levels of radiation and the DNA from the inhabitants up above.

At first I'm a resident in one of these apartments, living with a boyfriend, or possibly my husband.  I'm really excited about the free rent until the sink backs up and floods our apartment with wastewater.  It looks and tastes like vomit.

Now I'm Batman.  I'm gonna go put a stop to the scientist's evil schemes.  But when I get there, the couple who's sink backed up warns everyone else about the contamination, so everyone starts to flee.  This makes my mission less urgent since no further harm will be done to the residents.  I used to be friends with the scientist before he turned evil.  And countless years battling each other has made us very familiar with one another.  There's also a certain level of trust.  I pretend to form a temporary alliance with him to help clean up his mess to protect the citizens of the city. 

I go down into his subterranean bio research lab to harvest life forms for him that were created through the biogenesis.  Everything down there is slick, sticky, and oozing.  I step on a fleshy cocoon with my slender, rubber-covered foot to see if there's anything inside.  I squeeze down on it, smooshing the contents out like you would with a tube of toothpaste, and out pops some kind of gooey invertebrate.  I repeat this with each meat-cocoon.  Secretly I'm looking for anything intelligent, so that I may save the intelligent creatures from being slaves to the scientist's experiments.

Now the scientist has found me out and has unleashed some of his creations on me.  I've acquired a side-kick.  I think that her name is "Batman's Wife", but that really doesn't make any sense to me since he could never have sex with her, or even kiss her, without getting contaminated by the radiation and having his DNA altered (I think that he must have found her among the results of the biogenesis).  Maybe she's just some obscure superhero who happens to be called "Batman's Wife" and this is her creation story?  She is wearing some kinda Batgirl-like outfit (but without any yellow on it) that I think I must have given to her. 

She distracts a 9-foot tall abomination.  It's nearly as wide, with bulging, pale purple and green flesh.  It's eyes look likes bug's eyes, with many small ones, but each one is actually a missile launcher.  The girl distracts it and the scientist, allowing me to hide behind some debris and pick up a powerful laser gun while she gets captured.  Somehow she gets away as I'm taking shots at the creature.  I'm taking quick shots then ducking behind the debris so as not to get killed by the missiles.  She picks up a second gun which turns out not to be loaded, but she uses it to threaten and distract.  I'm shooting at the creature as it's firing at her.  I'm genuinely concerned for her life.  I won't have time to save her if the creature's aim is good.  But she ducks.  Good girl!  I take out the abomination with half a dozen large holes burnt through it's head.

I walk into the living room.  My husband is watching Batman:  The Brave and the Bold.  I think it's the episode I saw earlier with the bio research lab.  They must rerun the show on the same day it airs.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 04:06:26 PM by Alex Lou »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #170 on: January 28, 2009, 03:17:23 PM »
Dora Makes an Entrance
It has finally occurred to me that this is a dream and I fly up into the air.  What a terrible dream.  I'd been at work, idly playing with one of my teeth with my tongue, and it came loose!  So I figured I'd have to go to a dentist right away, giving some unrelated excuse to leave (But I never leave work like this) saying  that I'm getting over a cold, "I'm not contagious anymore, but the asthma . . ."  Will my dental insurance cover this? And then I randomly collapse into some reddish succulents, feeling too exhausted to move.  My tooth immediately feels normal again.  There's a sign in the succulents that says something about them attracting red dust (which accounts for the red color) which is good for the respiratory system.  I start heading back to work.  I think it was the nakedness that finally tipped me off, or my lack of worry about being naked.  And that sign in the succulents wouldn't have been there in reality either . . .

I want to let the relief wash over me that it was all a dream, but it's somewhat difficult for me to believe.  My memory of the recent events is so realistic.  But it's the only explanation for how I could be asleep now, and I am asleep now.  I almost loose the dream, indicating that it's an unstable one, so I decide that I'd better not do anything too radical.  I'm flying over some kind of fields now.  Below me are these very large overhanging structures that look like they're there to provide filtered shade.  I let myself fall down onto one of them and it reacts like a trampoline, bending beneath me then releasing the energy to shoot me back up into the sky.  I go so high up . . .  Then back down again.  I land on a different one of these structures, launching myself into  the sky once more.  And repeat.  It's so much fun.  The details on the ground disappear as I go up and up, and the horizon drops, and I can see for miles and miles.  I've seen people discussing using sensory experiences to stabilize unstable dreams.  If that's true than I'm doing the right thing.  I wonder if it's true.  I can feel it as I go up and down:  the feelings of acceleration . . .  coming slowly to a stop at the zenith, and then the momentary floaty feeling before the freefall.  I wonder why I decided to do this today instead of having sex.  I wonder which is more fun.  I think about summoning a man to have sex with here.  Could we have sex and bounce at the same time?  But it's not a fully-formed thought, and I let it go.

Then the platforms below me turn rainbow-colored as I look down on them.  Then I spot a hang glider in the distance.  The fabric wing is rainbow-colored too.  He's coming in my direction.  I feel somewhat apprehensive.  What kind of DC am I gonna have to deal with?  He's just in front of me now, 20 or 30 feet away.  As he reaches to take off his helmet it occurs to me that it could be a woman under that baggy flight suit, and Dora shakes out her short dark hair.  She looks a bit different than last time, more realistic.  Her lips don't have any green on them, there's a slight bump in her slender nose, and she has dark make-up smudged around her eyes like lots of girls do.  "What are you doing!?" she demands, as if I wasn't supposed to be jumping on the platforms.

"Dora!"  I fly over to her so that we're face to face.  "You were supposed to wait for me."  She gives me a look that says that she hadn't not waited.  "What are you doing in my dream again?"

I try to cling to the dream as it slips away, but there's nothing I can do.  To wide-awake to go back to sleep as well.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 07:14:51 PM by Alex Lou »

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #171 on: January 28, 2009, 08:11:48 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #172 on: January 28, 2009, 11:16:42 PM »
We've decided he's going to drop dead before he ever does that.   We've thought about sending threatening e-mails to him: "Get to writing, fat boy!  You ever read "Misery"?! 

I like your bouncing; I never did it that high.
Oh, someone who recognizes how nonsensical that Arya dream was!  Yeah, everyone I talk to seems to think Martin's gonna keel over before he finishes the series.  I've thought about sending him a threatening email too . . . but he gets so many already.

Nah, I don't read Stephen King.  Oh, wait, reading the plot synopsis . . . I think I've seen the movie.  Funny thing is, I don't get upset with Martin when he kills off his characters.  It's just par for the course.

The bouncing actually wasn't as fun as just flying.  Don't know why I didn't just fly around.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #173 on: January 28, 2009, 11:45:15 PM »
(content removed by user request)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #174 on: January 29, 2009, 11:04:12 AM »
Heads:  They'll Reattach When You're Not Looking!
Some guy looses his head in my entryway.  I might have done it, can't quite remember (there was something about his daughter coming to stay with me to escape his abuse, so when he pursued her I thought he got what he deserved) but I'm not in any fear of the authorities.  I leave the corpse there for a few days while I go play World of Warcraft or something.  Then I remember the headless guy downstairs.  His wounds have dried up and turned slightly green.  I decide that I'd better call 911.  I have some trouble connecting, both on the land-line and the cell phone.  When I do get the operator she just asks me for the address and then puts me on hold, or hangs up on me, I'm not really sure.  I have no idea if help's coming so I keep calling. 

When I tell her that there's a guy who got his head chopped off she tells me to keep it hydrated, and I think she means the wounds, but then she tells me to put water in his mouth.  So I put water in his mouth, and to my surprise, the face reanimates!  Apparently my mom's dog, a black lab, got decapitated there too and I can see his body walking around trying to go to the cat's water dish.  I realize that its trying to get some water for its head, so I give water to the dog too.  I figure that the body must be dehydrated as well, but I'm not sure how to give that part water except to just pour water on the neck wound. 

I go to call 911 again, and when I come back the dog's head is reattached!  Somehow the two pieces came together and healed up.  I'm petting him and looking at his scares in a amazement, like, "Good reanimated dog!"  Apparently his muzzle got chopped off too and has also reattached, although slightly askew.  I figure it doesn't matter much if it's not straight, he's just a dog after all.  But while my dog was healing, the man's head and body have disappeared!  As has the head and body of my old dog (He was there in the first place? :hrm:)  I assume that they're both dead, but can't imagine what happened to the bodies. 

I call 911 again to report the body missing, but then decide to go looking for it and forget that I was making a phone call.  First I look all over the house, looking in all the cupboards (could it be hiding in here?) Then I head outside.  On the side of the house I find my old dog.  His head has reattached too and I marvel at it.  I didn't know dogs could do that! I'm so happy to be able to pet my dog.  I so love golden retrievers and miss owning one.  His fur is long and soft.  As I'm walking toward the back door to go in the house, a rescue helicopter comes down out of the sky.  Oh, yeah, I called 911 without saying anything . . .  I wonder if they're here to look for the body, or if they came to see if anyone is in trouble since I didn't specify what was going on after that last call.  They really should have known what I was calling about at this point anyway.  Or maybe the headless man migrated into someone else's yard and they called?  The helicopter has it's searchlight on and is pointing it down at various yards.

I wake, feeling thoroughly disturbed.  The loud sound of the helicopter is still in my ears.  Amazing how realistic sounds can be in dreams.

I think that it's pretty unlikely that I was completely non-lucid in this one.  The presence of my old dog would have tipped me off if I had been, plus I was trying through the whole thing to remember some lucid experience from earlier in the night.  I did fail in that, by the way.  All I remember now is keeping track of two digit numbers (I was trying to remember that they were all two digits for some reason), two of which were significant:  one was 14, but I can't quite remember the other . . . 52?  54?  42?  And something about MB . . . Yeah, guess I'll never know . . . again . . .

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #175 on: January 30, 2009, 12:07:05 AM »
Heads:  They'll Reattach When You're Not Looking!
Amazing you kept your head through all that!

 :lol: Cool dream! It is strange how external stuff gets worked into the dream, particularly sounds.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #176 on: January 30, 2009, 12:08:32 AM »
It is strange how external stuff gets worked into the dream, particularly sounds.
As far as I know it was just a dream sound; my mind made it.  It was just very real and stuck with me.

Offline Alex Lou

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #177 on: February 02, 2009, 04:22:49 PM »
Dream Age and Memory - Variable Study for February and March

Age in Dream and Lucidity
Non-lucid dreams at my current age (25):  47
Lucid dreams at my current age (25):  15
At current age (25), but unsure of the lucid status:  2
Non-lucids in 30s: 2
Non-lucids, middle-aged: 1
Non-lucids, 26:  1
Non-lucids, immortal:  1
Non-lucids, younger than I am now:  1

Memory Challenge Attempts
2/4:  10/10
2/6:  10/10
2/20:  Failure to remember the task correctly
3/3:  10/10
« Last Edit: April 08, 2009, 09:29:28 PM by Alex Lou »

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #178 on: February 02, 2009, 04:55:01 PM »
Reading Fragment
I don't even remember the dream really or why I was lucid or what I was doing, but through the night I clung to the memory of reading because I wanted to write it down in my DJ.  It felt like passages I could remember, it was only two sentences on a card.  Wish I remembered the exact wording now, but it was kinda like those keychains that say, "Wanna keep an idiot busy for hours?  Look at the other side."  It was meant to keep you looking at it forever.  The first sentence gave a reason to read the second sentence first, and the second sentence gave reason to read the first sentence first.  Something like, "We must be sure of ____ so read b first." And the second said something slightly different.  I read it over several times trying to remember it.  Eventually, I realized that the text had changed too much and discarded it.  I clearly remember looking at the individual letters that made up words to make sure that I was really reading.

I think I had an FA where I was typing it up.

Spider Bites
I'm cleaning and notice a bunch of large spider's behind my bed.  I'm trying to clean up the webs, but they're extra thick and strong.  I grab a spider by a piece of web to take a look at it and see that it has a red hourglass on it's belly.  I'm surprised since the spider is brown . . . I didn't know that black widows could be brown as well as black.  I try to flick it away from me, but the strand of web is too thick and doesn't break.  The spider whips back and lands on my hand instead where it bites me.  It bites me on my thumb next to a burn (Did I burn myself earlier in the dream ???) I try to knock it off with my other hand, but only irritate it more and it bites me again near the first bite.

I know that I probably need antivenom or something.  I call my health insurance company but they keep giving me menus and I'm not sure what buttons to press.  The flesh on my thumb is turning brown and squishy.  I'm afraid that it's gonna scar.  Finally I call my mom and she drives me to a doctor. 

The doctor's office is very strange.  The doctor has some kinda European accent and explains everything slowly and precisely.  He gives me a mask to inhale from which apparently contains antivenom vapor and has me sit in a tub of liquid so that the antivenom can go out of my body and into the liquid.  The tub is actually in a room full of such tubs with other people sitting around in them with antivenom masks on.  Why would I need to inhale the antivenom?  Shouldn't they inject it into my thumb or arm, or at least have me ingest it?

I realize that I'm dreaming and wake up?

I'm telling my mom about the dream I had where I was bit twice by a black widow.  I also show her what I think is a spider bite on my hip (I actually have this bite IRL).  She's cleaning some spider webs in a corner and the spiders look just like the spiders in my dream.   I tell her to watch out, but she accidentally flicks one at me.  It lands on my arm and bites me. O_O  I realize that I was telling my mom about a dream in a dream, and then I got bit again just like in my dream!  Gotta put this one in my DJ.

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Re: Weird . . .
« Reply #179 on: February 04, 2009, 03:19:18 AM »
Does This Sound Lucid to You?
I'm in World of Warcraft.  I'm on some quest to go retrieve an object from the Horde capital of Orgrimmar.  I'm my human self, which makes me Alliance and an enemy of the Horde, so it's a good thing that I have a spell to disguise myself as an orc.  The spell fades quickly, so I keep casting it every 30 seconds or so as I enter the city.

Getting to where the object is kept is tricky.  A sexy, bald, lady orc with an axe directs me.  I have to enter a small image by willing myself through it with my mind.  Inside, it's like a glass box.  And there's no gravity!  There are all kinds of magical objects around.  After retrieving the orb that I came for, I grab handfuls of other glowing stones and fill my pockets.  Then I grab more, putting necklaces around my neck and just carrying some in my hands.  The necklaces are ornately carved bone.  I know that they have stat bonuses too.  I want them all.

I exit, burdened with my plunder, and the orc babe asks if I've fulfilled all my quest objectives.  I don't want to open my quest log in front of her because she'd see that I'm on an Alliance quest.  So I tell her that I'll look as soon as I go drop all this stuff off at the bank (Do I have room in the bank?).

Now she grows suspicious, "Which bank?"

"Orgrimmar."  Should I have said Silvermoon?  She'll see me leaving the city . . .

I consider stopping by the Orgrimmar bank to pretend that I'm dropping things off, but the orc doesn't watch me as I walk away, so I just head out the front gate of the city.  I find a secluded spot by the city wall to hearthstone (teleport) to the human city of Stormwind.  While looking at my action bars for my hearthstone, I see the swirly purple icon that represents Astral Recall, and decide to use that teleport spell instead.  I click on it and my hands gain green halos.  I wave my hands around in little circles in the air as I watch the casting bar . . . and . . . nothing happens!  I'm still just outside Orgrimmar.  I can't use Astral Recall again for a while, so I try the hearthstone, watching the cast bar again, and again no teleport.  Although, I notice that the music has changed to that of the human Elwynn Forest. 

I wonder why this is happening, but quickly find the explanation:
I'm playing the game in my mind, so I don't actually have access to real game data. My mind doesn't have all the files; it doesn't know to automatically port me to Stormwind when I hearthstone.  I imagine connecting my brain to my computer with USB cords.  I wonder how accurately my mind recreated the world of Warcraft on it's own.  I look at my surroundings.  Is this what the game really looks like? 

I try to just teleport myself with my mind but fail.  Oh well . . .  I start walking to Stormwind.  It's a long, exhausting trek, especially when going uphill.  I wake just before I get there.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 03:26:07 AM by Alex Lou »