Thanks for checking in (and compliments), everybody.

Nice to be able to start this off with a couple of lucids!
”Magic 101”
I was at a party, and I think it was Halloween. There was an inside joke running around where yelling “Free Ghost!!!” was supposed to be a hilarious reference to something, but I can't remember what. This guy had a snake for a pet and I didn't want to mess with it, because I knew it wasn't a constrictor and actually had fangs.
Later, Todd and I were walking down a short stairway, leading out into a field, obviously on a school campus. We passed this group of teenagers. There were three of them and I just got a
bad feeling, when we passed them, so I sensed there was some trouble brewing. No sooner did that thought come into my head, than they rushed us from behind and tried to rob us. I was worried for just a moment, until I realized that the weapons they were trying to rob us with were just lighters.

We ended up smacking the kids around a bit, and wrestling them to the ground, I grabbed two of them in a chokehold, and Todd grabbed the other. We dragged them back to the on-campus houses, and took them to their parents
(somehow knowing exactly where they lived), who chewed them out pretty good.
As we were walking back the way we came, we split up for some reason, and I began walking across a basketball court, right beside a fenced in tennis court. There were a bunch of
huge roughneck brothas playing football on the basketball court, and I noticed that my walking across it would inevitably put me in the middle of their playing field. I tried to maneuver my way around them, without disrupting their game and/or get trampled over. I was gonna walk through the tennis court, but the gate was looked, so I stayed to the side of their field and walked around it.
Immediately after leaving the basketball court, I spontaneously realized I was dreaming. I passed a group of like 6 girls sitting down in the grass and drinking bottles of something. Just to double-check whether or not I was dreaming, I looked at a freckle that I could see on one of their backs, and made it disappear (what a random reality check, I know, but it was the first thing that came to mind. Lol.) I went over to them and flirted for a bit, shaking their hands and being all charming. They were drinking some kind of juice, that were named different little artsy things. I asked one of them what hers was called, and she said it was called “Creative.” I grinned at her and asked her “and are you creative?” She smiled a little nervously and said “Well.I like to pretend that I am.” Without missing a beat, I responded with “Well, imagination is the first step to creativity, so it looks like you're on the right track.” They all giggled like crazy, and I told them I'd catch them later, and walked off, hearing them talking about me, as I walked away.
Seconds later, I could hear them all nervously running up behind me, trying to entice each other to talk to me. One of them reluctantly came up and asked me if I was a teacher (which, I believe, was because of the way I carried myself. I did feel like I had a bit of a regality about me). I thought for a moment and then said “yeah.” feeling like showing off a bit, “.I'm teaching a course in magic.” I asked them if they wanted to see a trick and they, and a few other people, gathered around. Still knowing that I was dreaming, I flicked my fingers and created a small flame. Then I threw the flame out in front of me, and it landed on the grass. People were mildly impressed, but ultimately not amazed, so I figured I'd have to do something a little more amazing. Right on cue, a black bird dove out of the tree we were under and grabbed the tiny flame in its beak. As soon as it picked up the flame, the entire bird caught fire, turning into what looked like a phoenix. It began to fly up toward the tree again, blazing, and I immediately pointed my palm at the bird and held it in place with telekinesis. I commanded the flaming bird to liquefy, and it began to drip like water, dousing the fire, and I then commanded it to freeze. With strings of water dripping down, the entire thing froze, leaving ice sickles trailing off of it. I then released my hold on it, and it fell in the grass.
Everybody went crazy over it, but it happened so fast that I noticed a lot of people didn't see the whole thing. Other people had recorded it on their cell phones, one of whom was my friend Vee, and we began going through the tape, to show the trick again to those that missed it.(I woke up while checking out the video)Dream (Frag)Two:I was sparring with my ex-girlfriend. Instead of using swords
(reminiscent of the intense dream I had, a while ago, where we were actually sword fighting), we were using sticks of rebar. It was a pretty cool fight, and I won by doing a spinning move where I parried her rebar with one of mine, in mid-rotation, followed by a reverse slash with the other one that went right across her neck. It didn't touch her, as this was only a spar, but I'd obviously one with the imaginary deathblow.
After that, we raced home. It started off as a foot-race but then, for some reason, we picked up these awkward little bikes with baskets on them and continued racing the rest of the way. She ended up winning the race, showing up to the house – which was actually someone else's house, from years ago – just a few seconds before I did.
Dream (Frag) One:Some kind of conversation abou the strongest gun in the world, and we started talking about satellite lasers
(though I don't think they actually exist yet). Started looking around on the internet for information on it, and watched a clip from a game
(that I can't remember the name of), where a satellite goes fires down and destroys a planet.
Dream Two:
I was staying at RG's house, after last night's
(IRL) party. There was some kid there, that I was in charge of looking after, so we spent a lot of time just playing games and whatnot. Later, RG brought in a sex tape that he'd made just a few minutes ago, with one of the girls that was at the party, and started watching it on TV. I was keeping the kid occupied so he wasn't looking at the screen. Though, for some reason, I didn't think it was strange enough to say something to RG, that he was watching a sex-tape with like an 8 year old in the room.
The dream changed, and I was flying low, over a bay area, with buildings to one side, and woods to the other, skimming just a few feet over the water. I was being pulled along by some flying gadget that was like a little box that I was holding with my right hand, out in front of it. I was holding onto the boy's hand with my left, and he was being pulled along beside me. Behind me was another person, but I can't remember who it was. It wasn't RG, though. He was an older guy, maybe in his early forties, I guess using a little flying thing of his own.
This thing was pulling me along, really fast, and just zooming over and under bridges and whatnot - really exhilarating. But then, I realized how odd it was that I was flying without a plane, or some other aircraft.
I knew that I was dreaming. I let go of the flying gadget thing, and brought me feet down beneath me, digging my heels just beneath the surface of the water and slowing myself to a stop, as if I was dragging them on concrete, still focusing on keeping myself on top of the water, and not falling in. I couldn't help but feel excited at the fact that I was standing on the water (which I don't think I've ever done before), and I stepped over to one side, and set the boy down on the tiny shoreline, behind one of the buildings. The guy stopped and stood besides him. He asked me how the hell I was standing on the water, without that flying thing, and I told him that it was because I was dreaming. As if to prove it, I stepped out further in the water and began to walk around on it. It was the weirdest feeling. It didn't feel hard at all. It just felt like water, and I felt lighter than air. Every now and then my feet would sink just a little, and the top of my shoes would get wet, but then I'd have to concentrate a little more on keeping myself up above the surface.
After walking around a little, I flew up near the roof of the building – where the guy had ascended too as well, and he just kind of watched me hovering there, with a smile on his face. Then, I lowered myself down to the shore again, so I wouldn't have to focus so much and I could think about what I wanted next. I didn't really feel like the dream was holding together very well, so I tried rubbing my hands together. It didn't work, and it actually began making the dream fade. I kept trying to think of other methods to stabilize the dream (I had completely forgotten about my tried-and-true method of looking at my hands until it was too late), and the next thing that sprang to mind was to feel around the texture of the dream scene. I put my hand out and began to feel on the rough cement walls, and across the cables and whatnot that ran behind the building. For a second, it worked, but as soon as I stopped touching it, the dream began fading again. Finally I remembered looking at my hands. It may or may not have helped, being that the dream was slipping away really quickly, but when I reached my arms up to look at my hands, I realized that I couldn't see them. I could feel that my hands were right in front of my face, but they just weren't showing up in the dream. No matter how much further down I looked, I could no longer see my body at all. Just the scene around me.