Author Topic: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded  (Read 33907 times)

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #120 on: February 09, 2009, 08:46:57 PM »

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #121 on: February 09, 2009, 08:53:13 PM »
Oh, and even though Asher is still "the owner" of DV, he's pretty much left most of it to us staff. I have to give him enough credit to say that he's come a long way, since he's been there. He now understands our relationship with the rest of the community, and pretty much stays out of the way, when it comes to how things are done around there. I mean, of course he chimes in on certain things, but even then, he's been much more respectful and inclusive about it. That's part of the main reason I would like you guys to come around more often. It's just weird, now, not having so many of you over there. It's like the old staff atmosphere...with most of the staff gone. =/ Things have honestly changed, and you might find it a bit more homely than when you left.

Think it over. :)

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #122 on: February 09, 2009, 08:57:45 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #123 on: February 09, 2009, 09:06:25 PM »
Heh. Yeah, I figured it would be a pretty big post. Can't say that I really expect(ed) anyone to go through the whole thing, though. Much love to you, though, if you do. Lol. How've you been? Have I missed anything interesting around here?? I kept kicking myself in the ass for being away from this place so long. I found myself missing you guys at DV way too much. =/

Oh I'll read it; good inspiration.  Several of my skills I owe to reading your dreams.  :)

You should kick yourself!  ;)  We missed you too!  

We just continue on, just dreaming and trying to get better.   You've popped up occasionally in people's dreams (being kissed, etc.) so you were out of sight for a while, but never out of mind.

Thanks, MB.  :-* I've read a couple of the O-kissing dreams, hehe, and I've definitely missed TS. (I actually hate the fact that we don't talk nearly as much as we used to), but I'll try to hang around much more than I used to. Nice to know you're all still thinking of me as well, though. :)

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #124 on: February 13, 2009, 10:48:53 AM »

Hanging out with my ex and had this cool laser light toy thing. Went to my old room and started covering the windows to make it pitch black so we could try out this light-show thingy. Don't think we ever got it to work. Stayed the night over her place, later.

Something about swimming around the raft outside of Muffet's house, in the Keys. Somebody got some of the fire coral that is under the raft all over their feet and were complaining about it, the whole time. Don't really remember much other than that.

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Pancaka

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #125 on: February 13, 2009, 11:27:48 PM »
That's a beautiful picture O. Glad to see you posting back here. I haven't been coming to DV to check up on you  :oops:. Can't wait to see some more epic fights and stuff.
Lucid Dreams 2011:
Development: Telekinesis(C) Fire(D) Flight(D)


Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #126 on: February 14, 2009, 12:28:42 PM »
Hey thanks, Pancaka. I was wondering where you've been! LOL.

But yeah, hopefully I'll have some more greatness to post sometime soon. I've had a few drinks for the past couple of nights, though, so the recall has been....a bit sub-par. Haha.

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #127 on: February 14, 2009, 05:49:10 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #128 on: February 15, 2009, 04:55:12 PM »
Quote from: Moonbeam
Wish I was there.  Is that like a tiled area leading up to the ocean?

Yeah. I love that place. Right out my friend's mom's house, they have their own boat dock and all, and this is the spot right beside the dock. You can stand for about 5 feet out, and then it drops off pretty quickly. It's maybe 15 feet deep under the raft, and steadily descends, the further out you go.

It's beautiful, but can be a little freaky at night. Haha.

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #129 on: February 15, 2009, 09:05:57 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #130 on: February 20, 2009, 07:46:56 PM »
Yea, night swimming, you have to be a little buzzed.

Heh. "A little buzzed" doesn't even come close to describing our time out there. LOL.


(Catching up...more to come)

(I was completely hammered, when I went to sleep, so all I remember are brief clips of a bunch of different dreams. I had a fairly long lucid, but even that is not much more than a few fragments thrown in the mix together.)

Dream One:

I spent a long time hanging out with a bunch of different people, inside a large house which had an observatory up on the roof. We were taking turns looking through the telescope, but instead of stars, all we were seeing was a mass of millions of 1's and 0's. The guy who was operating it told me that that's the default view, but there is one more mode. He switched on the other mode and all the 1's and 0's turned into 3D models of stars, which really just appeared as dots. There were clouds of space gas that showed up as large, bubble-like formations. It was a lot like looking at a model in Blender 3D, in workspace mode.

Later, walking through the house, I'd begun to suspect that I was dreaming. I wasn't quite sure of it yet, because things felt really solid, but I definitely had that nagging suspicion. I pointed my palm out in front of me and tried to move a dresser drawer with my mind. It didn't budge an inch, and I began to doubt myself, but I thought I'd give it another try, and I held out both hands as if guiding the dressed toward me. I hardly even saw it move, but I heard a heavy wooden squeak on the floor. A bit surprised at this, I tried again, and the dresser moved much more easily. I knew, then, that I was dreaming.

I walked over to a tall, standing mirror and decided to try walking into it. First I stuck my head inside, and it bent inward as if I was pressing my head against a pane of plastic. I then put my hands up and walked forward, trying to “break through.” It kept the same sensation, though, as if I was trying to walk through a tall, anchored sheet of plastic. A good ways inside of this “bubble” of mirror, I wondered what it would be like if I wrapped myself in it completely, so I turned to the left and sort of “walked around” the wooden beam on the left side of the mirror, completely cocooning myself in the reflective material. Soon, the material seemed to kind of “dissolve,” to where I could see through it, and I was then standing inside the same room.except everything was the opposite of what I'd remembered. The chair was on the opposite side, as was the bed, etc. I went for a walk around this “mirror world” for a while and everything had a sort of supernatural feel to it. I walked into one room where there was a huge sculpture of some kind of severed head, gore and all. It quickly began to freak me out, so I visualized it as being something else, and it turned into a cartoon-looking clown head with balloons all around it, which I found much less threatening.

Don't really remember anything else.

Dream (Frag) Two:
I was a little kid, playing in the mud with another. There was a teenage girl watching over us. We were jumping off of a fallen log, and I noticed that I was slowly drifting down toward the mud, instead of falling. It was as if I was only slightly heavier than air. I tried to tell the girl who was watching us, but she seemed completely unimpressed, and said that she could fall that slow if she wanted. I kept trying to make her realize that this wasn't normal, and began trying to manipulate how slow I fell. After a bit of practice, I became so light that I would fall for a little bit, and then actually begin to ascend in the opposite direction, levitating upward. She didn't really say anything about it, as if trying to maintain her cool, but I could tell by the look her face that she was secretly shocked

Dream Three:
"Melting the Ice"

I was working somewhere with Jen O (who I used to work with, but it was a different job, in the dream). Somehow, I got the idea to try to affect things with my mind (residual assertion to reality check?) while I was getting lunch. I took a frozen pack of hotdogs out of the freezer and the first thing I decided to try was to thaw it, focusing on it with my eyes. Slowly, the hotdogs began to thaw, water running down the back of my hand. Surprised, I took a piece of ice out of the freezer and went to show Jen what I could do. Making it melt in front of her, she seemed unimpressed, and said that it was just because it was really hot in the office – which it wasn't. Then, to prove my ability, I went back and got two pieces of ice, returning to Jen and making one piece melt while I kept the other one cold and solid. She was a bit impressed that time and thought it was really cool that I could do that.

Later, I was outside getting some Doritoes from the vender. I don't remember too much of this part, but there was a bum out there who asked me for some of my chips, and I gave him some. Later still, I had to take my dad's truck out of town and pick up his Grand Prix, which was getting fixed up, leaving the truck there to bring back the car. The GP looked great, had some awesome rims and tires on it, and a brand new interior.

Dream (Frag) Four:
I was watching as a disembodied perspective as some guy slid through this underground tunnel with water running through it. He came to an opening at the end, with a branch running across the top. Instinctively, he reached out and grabbed the branch just before flying out of the opening. Down below, the water continued to drop for what seemed like hundreds of feet, dumping into a lake at the base of the waterfall. Seconds later, I was actually inside the scene, standing at the opening of the tunnel, next to the hanging guy, and looking down at the lake far below. Even though the guy was still in grave danger, hanging the way that he was, we both kind of marveled at the scenery, and how far down the lake was. I wished I'd had a camera for the view. Somehow, I went to a store to pick one up, and was suddenly right back beside the guy who was hanging on for dear life, taking pictures of the scenery. LOL.

Dream (Frag) One:

I was in someone's house who had some weird security robot thing. It would go crazy every time it saw me and would start shooting these darts at me like a machine gun. I kept having to duck and dodge all through the hallway.

Dream (Frag) Two:
I was at someone's house, having a dance contest against some other guys, in front of a bunch of girls. I was doing ok, but wasn't really happy with my performance.

"Cannonball Run"

I was experiencing the Cannonball Run with my dad. We were watching the racers – movie stars and all – except they were on an actual track, instead of just running cross-country. There was a motorcyclist in it, too. There was no penalty for going off the track, so they were cutting as many corners as possible, driving through the grass and everything. There was one guy using a bowling ball as a weapon. He would throw it out his window, and it would moving along the track like the turtle shells in Mario Kart.

Later, dad and I were on the side of the road, smoking a joint, taking a break from watching the race. We began to make our way back home – I was driving – and when we got on the highway, the road started doing these vertical U-turns that you see on those little plastic racetracks, where goes straight up a wall, makes a U-turn, and comes back down to the ground, leveling out. I had to navigate these turns and, at one point, we flew off of the turn at its apex, flying through the air and crashing down to the street. The fall was a good 50 feet, and we landed head-on, but there was no pain. Sometime later, we showed up at a rest stop. My mom was there. I had my guitar and a few other guys at the stop happened to have theirs. One of them started to play and sing “Simple Man” by Skynyrd, and I was about to play with him, but he stopped just as I was trying to find what key he was in.

Dream (Frag) One:

I was with Sam and Dean Winchester - from the show Supernatural -, and some other kid. We were in army barracks and had a machine-gun that shot salt rounds. Late at night, in the middle of conversation, a chill came through, and we began breathing visible condensation. An army of dead soldiers began showing up, that we had to battle, and the machine-gun jammed and couldn't shoot the salt rounds. So we basically spent the dream trying to run from the ghosts.

Dream (Frag) Two:
I was in a mall, and there was a massive dance battle (kind of like the Improv Anywhere performances, but just different people coming out to battle each other. I was doing all kinds of awesome acrobatics with my dancing, doing b-twists and flips over people and handstands and whatnot. Outside, there was this one asshole guy and his girl who did something really fucked up. Can't remember what it was, though. They left for a moment, but then came back to start more trouble. The kid from the previous dream came onto the scene dressed as a cop. He kept the crowd of onlookers back and gave me room to kick the trouble-maker's ass.

Dream (Frag) Three:
I was with Rob and crew. We were about to fire up the grill, and I was gonna cook, but I remembered that I had to go home and finish my final project for my Design class.

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #131 on: February 20, 2009, 07:47:46 PM »
« Last Edit: February 20, 2009, 09:10:21 PM by Oneironaut »

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #132 on: February 20, 2009, 08:19:37 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #133 on: February 20, 2009, 09:12:53 PM »
:o  Wow, great detailed recall!  Cool slow-mo vampire fight, you did good!  (As usual.  :D)

Thanks, Moon!  :content:
That "Lucian" vamp really had me on the run, though! Haha.

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #134 on: February 20, 2009, 10:21:40 PM »

(I woke up with about an hour left to sleep before having to get up again for work. Knowing that my alarm clock was set, I was still worried about sleeping through it, when I went back to sleep.)

I dreamt I was watching an episode of Smallville. I wasn't watching it on TV, but through a disembodied perspective – like I was the camera following him around. In the “episode”, something had gotten inside of Clark's skin. Every now and then, these little lesions would start showing up all over him – first a few in his face, and some running down his arms. It looked like something was scratching his skin, but from the inside out. Every time the lesions would grow, there would be this whirring sound, like something mechanical was cutting its way out of him. He went into an elevator, and the sound and lesions were getting more intense. A voice called out to him, inside his head. It said that it was about to “break out of him,” and that it would “change him – turning him into a being of pure evil.” (paraphrase) I believe it was Braniac, but there was really nothing to go by. At one point, though, these lesions were actually hurting him, and he took off his jacket. The lesions were so bad, that some of the skin in his arm completely peeled away, and showed metal beneath (which is what makes me think it was supposed to be Braniac). The more his skin tore, and the whirring intensified, until Clark was apparently racked with pain, and it was causing him to stagger about, trying to get the sound out of his head, and the intruder out of his skin.

He staggered outside of the Daily Planet, practically clawing at himself – trying to stop the horrible sensation of the boring through his skin. When he walked into the streets, there was utter chaos around him. Buildings were burning; cars were smashing into each other so fast and hard that one of them flew right off of the road and slammed into the second story windows of an office. There was simply no subtlety whatsoever, and things were just crashing and exploding all over the place. Clark, though, was so preoccupied with the intense pain that was causing him to wander aimlessly, that he just kind of staggered through the mayhem as if it didn't even exist. He walked into the frantic, colliding traffic; cars smashing into and ricocheting off of him as if he were a walking wall of.well.Steel. Even though he was already staggering, the speeding cars had no effect on his steps. I remember thinking to myself about how awesome this show's special effects had gotten, while watching this (I actually thought something along those lines, as I really was watching Smallville, the night before the dream). Suddenly, another car came, flying through the air, flipping toward a man and woman who were running passed Clark, trying to escape the fray. Just before the car landed on top of them, a red and blue blur flew in, picking them up and moving them just a few feet away, the car smashing to the ground where they once were.

Clark turned to see.himself.setting the man and woman down and smiling at them as they thanked him for saving their lives. It was him, but as Superman. The Superman imposter hurriedly told the humans to get as far away from Clark as possible, because he was the one that was causing all the chaos – implying that “Superman” was here to stop the “villain” (Clark). Obviously, Clark was being framed. “Superman” then turned toward Clark, walking in his direction. He began expanding on the idea that the voice in Clark's head had been telling him; that Clark was going to turn into a psychopathic killer, and that this imposter (the real psychopathic killer) was going to take his place as the Hero in the eyes of the public. Clark, though, wasn't having it. He was determined to fight back against his bio-invader, and he and “Superman” began one hell of an epic battle. At the beginning, Clark had lost the ability to fly, because this ‘thing' was taking over him. He tried to fly but ended up falling back to the earth.

The fight continued on, though, Clark effectively managing to hold the bio-invader out of his mind enough to retain his super-strength. They absolutely tore the city apart while fighting each other; smashing each other through buildings and concrete blocks; punching each other through the street and down below ground level; picking up cars and using them as weapons to swat each other with. It was absolutely nuts. There were times where my perspective would switch to that of Clark's, and I would be kind of “willing” his actions against the Super-Imposter, choosing when Clark punched or blocked by moving my own arms (which then became his). Having this periodic lapse between just watching the action and being “in” the action, I caught myself checking my watch (on Clark's wrist), making sure it wasn't 8:00am yet, because I was hoping the episode would be over before I had to go to work (There is so much reality/dream crossing in that one concept that it blows my mind. LOL.) The hand on the watch was getting closer and closer to 8, and I was wondering if I was going to be late to work. No matter what, though, I wanted to see the end of the fight.

Somehow, the fight moved from Metropolis to my old hometown. They were fighting in the Albertson's/Blockbuster Video shopping center. Clark was losing the fight badly, because no matter how hard he attacked the Superfraud just wouldn't quit, but he somehow found a way to beat him, psychologically. I can't remember what all he said, but Clark did this whole monologue about logically deducing the fraud's weakness – something about their time in High School and the dangers of tobacco being a clue to his weakness. (How those concepts actually tied in, I have no idea. I can't remember what it was he was talking about.) After he exposed this secret, though, the Fraud wasn't able to touch him. He became weak and frail, and ended up flying away when he realized he couldn't win.

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix