(Catching up again. Another wall of text.)=========================
Dream One:
"Samuel L. Jack the Ripper"
I was a cop with a female partner, and we were on the case of a suspected serial killer. We went to investigate the suspect's house (who was being "played" by Samuel L. Jackson). I had memories of dealing with the guy before, and he was a real dick. We waited until we knew he would be gone, and then we went in to snoop around his place. There were already other cops there, when we showed up, so we just kind of joined in on their search, but they were all just being
really lazy, and just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses. I kept trying to get them all to help with the rummaging through his stuff, before he came back, but they were in no hurry to get to work.
While my partner and I were pretty much the only one's going through his stuff, my perspective switched to 3rd person. I saw Sam L. return, looking over a hedge-lined stone wall and spying on us. He then pulled up a sniper rifle, took aim, and fired a shot into his house, hitting my partner and wounding her. I was soon rushing out the back door, trying to chase him down, but he was gone before we could even really react to the shooting. We were left searching all of the neighboring buildings for him, but finding nothing. Even so, he was always one step ahead, and kept killing off the squad, one by one, as we searched various places. There was a lazy cop in one room, supposedly "searching," but really doing nothing but watching T.V. He was the only one in the room and, when I went back in, the guy was dead in the chair. Just barely catching a glimpse of Sam, running again, I gave chase again. Every now and then, he would turn around and I would have to take cover as we got into gunfights. My gun kept jamming on me, and my partner, resilient as she was, kept up with the chase even with her bullet wound. At one point, I remember running out of ammo and having to ask her for one of her clips. The chase/firefight continued, and we ended up going into the hood, and just barely catching glimpses of him as he moved from building to building.
We caught up to him in a parking garage where a bunch of people were having a breakdance battle
(I'm definitely noticing a lot more dance battles occuring in my dreams). Apparently, a few of these guys were friends of his, and they pulled out and started firing at us as well. The chase then kind of disbanded from being just against Sam L., and we had to react to the new shooters on the scene. I was squaring off against two guys, well after Sam had given us the slip, and our scrambles for cover had taken our gunfight into a grocery store. Inside the store, I actually got the upper hand on both of them, stripping their guns and getting one of them in my grasp. The other one, gunless, rushed over to a security guard that was standing in line, and stole the gun right off of his belt. I knocked the one that I had in custody down onto his face, and dropped down to one knee, pressing it down into his back to keep him from moving while I took aim at the gun-toting other. He turned his back and ran, and I fired off a few shots through the front of the store, just barely missing him as he ran outside.
I don't remember the end of the dream, but I do believe we ended up killing Sam L.
Dream Two:
"Seven/Ten Shift"
I was riding in the back seat of a car that DV Member
Shift was driving. She had me scared out of my mind, though, because she was a
horrible driver, and didn't really seem to care in the least. She was making tight turns through intersections doing like 50mph, arcing wide and running up on people's lawns when she couldn't stay on the road. I kept yelling at her to drive like she had some sense, but she acted like I didn't even exist, and just kept on driving like a maniac with this steadfast look of determination on her face. There were two other DV members in the car, but I don't remember who they were.
We ended up going to a bowling alley, where we were supposed to be meeting up with more of the DV crew. Instead of those little chairs that most bowling lanes had, this one had couches on each lane. I remember that there was one lane where this little kid was throwing the ball like halfway down the lane before it even touched the ground. Just when other DV members began showing up, I realized that I was wearing a kilt...and
nothing but a kilt.
(I was watching "According to Jim" yesterday, and he'd gotten tricked by his wife into wearing a kilt). I was feeling really exposed, and I tried to make my way to the bathroom, but suddenly felt like I was
really drunk. I fell, once, by a small flight of stairs that led up off of the bowling lanes, giving anyone who was nearby a quick, embarrassing flash as my feet flew up over my head. Eventually, I made my way to the bathroom, trying to adjust the kilt, which kept riding up to around my chest instead of my waist. When I pulled it down, I noticed these strange white and blue dots on my stomach. I had no idea what they were, and it was just a few at first, but the more I tried to adjust the kilt down around my waist, the more these things just kind of popped up on my skin, until my entire torso was
covered in these bright white and blue boils.
(Ugh. Makes my skin crawl, just thinking about it). They kept changing in size, from small, pimple-like bumps to large, colored pocks. I don't remember anything after that, though.
(I had a couple of dreams this night - Thursday/Friday - but unfortunately I don't remember much, besides a lucid fragment. I didn't have time to write in my notes before I went to work, and it's been over 24 hours.
Here's what I remember, though.)03/06/2009
Dream One:
"Alpha Male"
I was walking down my street. The dream had started at night, and I was with someone. We walked down toward the YMCA, and there were a lot of people out there playing games in the dark. Down the perpendicular street, there were a lot of cars pulling in and out of the high school, as if some huge function was going on, but there wasn't really very many lights in the area at all, aside from the headlights. I spent some time down on this end of the road, but I don't really remember very much of what went on.
The next thing I knew, it was daytime out, and I was walking back toward the direction of my house. About halfway there, I saw three very large creatures walking my way on all fours. They were wolves, but not like any other wolves I'd ever seen. There was a fully-grown wolf, and two cubs. The thing was: the cubs - on all fours - stood a good 3 feet high. The adult was as tall as I was. Just as I stopped walking, they spotted me. Immediately they came running in my direction, snarling. Knowing that wolves of this size would have ripped me to shreds in seconds, I instinctively ran toward the house whose driveway I was crossing. With the wolves right on my heels, I took a leap of faith, kicking off of the garage door for elevation and getting just high enough to grab the roof with my hands. My legs dangling, I was somehow able to drag myself up onto the roof by the palms of my hands, as if I was Spider-Man and my hands could stick flat to any surface.
I stood up on the roof, and the first thing I realized was how impossible it would have been for me to actually climb a house like that. Not only was I never that great a climber, but my hands sticking to the rooftop like that was just absurd.
I realized I was dreaming, stepping back over to the edge of the roof and looking down. The large wolves jumped up and down, snapping their jaws toward me, but falling just short of being able to reach the rooftop. I walked along the edge and, no matter which direction I walked, they followed me, trying viciously to get high enough to drag me down. Finally, I just thought to myself, "fuck it", and I jumped down and landed in the center of the driveway. They converged on me instantly, and I began fighting them off, grabbing them as they lunged and grappling with them. I don't remember much of the play-by-play for the fight, but I do remember punching the big one in the face, and then doing a telekinetic move where I dodged its jaws and held up my index and middle fingers, swiping them downward as if I were holding an invisible sword, and passing them inches away from the wolf's neck. A crimson line appeared in the wolf's coat, along the path where my fingers - had they been so long - would have traveled (kind of like Sylar's lobotomy move in Heroes, only much faster). The adult wolf's head then tilted forward, and fell off of its shoulders. The body followed.I don't remember anything after that.
Dream (Frag) Two:All I remember is that I was in someone's house with some friends, and one of them had an adorable wolf cub as a pet. It was only a couple of weeks old, and we were all just marveling over how awesome he was.
Fragment:The only thing I really remember was being in some big house out in Orlando. For some reason, I got into a fight with some guy on the front porch. I ended up getting his back and trying to put him in a rear naked choke, but I couldn't get his neck in the crook of my elbow, so I couldn't really close off of his windpipe all the way. He flailed around with me on his back, crashing into tables and chairs and stuff, which were all laid out on the patio. I don't really remember how it ended.
"...You're still here?"
I woke up on the couch in the living room (but it was in a different position than it usually is). It was really dark, and was apparently the middle of the night. Cierra came in and was trying to get my attention about something. My mom followed her in. Mom was saying something about if I was prepared to get up early and take Cierra to school in New Smyrna, in the morning. I knew immediately that something was wrong. I distinctly remember Cierra's mom coming to pick her up last night, before I went to bed. I kept telling my mom that there's no way this is really happening, because Cierra went home last night. She kept saying stuff like "Yeah, well, whatever. Just make sure you're up early, so you can get her ready and have her to school on time."
Cierra went over and sat down on the love-seat. She had this mischievous look on her face like she knew something was up, but was being silly and didn't want to disclose what she knew. I sat up on the couch and looked at her, a bit puzzled. I was certain that I was right. I knew that her mom had picked her up, and that Cierra was gone by the time I went to sleep. From my seat on the couch, I held out one hand, pointing a finger at her, focusing my mind. I flicked my finger upward and, projecting the telekinetic intention, silently commanded Cierra's body to elevate from the chair. She slowly hovered off of the cushion, still in a seated position, and floated a few feet above the ground.
"Ha! I knew it!" I said out loud, knowing for sure that I was dreaming. I got up and went down the hallway. It was really dark in the house, and I leaned in my room and tried to turn on my ceiling fan light. It didn't work. At first, I was like "oh. Clever. Dream World tech not working, as usual." But then I realized that my light was really blown in waking life (which it is. Just hadn't changed it yet at the time.) so I leaned into the bathroom which, is directly across the hall, and turned on the bathroom light. It came on really dim, but it worked.
There were suddenly a lot of voices outside, and we all walked out through the door in my bathroom. Some of our family members were pulling up in the back. It was really dark out, aside from the headlights. Slowly, I could feel things beginning to fade, I wanted to ground myself into the dream, but I completely forgot about checking my hands. Instead, I got the impulse to close my eyes and try to will things into clarity. When I opened, though, things were still pretty hazy. I was trying to think of something to do while I still had lucidity, but I couldn't think of anything. I walked back into the house, and things were even darker than before.The next thing I knew, I was trying to focus my eyes in the darkness, and realized I was looking at the inside of my room. I had woken up without even realizing it, because the darkness of the dream bled into the darkness of my actual room in waking life.
"The Lions' Den"
The very first thing I remember is waking up, on the ground. I was in a park somewhere, surrounded by trees and wide-open space. I was lying face down, and there was a massive weight on my back. Something extremely heavy was draped over me, and I could see a bunch of people standing at a distance, looking at me with what was obviously grave concern. Though I couldn't lift my neck up to see exactly what it was, I could tell by the feeling of its coat, and the various low growls reverberating through his body, that I had a very
big lion laying on top of me.
I was immediately terrified. I didn't know what to do. It was just resting on me with one arm draped across my body, as if I was now its property, and he'd do with me whatever the hell he wished, and no one was going to tell him otherwise. As if that wasn't bad enough, a second, female lion came walking into my field of view. She just kind of strolled around near the male and I, watching the people watching us. I could see that some of the people in the distance were cops, and some were civilians and/or animal control with guns. Nobody wanted to chance shooting the lions, for fear of pissing them off and/or getting me killed. But I could tell by the way they were getting into position, that their time to act would have to be soon.
Suddenly, I began to question if I was dreaming. I didn't want to move, for fear of angering the lion, so I tried to telekinetically levitate the beast off of me. It didn't work
at all. He just stayed there, laying on top of me. Running out of options, I tried to move a little, to see he'd be forgiving enough to let me slip out from under him. The second I moved, he gave a really deep growl that shook me to my core. I resigned movement and lay there, motionless once again. Someone called that they were going to try to shoot the lion and that, the very moment they began shooting, I needed to get to my feet and run as fast as I could. Before I even had time to protest, shot after shot rang out. The lion shifted to defend himself and pulled his arm off of me. I rolled out from under him and scrambled to my feet, the lion turning to face his attackers. Distracted by dozens of shots, the lion left me alone as he and the female charged the shooters closest to them.
Reaching the line of people, I came across someone that had an extra shotgun, picked it up, and began helping to put the animals down while they ran down the other shooters, biting and clawing at them while seemingly taking the bullets in stride. I don't remember whether or not we actually neutralized them, though - just all the running, screaming and gunshots.
"Third Degree Burns"
I was with DV Member
Burns and some other dude. They were going out for the first time, and I was there hanging out with them. We were in some bar in a mall, and were getting wasted. I can't remember what Burns was having, but I had a gin and tonic, as did the other guy. I remember paying for the first round, but nothing about who got the others. Burns seemed really vulnerable, though, as if she had just come out of a failed relationship and was really touchy and suspicious of this other guy. They kept getting into tiny spats that turned into a huge argument. She was being really catty, and he was being pretty insensitive, just kind of shrugging off everything she said, which obviously helpd make things wose. A little later, I was sitting on a small group of steps, shuffling cards
(which I often do, to keep myself busy when I'm bored or agitated), and the two of them were standing a couple of feet away from me, still going at it. Finally, I spoke up and said something like: "You know, I'm just going to come out and say it. You're both being assholes to each other. I've been here the whole time, and I think you're both being really unfair to each other and it's only making things worse for no reason." Realizing I was right, they both apologized to each other. I also apologized to Burns because I kept calling her 'Burns' instead of her real name. She said it was ok, found it endearing, said I could keep calling her Burns if I wanted to.
Later, after everything was cool again, Burns and the dude were gone, and I was strolling around the mall. Glancing into one of the stores I was passing, I saw L - a girl I used to work with and had a huge crush on, but unfortunately had a big falling out with. She noticed me and began to talk to me. The atmosphere was
really awkward, because before now, she'd been avoiding me for over a year, and we'd pretty much just stopped talking to each other. Now, she was actually putting in
effort to make conversation with me. She began to make an almost solemn tone, and asked me why we never really became good friends, instead of acquaintances...and why we never became
more than just friends. By the look in her eyes, she seemed really sincere, and almost heartbroken at the thought, which really affected me. All I could answer was with "I don't know,"
(because I didn't know), but just seeing her like this really made me miss her being around, and I could feel myself getting a little choked up. She told me that it wasn't too late to fix things between us - and she admitted that she wanted to grow old and have kids with me, someday - which blew my mind. The whole time we were talking, the multi-screen TV setup in the background was playing some presentation about Love. L then began laying her sentiments on
real think. She was telling me that I'd have to be devoted to her and only her, and how I'd better not go around talking to other women and whatnot - and I was thinking to myself "Whoa, slow down...you've been avoiding me for over a year, and now you're talking to me like we're exchanging vows??" I knew that something was out of place. There was something very weird about the way she was acting, and this whole situation in general.
I took a look around. The mall was practically empty now, and when I turned back in her direction, L was gone. The only one anywhere near me was a female store clerk. She was looking at me like I was nuts, because I was standing in one spot and looking around like I was lost. I said outloud that "this
can't be real". She said something or other, doubting my assertion. I started thinking back, and came to the realization that this
couldn't be real because I didn't remember ever driving to this mall. I was just kinda "here." I began to suspect that I was dreaming, but things were really vivid. I raised one hand toward a stack of magazines in the store and tried to levitate them, but they wouldn't budge. Looking up, I tried to make the lights flicker, but that didn't really work either. Finally, I tried to manifest L again. I looked back at the TV screens that were playing the love program, and tried to 'visualize' L coming into view. Slowly, she walked through the wall of screens like they were made of liquid, and was standing before me.
"I knew it!" I said, now certain that this was a dream. I glanced around the mall again, trying to think of something to do with my remaining lucidity. It was then that I caught a glimpse of something on the ceiling. It was an arm sticking out from over a suspended light fixture. It quickly tucked itself away, just as I looked up, but not before I could make out the dingy, red and green fabric of the long-sleeved sweater.
"Ha! Get out here, Freddy!" I called out, knowing immediately who it was. The second I yelled for him, a security guard suddenly grabbed me by the wrist. I quickly turned to face him, just in time to see his face morph from some ordinary stranger into the twisted, burned-away visage of Krueger. I didn't notice the change of the security guard outfit back to the sweater, but it was instantaneous. Krueger was grinning evily, and I could tell he was ready to try his hand at killing me again. Happy that he showed up, I rolled my wrist out of his grasp and jumped backward. "What's up, man?!" I challenged him, slinging one hand down after the other, I made razors that match his gloves slide out of my fingertips - like I'd done in our first meeting, but this time with both hands. I could actually feel them break the skin with a dull pinch. Freddy came at me on a mission. We started hacking and slashing at each other, ducking and dodging wild slices and stabs, and blocking each others nails with our own - though there were no sparks when our hands clashed, as there had been on the first time we fought nail to nail.
We moved deftly through the mall while fighting, kind of 'gliding' over the ground in long, dashes and matching strides, as if we were aggressive ice skaters chasing each other around the rink while throwing blows. For all his trying, though, he couldn't lay a hand on me. It came to be that I was chasing him at one point, and he was dashing backward while facing me and fighting off my attacks. We were moving really fast, and I thought I could get him with a distraction. I slashed at him, saying "Duck!", which he ducked. I did it again with the other arm, saying "DUCK!" which he ducked again. And then, mixing it up instead of "Goose!" which is how the kids' game goes, I said "Moose!!" and pointed over Freddy's shoulder, quickly implying that there was a moose behind him. Obviously confused, Freddy turned his head to look behind him and said "Huh?!?" As soon as he wasn't looking, I slammed my shoulder into his body, throwing him off of his feet and full speed and making him crash into a corner, sprawled upside down with his legs in the air. I exploded into laughter, pointing at him. I could feel the dream's solidity fading, but before I had time to think, Freddy was back on his feet and the fight was back on. This time, I was the one dashing backward, while he advanced on me. I tried to show off a bit and jumped into the air, flipping upside down and trying to offset gravity by running on the ceiling. Trying to manuever myself so that I would still be facing Freddy, which involved putting a half spin with the flip, I became disoriented. Now there was practically nothing but a fading blur in my field of vision. I could still make out his arm swinging for me, and I tried to sneak a peak at my hands to bring the clarity back into the dream - but I was doing so in the midst of ducking and dodging his attacks, and things were just to frantic to solidify.The dream faded and I woke up. At least, I
thought I woke up.
Dream (Frag) Two: (FA)
I woke up in my bed, and there was a really hot blond chick straddling my pelvis. I didn't think too much of it at first, and glanced at the TV. There was a horror movie on, but I can't remember what was going on on the screen. I looked back at the girl, who was looking seductively down at me.
I suddenly realized that I was still dreaming. The second I realized this, the girl's eyes rolled all the way back into her head, until they were nothing but white. Her face quickly deteriorated and her mouth became freakishly slack-jawed as she turned into a demon right before me.(I immediately woke up for real. I came to the computer to type up my notes and browse DV. I checked on what the lucid tasks of the month were, and went back to bed with a mind to attempt a WBTB.)Dream Three:
"Beyond Dreaming"
I was in school with two other guys, one of which I remember being named 'Jamal.'
I was spontaneously lucid, but to a very low degree. I was fully aware that this was my dream, but I treated the other two DC's as if they were living entities, and we were dream sharing. I was giving them hints and tips about navigating the dreamworld and whatnot, and was in full control of myself - aside for the one glaring realization that these two guys weren't real either. One of the guys was getting confused because of all the hallways and how they seemed to keep changing. I did my best to guide him. Around here, my lucidity began fading even more. I was still aware we were in a dream world, but I was treating things more and more like they were real. I began looking for my artwork to show my two companions. One said he'd taken my work out of my portfolio so he could use the book, and that my work was in a locker. We went to find it and, on the way, passed a fireman. When we got to the locker, it was locked (of course). I thought about phasing my hand through it, but decided against it for some reason. I stepped over to the fireman and took his axe. Slamming it repeatedly into the locker, I cut my way inside.
Dream (Frag) Four: (FA)
I got up and tried to read the time, but the numbers on the clock kept changing, while I was looking at them. I didn't even have to look away and look back.
I knew I was still dreaming and tried to wake up again, wondering what time it really was.Dream Five:
I ended up in another dream, and was back in school again.
It didn't take me long at all, recognizing my surroundings, to realize that I was still dreaming. Walking the halls, I tried to think of the Tasks, and the first one to come to mind was the "walk on a rainbow" task. I was inside, though, and couldn't find a rainbow. I saw a ghostly one appear in a reflection from one of the glass walls in the hallway, but it was inside the glass and I didn't really have a way to get to it. I tried to make a 'fake' rainbow on the ground, just for the sake of completing the task, but I couldn't do that either. Walking a little further, I passed a Skittles dispenser with a huge rainbow printed across the machine. (LOL!) Thinking I could use this to my advantage, I ripped the face of the machine off, and it was soft like a tarp. I threw it down on the ground but I thought it was pretty lackluster. While I was thinking of a way to make it more 'rainbow-y,' it suddenly lit up, by itself, shining bright with all its colorful glory. "This'll do," I figured to myself. Just as I began walking across it, some girl showed up out of nowhere. She stepped up on the tarp with me and we began making out on it. We lowered ourselves to the floor and lay down on the rainbow and kissed some more, but I didn't want to risk losing the dream yet, by having sex so I got up to leave after I was satisfied that I'd "walked across the rainbow" like the task instructed.
Next, I thought about the Green Eggs and Ham task. I was pretty anxious to try this, because I don't really remember paying much attention to the taste of lucid food. As if on cue, I passed someone in the hall that had something green on his plate. Before I was close enough to see what it was, I 'willed' it to be green eggs and ham. Effortlessly, it had worked, and I could see a few green slabs of ham and two green, hard-boiled eggs on the plate. I bit into the ham, and it tasted awful - like eating play-dough or something. A bit reluctant, I bit into one of the eggs, and it tasted just like a normal hard-boiled egg. It was actually pretty good. By this time, the hallways were beginning to fill up with people. Feeling a bit mischeivious, I took the remaining egg and hurled it through the air, smacking someone over the head with it. From out of nowhere, another egg came flying back at me, and then another from any direction. And another after that. Suddenly, everyone in the hallway was throwing peeled, hard-boiled eggs at me. Moving as fast as I could, I was slapping away the eggs like I do the bullets in some of my other lucids, and there were so many people in the hallways that most of the ones I deflected would end up hitting the others. People started chasing me with their egg assault, and I ran for cover. I was having the time of my life, but I was grossly outnumbered. I ended up getting cornered, and just as they were about to launch a full-on egg barrage, I got a bright idea. (I remembered one of the last things I remembered on DV being AmazeO telling me "Hadouken!" and I wondered if this might work. If I didn't have any eggs, I would have to manifest them...a lot of them.)
I pulled my hands back, as if I were doing a Kamehameha, but when I through my hands forward, I screamed "Hadouken!" unleashing a steady stream of hundreds of eggs out of my palms and just completely owning everyone in front of me. I could actually feel the eggs coming out of my palms, which was a very weird sensation. We battled for a little while, and I ended up slipping away from the horde. I found myself in the cafeteria and, nothing else to do, I had sex with some random chick up against the wall, while the rest of the people in the cafeteria either watched or did their own thing. I wasn't really paying them much attention. I don't remember much of the sex at all, but I was soon back out in the hallway, and still getting into sporadic skirmishes with egg-slingers, to which I would reply with my new patented move, completely overwhelming them with eggs. I was about to finally leave the school, but first I stopped to clear my mind and try to remember everything that happened, so I wouldn't forget upon waking up. I saw my buddy James in the hallway, who I work with, and I told him I'd see him later, after I woke up and went to work.
I walked outside and saw Stacey - another co-worker - and some others out there. I started telling them about this all being a dream and they wouldn't believe me. I told them that I could prove it. There was a fountain outside the school and I pointed to it, making the water go up and down with a rise and fall of my hand. Astonished, they believed me. Satisfied, I tried to wake myself up.Dream (Frag) Six: (FA)
I woke up in my bed. I checked the clock, which seemed static, but then I tested it by looking away and looking back. To no surprise, by now, the numbers changed completely, and then began changing by themselves at random.
I knew I was still dreaming, and tried again to wake myself up.Dream (Frag) Seven: There was something going on about a crazy doctor in an old, run-down office. I remember him writing with a compass instead of just a regular pencil. He kept looking at something through a microscope, but I can't remember at all what he was looking at.
Dream (Frag) Eight:I was watching
Avatar: the Last Airbender and there were some friends and family in the house. Someone asked me something, and I responded a little nervously. My cousin Treasure then asked me why I stuttered so often.
I don't remember anything other than that.
And lastly, here are some notes that I've yet to write out. I actually typed a lot of them up, but I lost all my text when I didn't save my wordpad work.

I may or may not go back and expand on them, we'll see. I've still got a few more recent dreams to expand on, too, before I worry about going back for these:
-Peaceful facility. Other people there. High tech. Playing golf with billiard balls. Someone came and kicked them. Pissed. Chased them all around. Some missing. SNeaking around to get more in ninja costume. Eying girl playfully and freaking her out as I moved on the floor in stealth, grabbing balls. Learned about some plot. Machine. Molded to machine. Saw video as if I was there. Like dream machine. Saw someone trying to sabotage facility. Woody harleson. Saw me through computer. Upgraded dream-like appendages. Fight. Don't remember much of fight.
-Gun-shopping with mike H. was telling me about jets going into low orbit, which I knew. Checking out guns.
-Driving on bus. Crazy driver. Could tell she was going for a cliff. Was about to jump out the back, but went over too quickly. Landed in ocean. Water flooding in. Dead people already in water. Mer-people.Lucid. Levitation. Woke up in bed as if everything was a dream. Was flying. Crashed onto bed. Kind of "discovering myself" as Kal El.
Guys in Blue RX8. Got in for a moment. Speeding around neighborhoo. Had left mom's house where family members were. After riding. Told them I hd to get back. Made some big deal about me being "Scared." Went back home. Mid of night. People in the house. Using it as a hangout. Started kickig people out. Some standing up to me. Hid valuable shit. Got swords. Stalked around house, kicking people out. Patch on Gorillas. Everyone else had to leave to leave. Huge confrontation with MASSIVE guy at door. After that, they knew I meante business. Telling me they had charges against me if I made them leave. Threatening me. Stood up to them anyway.