No, you should put it all in, definitely.
O, it was probably in a Hugo or Nebula award winners short story collection from the 1970's, that's about as specific as I can get right now. I think it was by a famous sci-fi author, yes I'm sure it may come back to me. I know I know who it is....can't...think...
That's ok. If you think of it, let me know.

Good to see you finally active here! Great set of dreams to start off your journal too. I loved that werewolf dream. Sounded like they could be dream stalkers to me.
Thanks, Raklet! I've heard people using that term before - "Dream Stalkers." What does that mean?
"High School Haunting"
(Another pretty scary dream, but I think my surge of interest in LDing is really paying off. (I probably have this place to thank for that.
) The lucidity was short-lived, but I had another LD last night.
I had big time REM rebound, after only sleeping for 3.5 hours, the previous night. I slept for 10 hours last night, and seemed to dream forever. I can't remember if this all part of a single dreaming session, or if I just entered and exited the same dream theme over long periods of time, but it felt like I was having the same dream for hours. )I was in a huge gymnasium, during some sort of event. There were a bunch of bars and platforms all around, and I was able to do acrobatics really easily - flipping off of higher levels and spinning around the bars and whatnot. During a break, everyone had to hit the locker rooms, which were in these massive hallways that stretched like 50 yards. I remember thinking how strange it was that I saw girls and guys sharing the same locker rooms, but ultimately didn't think all too much of it. This part of the dream stretched on for a really long time, and we ended up going back out to finish the game/rally/whatever. Afterward, we came back to the locker rooms to hit the showers. I got to where my locker was, and the number had changed. It suggested that my locker was now
way on the other side of the locker room, and that I had completely gone the wrong way, when I first came in. I knew that this couldn't have been right, because I remembered which way I'd come in, the last time. I said something outloud like "What?? This was my locker, right here. How in the hell did my locker change locations??" My old best friend from Houston, Kellen, walked up behind me and was like "You know what this means, right? You've been dreaming...this whole time."
I was floored. I found it incredible that this entire event, which seemed to have lasted well over an hour, was a dream. Kellen turned to leave and I stopped him. I said "Hey wait a minute...I need you to do something for me!" remembering something that someone had suggested, on Dream Views. "I need you to come back and remind me, as often as you can, when I'm dreaming! Just show up in my dreams every now and then, and tell me that I'm dreaming. Just give me some kind of notice or something. Anything!" I honestly don't remember whether he agreed or not, but he ended up walking away shortly after that. I left the gymnasium and went walking around the school to explore. My lucidity didn't last very long, and ended up fading around this point.
The dream skipped ahead, and I was actually in a classroom with a bunch of other students. Incredibly enough, I don't remember very much of this part of the dream, but it involved a really nasty and vengeful ghost. It would show up, without warning, and basically maul whoever was closest to it. It was kind of like in the movie
13 Ghosts, how sometimes you could see the ghost
(but without the glasses), and sometimes you couldn't. You'd just see what was happening. It was
really freaky-looking; standing like 8 feet tall, with long hair, long finger-nails, sharp teeth and along jaw-line. It was also extremely violent. At one point, to make its presence known, it picked up a girl in the classroom and smashed her head down through the overhead projector, not only shattering the glass, but crushing her skull like a melon under its own power. I remember that it liked to frequent a certain hallway, and everyone hated to go through it, on their way to class. There was once when, as soon as I'd stepped into my class, I heard a stampede of students screaming and heading toward me from behind, because the ghost was attacking again.
The dream skipped ahead again. We were in the school at night, watching a slide show or some kind of presentation. Since it was after hours, we had all snuck in some drinks. This one girl was getting
really drunk, belligerent, and just plain
annoying, shouting all kinds of cuss words at people for no reason and basically acting like she was the shit. I kept threatening to lock her out of the room, in the hallway where the ghost usually dwells. She would shut up for a minute, but then kept right on going. Finally, I got fed up, so I grabbed her and pushed her ass out in the hallway, locking the door and standing by it. At first, she started pounding on the door and demanding to be let back in, calling me all kinds of names, but then her shouting turned to screams of "Oh my God, it's coming! It's coming! Let me in!!" and her banging became more frantic. I let her in and closed the the door again. The ghost never bothered us in the room.
We ended up wanting more drinks and something to smoke, so we decided to take a trip to Orlando to pick something up. I was driving with an old co-worker named Nina. I really don't remember much about this, but something went wrong with the bud transaction, and there were criminals involved. I think I ended up dying right then and there, because soon
I was a ghost, bent on revenge. I'd caught up to the group of criminals that were about to commit something big that involved blowing something up and probably killing a lot of people in the process. As a ghost, I attacked them, wrapping the men up in the cables to their own explosives and detonating them. I just stood there, intangible, as the bombs blew up around me, killing them all.
04/16/2008All I remember is that I was on Dream Views, and Moonbeam and I were discussing techniques with a new dreamer. It was the forum, but we were responding to each other really quickly, as if it was chat.
(At least I had something dream-related on my mind.