Author Topic: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded  (Read 33901 times)

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #150 on: April 13, 2009, 09:15:50 PM »

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #151 on: April 13, 2009, 09:26:52 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #152 on: April 13, 2009, 09:32:32 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #153 on: April 13, 2009, 09:35:22 PM »
Well, a little earlier that week, she was telling me about her "ex" (as she called him at the time) b/f, and that he'd beat her up in the past. So it was a few days after that, that I'd had the dream. Then, right after I had the dream, and had a few drinks with her after work, it happened again. I guess it wasn't all too coincidental, since she'd recently told me it'd happened before, but I'd had 'girlfriends' who'd told me they'd been abused in the past, but had never had that kind of dream about them, especially to have it practically come true shortly afterward.

Quote from: Moonbeam
O, I'm trying to find a lucid for the featured dream--the Hadouken-Boiled one is pretty impressive and also funny, do you think it would be OK to use that one?
Posted on
Sure it would! Thanks for considering it. :)

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #154 on: April 24, 2009, 08:25:07 PM »
Almost completely caught up (finally). Just gotta add the dreams from last night. Will do that shortly.


(Was watching Matrix: DeZionized when I went to bed. Had a lot of action-packed dreams. Some of them closely related to the movies.)

Dream One:
"Grand Theft Moto"

I was outside of some store, which looked like the WD Marketplace a few miles away from my house. Spontaneously, I realized I was dreaming. I had the F-150 and wanted to take it out on the highway to have some fun, but when I got in to drive it, I couldn't control it. The steering was all messed up, and I couldn't really get it to go where I wanted to go. Leaving the truck in the middle of the parking lot, I walked around to think of something else to do, and I ended up passing a nice, blue motorcycle that was parked on the sidewalk. Before I decided on stealing it, I wanted to make sure I was dreaming, so I reached out and touched the bike's gas tank with my index finger, willing the bike to start. I heard the engine crank and instantly settle to an idle hum. I jumped on and sped off, trying to leave the parking lot, but I started having control issues with the bike as well. It kept pulling to the left, and the shifter and rear break pedals were switched. Pretty soon, it got too tiring to try to ride it, so I ended up getting off again.

Dream (Frag) Two:
I was on the set of the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular show thingy at MGM. I went through the course as Indy, avoiding the timed spikes which came up out of the ground and whatnot. I ended up falling into one of the pits, which I saw myself do in third person, and that was pretty much all I remember of that.

Dream (Frag) Three:
At some point, I saw Trinity jump her motorcycle from the top of the building, like on Matrix: Reloaded. Instead of exploding when she jumped off, it just crashed and tumbled and broke apart.

Dream (Frag) Five:
I was in someone's house, in a bedroom with a bunch of Asian kids. They were huddled around a computer, and I believe they were all hackers. I was lucid in this dream again. The kids were in a panic, and said that we had to leave, or at least, we had to get the only girl in the room out of the house because the cops were coming for them, but she was somehow the most important. I was thinking about taking her hand and using my lucidity to phase her through the computer, but decided against it. I was interested to see what was going on. When the cops came in, I just strolled out in the hallway. They instantly got in my face and started asking me who I was and what I was doing there. I don't remember what I told them, but I think I was playing innocent.

(Notes only. I don't even remember this one enough to expand on it)
With Todd. Went to some dudes house. Jumped intersection/highway to get there. Trying to navigate around cars. Long shark of some sort. Chick in bikini. Kept scratching car. Ended up going back. Dude starting fire with gas pump. Torched himself. Bikini chick liking me. Rubbing on her. Getting hazed with chair and belt and fists. Fighting back as much as I could.

Dream (Frag) One:

I went shopping for close with some of the people from work. M-sol was there and she was trying on new outfits, looking amazing. I couldn't help imagining her naked. Walking around myself, I saw some awesome Batman shirts that had almost an anime style to them, and all different assortments of characters. The thing is, they only had size 72X - which was just ridiculous. All of the other ones were way too small for me.

Dream (Frag) Two:
I was in a packed auditorium, sitting next to the comedian Carrot Top, and we were all watching some courtroom thing. He kept being really obnoxious, but was kind of funny. The film itself was insanely boring. So boring that the editor somehow, in real time, started putting special effects into the movie, like super-imposing guns in the guards hands and making them shoot things at random.

Dream Three:
"Rain Dance"

It was raining, and I was in what I believe to be a schoolyard. A bunch of people were huddled around on some blacktop, and having a dance battle in the rain. I stepped in to get involved. People were pulling off all kinds of crazy moves, flips and freezes and whatnot. I did some popping and waving, but when I tried to floorglide, I kept slipping because the rain water had built up to about an inch off the ground. I was even able to pull off a few flips myself. After a while, we switched it up, and started scatting and freestyle rapping to the music. I did ok on the scatting, but I did much better on the freestyling. I discovered a boy there that had a knife. Apparently, there was a ghost moving around through the crowd. I just barely got a glimpse as it was taunting the kid with the knife. The boy lunged at it and it slipped away, causing the boy to miss and plunge the knife into the back of some innocent girl's skull. She dropped like a stone, and he was horrified at what he'd done. I saw the ghost dissolve into some nearby person's body, possessing them. It just sat there and smiled fiendishly as the boy took off running and jumped over a fence, fleeing the scene.

Dream Four:
"Crazy Guy in the Parking Lot"

I was in the Albertson's parking lot in Lake Mary. I was meeting my buddy Kid to buy a bag off of him, and I was with some guy in a black Lincoln Navigator. We drove around the block for a little bit, to look for Kid's car. Some guy in a hatchback was parked around the side of the building, and was making people that came out of the store with beer pour them all out. We stopped to see what was going on, and he was talking about how his girlfriend had just died and was killed by a drunk person or something like that. He was obviously going insane right there before us. He started quoting fitting lines from the Wolverine movie, like "I am an animal" and Kayla's "My sister" line. (Apparently, the girl who'd died had turned from his girl to his sister. All of this is, I'm sure, because I went to sleep with Wolverine playing on my computer, so I was listening to the audio.) Whenever he was talking about being an animal, he was running around like wild person, and even took off his shirt, hunching over and acting like a feral Wolverine. Weird. Pretty soon, he had a BMX bike, and so did I. I was no longer with the guy I'd been with before, but with a completely different group of people and this crazy guy. Fascinated by the character, we kind of followed him around on our bikes, to watch him go crazy. We were riding around the parking lot and doing catwalks and stuff. It was really easy to do catwalks, and at one time, I did a bunny hop and actually hovered with both wheels off of the ground for a moment. I believe I started to question if I was dreaming or not, when that happened, but I ended up just waking up.


I was with Gabe, Brian and John. We were riding around smoking bud, but we were in a military town, and there were cops and military personnel all over the place. We tried to find some place to park, and there was a school yard a little ways away. We settled into an area far away from the buildings, and went up into one of the parked school busses. For some reason, we started driving the school bus around, and we went to leave the yard, when a badass black cop car pulled into the gate in front of us with its lights on. They stopped us for a moment, but then just rolled to the side and let us pass. We kept on driving around and smoking.

Dream (Frag) One:

I was seeing these crazy pc games as a disembodied spectator. I could not win them, though. One was like Breakout, which I'm usually very good at, but this one was just insanely hard. The other was kind of like Resident Evil meets Devil May Cry. Awesome game which took place mostly in a massive cemetary, but I couldn't get the aiming system down and I kept getting killed.

Dream (Frag) Two:
I was in a crew of Final Fantasy-like characters. We were chasing another gang of characters, using our individual powers. There was bay area or something with a bunch of broken overpasses. We were running and flying and skidding across the water, and jumping up and grabbing parts of the concrete structures and flipping from one to the next and throwing energy blasts and shit at each other. It was pretty wild. I don't remember much of it, though.

Dream Three:
"Drive-by Sexing"

It was night time, and I knew my car was in the driveway (which it's not. It's actually at the shop, IRL. My transmission is fried. :() I went out front to move my car, and it was gone. I'd begun to think it had been stolen. In the rising panic, I realized that I was dreaming. Slowly, I levitated off the ground and decided to go for a flight. I started flying down the street, but was having a hard time staying in a straight line. My body kept wanted to fly all over the place. Finally, I got sick of the work. I saw a truck coming straight for me, and I dropped down to the street, landing on my feet. I braced myself and got ready to ram my shoulder into the front of the truck, but it stopped just a few inches in front of me. I walked around to the side and the door flew open. A hot, completely naked chick rushed out of the truck and into my arms. She was weeping and obviously running from something or someone. I looked inside the truck and there was a naked guy our age driving. I'd figured that the two were having a little fun on the road, when something apparently went horribly wrong.

Not one to pass up the opportunity, since I didn't really have anything else to do, I picked up the girl and flew into the air again. Searching around for a good place for a quickie (apparently with much better control this time, now that I was on a mission. Haha), I found an old, seemingly abandoned house. We walked inside, and it was a large, two story house. A light came on, and another naked, older woman came downstairs and spotted us. She actually seemed really inviting about the whole thing, and I think all three of us actually went upstairs, but I don't remember.


I was watching some kind of action/adventure movie with a bunch of people in my room. I think A-Rod was there, and I was showing her some of the stuff in my room, like my knives and a bullwhip and the old ball and powder guns my grandfather gave me. Apparently, in the movie, some chick was trying to take down a supernatural killer, and she ended up finding some mythical armor or something. I got sucked into the movie, and I was soon the girl's partner, and I had armor of my own. We had a confrontation with the guy in the subway, where we supposedly killed him. Then we had to go to the top of this skyscraper for something. Apparently, we didn't kill the guy completely.

When we ran up to the top floor, wearing our (pretty sweet, actually) armor, the entire top floor one, circular room surrounded by glass. It looked out over the nighttime city in all directions. Suddenly, we saw a thick, snakelike object ripple outside the window. It was covered with metal and plating and looked armored like we were. I followed the long 'thing' with my eyes, turning around in place to follow the length of it around the building. Then, I saw what looked like a giant lizard head looking in the window at us. It seems the guy we thought we'd killed was not only not dead, but he had manifested himself into a massive dragon and had armor like ours. He was hovering outside the window, and we saw him throwing his head back to spit fire at us. We split up and jumped to opposite sides. Instead of fire, a huge beam of blue energy exploded into the room. Our armor made us capable of doing the same, so we shot energy back at it through our hands. Finally, it actually let out a steady stream of fire, which we couldn't escape. All we could do was huddle over and brace for it. The fire washed into the room and filled the entire area. Then, I realized I could stand up in the flames. Our armor kept us cool. Even after the initial blast stopped and the fire still permeated the room, we were able to walk around in it. Don't remember much after that.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 08:33:06 PM by Oneironaut »

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Sunshine

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #155 on: April 25, 2009, 02:28:59 PM »
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« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 07:04:01 PM by pj »

Offline Mark

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #156 on: April 25, 2009, 05:20:17 PM »
hey man! long time... ha ha I forgot how awesome your dreams and recall was lol!

naked women in trucks leading to potential 3 some lol sounds good to me!  :D

oh by the way whats matrix dezionised I have never heard of it?
"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes" Ghandi

"What a man can be, he must be: A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, to be ultimately at peace with himself". Maslow

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #157 on: April 26, 2009, 07:54:54 AM »

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix

Offline Oneironaut

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Re: Oneironaut's Matrix: Reloaded
« Reply #158 on: May 02, 2009, 06:25:21 PM »
Dream (Frag) One:

I was watching IFL (International Fight League) and it had become really cheesy. It had actually turned into scripted, pro-wrestling kind of 'entertainment' - complete with over-acting, mask-wearing characters, fake punches and foreign objects. I was so pissed off about it, because I loved to watch the real MMA bouts, and not this bullshit. While the show was on, they showed a preview for an IFL-owned soap opera, which was just..weird. It had really low-grade acting (even more-so than real soap operas) and it was centered around cheesy romantic drama which seemed to only exist for the purpose of getting muscle-bound guys to end up beating each others' asses over one the girls. Two guys were fighting in a room, and the girl they were fighting over was actually telling them to just 'trash the room,' while cheering one of them on. The guys were throwing each other all around and breaking furniture and whatnot. It was all really over the top.

Dream (Frag) Two:
I was Sgt. Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon (Was watching LW4 before bed), and Riggs and I were at some dude's house, checking out a lead. The guy was being a real hard-ass, and not giving up anything. We were supposed to leave, but instead, on our way out - while the guy was in another room - we came across his little girl. She was maybe about 9 years old, and was sitting at a table, drawing. We started talking to her, asking her roundabout questions to see if she could give up any information. She ended up telling us something important, but I can't remember what it was. While we were talking to her, some other guys from the man's gang slipped into the house and killed the guy, thinking he was an informant and giving info to the cops. We spotted the guys on their way out, and they jumped on dirt bikes and sped off. Coming out of the house after them, we both pulled out are pistols and started firing off shots at them as they rode away.


I was with a couple of girls that were waiting for Todd and JD and more of my old friends. I didn't know any of them, but I happened to be where they were all supposed to meet. I believe it was Todd's old house. I don't even know why I was there before the other guys got there, but these girls were supposed to be their dates, so I wasn't really going to mess with any of them. Instead, I started playing it off as if I barely spoke English, and spoke mostly Spanish. Haha. I hadn't planned on hanging out with all of them, once they went out, so I didn't mind acting like I didn't really speak English. That way they'd probably talk about things they probably didn't think I could understand, and I could relay anything that needed to be repeated to the guys later. Lol. (I went to sleep listening to a Spanish-teaching audio file last night. Heh. Funny the way it worked itself into the dream.)  The guys showed up, and they all ended up bringing me out to party with them, which I wasn't prepared for. I don't remember much of what we did. I think we went to a bar or something.

The next day, the sky was gray, and there was a storm apparently coming. There was an ear-splitting boom, and at first we thought it was thunder. But then, we looked out the window and saw a bright orange fireball curling up over a line of trees in the distance. Something huge had just exploded. We all ran outside and looked toward the explosion. Airplanes were flying in, and they were leaving a trail of tiny black dots which fell from their bellies. Bombs. They were dropping bombs by the dozen, and headed in our direction. We turned away from them and took off running down the street, looking back to see the planes moving in closer. Another plane swooped in from in front of us, dropping a bomb in front of our faces, which exploded a few hundred yards away from us, sending another huge cloud of smoke and fire curling upward, stopping us in our tracks. The invading planes never hit us, but they were bombing the hell out of the entire city, and it wasn't long before we saw squads of uniformed men moving in through the streets. The last thing I remember about the scene was climbing the ladder of a very tall tower, with the others, as the enemy soldiers shot at us from below.

The dream skipped ahead, and I was in an abandoned prison. I wasn't locked in a cage or anything. I was just roaming around, the empty cell block, which looked like it was almost a century old. It was when I was walking through this huge cell block, that I began to wonder what I was doing in a prison, and realized that I had to be dreaming. Heading toward a door on the opposite side of the room, I kept getting the ominous feeling that someone was about to come around the corner in front of me. Almost instinctively, I held up my hand in front of me, fingers straight, and focused on my arm. It thinned out and elongated at the fingertips, my entire arm turning into a long knife blade, like the T-1000 from Terminator 2. Holding the knife at the ready, I waited as a figure rounded the corner and came into the room. It was Todd. I relaxed and my arm went back to normal on its own. We walked into another room and sat down and BS'd for a little bit. There was a video playing in this room, but I can't remember what it was about. Then, from out of nowhere, we got a warning that some robots were coming to attack us. (I'm guessing the T-1000-like blade put the thought of the 'attack of the machines' into my mind.) We got up and prepared to fight, and I morphed my arm into the blade again. A bunch of small - about 3ft tall - robots came streaming into the room, and we started fighting them. I don't remember much of the battle, but I remember picking up one by its legs and swinging it like a bat, slamming it up against a wall multiple times and shattering it.

"Not So Imaginary Friend"

I was in an unfamiliar apartment complex at night. There was a little boy hanging around who had this mysterious little 'girlfriend' around his own age. They were always playing together, and on this night, I caught up with them while they were playing in the grass in front of one of the stairwells. I was walking along the sidewalk, and I moved in a little closer to see what they were doing. There was a tree positioned between us, and as I walked around behind it, it blocked my view of the pair for just a moment. Continuing on, passing the tree, the little boy came back into view from the other side. Oddly enough, though, the little girl didn't. I wondered if she'd walked a little to one side to where the tree was still blocking her, so I kept walking - two more steps, then three, then four. The little girl was nowhere to be seen. It was as if she'd simply vanished, and the little boy was sitting their playing by himself. Suddenly, I got the feeling of a presence behind me, and I quickly turned around. The little girl was standing right behind me, staring up at me. We'd only met eye to eye for a moment, before she unexpectedly opened her mouth. It grew wider and wider, as did her eyes, all of the color rushing out of her face. Her mouth stretched even wider, until it was twice its normal size. Her face was ashen white, and she let out this ghoulish scream that assaulted all my senses and sent me into vertigo, disorienting me to the point where I lost all sight, and felt that I blacked out.

The next thing I knew, it was day time, and I was pulling up to the complex with Todd. We spent a little while hanging out, and went down to a bar that was attached to the complex, meeting up with a bunch of the people I work with (I usually go to the bar for lunch with them, which is attached to the building I work in). We had a few drinks, and walked back to the apartments after it got dark. After getting rid of everyone else, I was walking through a really dark hallway, a bit apprehensive about my surroundings, because I remembered the ghost girl that I'd seen the previous night. Coming to a room at the end of the hall, I walked inside and saw the little boy. I just had to find out more about this ghostly friend of his, but when I asked him about her, he acted as if I didn't know what I was talking about. He played completely unaware of her existence, and even got to telling me that I was just imagining things, and he didn't even have a little girl friend that he'd been playing with. I actually argued with him about it for a little bit, but he was steadfast in his assertion that I was off my rocker.

Shortly after, he was called out with the rest of the kids in the complex. They were all going somewhere together. I don't remember any costumes, but it was as if they were all going trick-or-treating or something. I was still highly upset that he disavowed any knowledge of the little girl, and I watched the boy through the high window of the floor I was on, as he went out to meet the rest of the kids. To my surprise, while he walked out toward the group, I saw the boy reach out to one side, walking  with his hand out as if he was holding someone's hand, but there was no one there. What I did see, though - due to a street lamp shining in his direction - was a mysterious shadow. Two walking legs strolled beneath the figure of another small child, the shadow's arm stretched out and connecting to the arm of the boy's own shadow. Apparently, the boy had been lying, and he and his now invisible friend walked hand-in-hand, on their way to meet up with the rest of the kids.

Dream One:
"Hitting the Highway"

I was in the house next door to where my ex and I used to live. My ex, Cierra and my friend A from work were there also. At some point, a guy invaded the house and was threatening to kill Cierra and her mom. He had a very large knife, and I believe his malice was primarily at me, but he was using the threat of killing them to cause me emotional pain. He lunged toward them, and I dove in the way, wrapping the guy up with my arms. We struggled for a really long time, one of my hands holding tightly to his wrist to keep him from stabbing me, while the other arm worked for a leveraged position. He was a thin, muscular guy and was very strong, but we stayed at pretty much a stalemate for the time that we wrestled. He relentlessly tried to stab me, but I kept his arm at bay, making sure to hold his other one back so that he couldn't switch hands.

The girls stood back and watched in horror and, fighting so close to the kitchen, I yelled for my ex to grab me a knife. I could tell this guy wasn't going to stop trying to kill us unless I put him down. For some reason, though, she kept bringing me butter knives. I'd send her back in the kitchen to grab a different knife, and she'd keep bringing back more butter knives like "Is this good??" (:roll:) Finally, I mustered the strength the drag the murderous man all the way into the kitchen into the kitchen. Stopping at the counter, I grappled for a different position, finally able to get one arm free without completely letting his other one free. I had this really strange lock on him to where, even though I was standing up, I had one leg elevated to where it somehow wrapped around his head, making him bend over backward with his chest facing the ceiling. With my free hand, I swiped a huge, oddly serrated, butcher's knife out of the block and held it, poised to strike. I hesitated, though. I hoped that seeing in what a bad position the guy was in, he'd give up the fight. I really didn't want to have to stab him, even though he'd threatened to kill my daughter and her mom.

Standing with the knife held up, tip pointing down, I could see him staring back at me from his disadvantaged position, still trying to free his bladed hand with all of his might. He was straining so hard, the veins were practically popping out of his flesh, and it was then that I saw my most obvious target. His jugular vein was the most exposed, vital part of his body, as his neck was bent back in the lock. In that instant, I knew I didn't have a choice, and I drove the knife downward, plunging it deep into his neck and severing the large vein in two. The man screamed and blood sprayed from the gash as if I'd just uncorked a bottle of red champagne. He continued to struggle, infuriated even in death, so I could not let him go. I was being painted from head to toe in his blood, but I had to hold on to him, knife still embedded in his neck, until all of the fight was gone. It didn't take very long at all, and his body soon went limp. Untying myself from the odd lock we had on each other, I let him go, and his body dropped to the floor in a pool of his own blood. I was literally dripping with the deep, red liquid and standing there with the knife still in my hand, breathing heavily and just staring, vacant, at the body at my feet. Everyone else was completely silent.

Immediately after this, I got the overwhelming feeling that I had to get out of the house. Not really thinking of much, I walked outside - my white t-shirt and body still coated in red - and sat down on the trunk of my ex's dad's car, visibly shaken from what I'd just done. (The very attractive) A came outside, obviously terrified at what had just happened. She was saying something about how she couldn't believe what I'd just done, or something like that. I was hardly listening to her. I was just really distraught over how savagely I'd just killed the man. But, shortly thereafter, I was wondering if all of this was really happening. I became aware of my state, and convinced that this wasn't real. I didn't even live in this neighborhood anymore. I told A that everything was ok, because none of this was real anyway, but she didn't believe me. I told her that I'd prove it, and I tried to think of some way to prove that I didn't really kill anybody. It was then that I saw the same guy I'd killed, wearing a different outfit and smiling and waving at us from the garage across the street. I said "See!!!" and I pointed over to him. She stared at him, profoundly confused.

Levitating off of the ground, I reached out and took her hand. We went flying over the city for a while, and ended up landing at a gas station that was right beside the highway. (Don't ask me why.) I remember talking to a bunch of DC's beneath the overhang where the pumps are. I don't remember how the conversation started, but we got on the subject that none of them were real, and that this was all my dream. As usual, none of them believed me. I told them that I could prove it by flying away, looping around the top of the overhang, and then landing back where I was. They were like "Pssssh, yeah right!!" I just grinned and ran forward, coming out from under the overhang and leaping into the air. Embarrassingly enough, I only got about 3 feet off the ground before I landed again; waking world gravity in full effect. The DC strangers erupted into laughter, and I turned around to face them, irritated. I said "Just wait. I'll prove it!" and I jumped up again, falling back down to land on my feet. They were all hysterical, by this time, and I actually began to question my state for just a moment. Finally, I focused harder. I jumped up again and, when I started to fall, I tried to 'catch' myself with telekinesis. It worked. My feet hovered about 2ft from the ground. I said "Look!!" and I pointed down at my hovering shoes. They were all dumbfounded.

After that, they followed me around like puppies, asking me stuff like "So can we fly too?? Please! How do we fly??!" I ignored them for a moment and went inside the store to meet A. Inside, I saw an oddly out of place aisle that had a bunch of Christmas ornaments and decorations in it. I saw a bunch of full-sized lawn reindeer and a sleigh, and I got an idea. With the help of the DC's we took all of the parts to the lawn decoration and set it up in the parking lot. A bunch of us all got in the sleigh, and I used TK to get the sleigh to start moving. The reindeer didn't move at all, they were just kind of 'gliding' over the road, as was the sleigh. It was really light and easy to move, though, and I followed the road as a bit of a runway, and then raised my attention to the sky. We took off from the street, flying out over the busy highway. The DCs were having the time of their 'lives', Wooting and hollering about how much fun it was. It was fun and all, but I figured I didn't want to spend the rest of my dream catering to chauffeuring these guys all around. Without saying a word, I lept off of the sleigh, free-falling down toward the highway beneath us. I landed with a crouch, right in the middle of traffic, leaning forward and driving my shoulder into an oncoming car and completely destroying the front end. I then ran toward the center-divider and vaulted over it, distinctly noting how realistic the gravity felt once again, as I had to actually try to climb over the divider. Now on the other side of the highway, I ran across the opposite lanes, jumping once to plant my foot on the hood of a passing car before launching off of it and clearing the last lane or two and landing on the other side. The highway was elevated, and there were a bunch of skyscrapers off to the side of it. Bending my legs, I flew into the air at full speed, one fist held out in front of me. My intention was to fly straight through the building, like a bullet through a glass bottle, but I don't remember actually making impact with it.

Dream (Frag) Two:
Something to do with Superman, probably brought on by the little bit of flying at the end of the previous dream.

Dream (Frag) Three:
Was driving around with Todd, out by Red Bug Road, and all of the roads were changed around and intertwined with each other in ways they weren't supposed to be.


Something about traveling with some other girl and guy. We didn't have any transportation, so we ended up catching up to a moving train as it left the station, and stowing away on it. We went looking through some of the freight cars, and saw that some of them were actually set up like apartments, or small rooms with beds, TV's and other furniture in them. We made ourselves comfortable and traveled to wherever it was we were going.

Dream Journal: Oneironaut's Matrix