I could have sworn I already posted this. No, I am positive I did. Maybe it disappeared into cyberspace somehow? Or maybe it was all a dream.
That was a bad dream. :(
I know. TS has this awesome dream about me and her flying around town, then I get this depressing one. I was reading her journal over at DV where she and Ninja were talking about kayaking and diving diving in Lake Powell. I think that caused this dream. Its cool, because she told me she can breathe underwater in her dreams, so I was worrying for nothing

Below the map is the phrase "Lucid in Texas!"
I'm so making this shirt now... sweater... whatever.
Just make sure it glows in the dark

Here's my message passing dream that I thought I already posted. Its boring as hell, but I'll post the whole thing anyways in case some part coincides with someone's message.
MessageA new day spa opened down the street. Out back, they have a small cottage that they rent out as a bed and breakfast, and use for massages. Walking home with my coworker, we come across this cottage, and decide to see whats inside. The place is very empty feeling, and sparsely decorated. There are several life like dolls on display around the house like statues. They are robotic, and can move slightly to appear life like. One doll of a little girl can blink her eyes. The cat can wiggle it's tail. A sitting dog bobs his head up and down. In the back of the house, is a bedroom with a gigantic bed covered in lacy blue and white sheets. We lie down on the bed, and I doze off to sleep.
I am awakened by the sound of the front door closing. The owner of the house must be home. I'm going to be in big trouble. What am I even doing sleeping in this strange house? I hear a woman's voice speaking to my friend next to me in bed. She is yelling at my friend to get out of her house. My friend is shaking me and yelling at me to get up. We need to leave before this lady calls the police. I just woke up, and can't move. I think, "What a terrible time to be stuck in sleep paralysis." As this thought hits me, I realize sleep paralysis means a dream, and that this whole situation must be a dream. I still can not move, so I relax and try to fall asleep into a new dream.
I wake up, and am still in bed. I am terrified that I've been sleeping in this strange house. I get up, and walk to the bathroom. The room is a pale blue color, and there is a large brown haired Italian woman standing in front of the mirror. I am confused out of my mind! I try to apologize to her, and explain that I have no idea how I got here. As I explain waking up in bed unable to move, I remember that this is a dream. I look down at my hand, and see that I have only four fingers, and no thumb. I can still feel my thumb, and can wiggle it. It is just invisible for some reason.
I look back up at the woman, who is standing silently in the middle of the blue tile bathroom with a creepy grin on her face. I tell her, "Stay calm, this is a dream." She looks....wrong. Her eyes and her grin are growing more monstrous by the minute. Sort of like when you stare at yourself in the mirror for too long. I start to get frightened and creeped out. I say, out loud, "I am going to close this door, and when I open it, it will lead to the beach. This is how you teleport in a lucid dream." I close the bathroom door, tell her to shut her eyes, and then I open it. The door opens into a sandy beach. I have to lean into the door to push it open through the sand.
The beach looks like a cartoon. The colors are all too bright and plastic looking. It looks like the beach in Adam's long exposure photographs. I walk along the sand, and am amazed by how the water levels do not seem right. I think I am on a sand bar that is floating with the waves on the open ocean. I see other people on the beach. I walk by a young black man in his 20s or late teens. His casual, comfortable manner makes me think he is a native on this island. He is sitting on a low stone wall, calling out names. I continue walking past him, but soon hear him yell out my name. I stop dead in my tracks, and turn around. He is about 100 feet behind me, and staring right at me. I point at myself, and he silently mouths the word "Lucid?" I nod my head, yes. He waves over a group of girls who just got out of the ocean. The lead girl is an attractive Latina wearing a white tank top and jeans. He speaks with her briefly as I stand there watching like an idiot. The girl runs over to me, shakes my hand, and introduces herself.
She tells me that she knows me, and has a message for me. She tells me a story about a website that I apparently made. On this website, I posted baking recipes that I stole from her dreams. I get an image of a cake and some baked goods. We come to an outdoor restaurant in a train car. We sit down in a booth under a crystal chandelier, and continue talking. I ask her for more details (which I can't remember because this dream ended up being so long!). I have the feeling she is a police officer.
I decide I want to have more fun, so I spread my consciousness out to the train. I take control of the train as my robot body, and talk over the PA system. I say, "This is your new captain speaking, please fasten your seat belts. I am in complete control of the train!" I can feel the weight of the train cars as my arms and legs. I awkwardly stand up, and begin to climb a huge tree. I am heavy and clunky. As I grab branches with my train-car-hands, I snap them off. I want to reach the top of the canopy to see the sky, but the climb seems endless. Finally, I see some blue through the leaves above me. I look down, and realize I am hundreds of feet above the ground. I get vertigo for a second, and plummet towards the earth. I half fly, half fall, and crash into a city.
I climb out of the wreckage of my robot body, and walk the busy streets. I come across a toy store filled with imported Japanese toys and candy. I speak with the two owners of the shop, explaining to them how I got here, and the message I received on the beach.. They seem skeptical. I leave, with a few neat toys in hand.
Back on the street, I see a crowd of people gathered around the steps of a large white capitol building, or city hall. At first I think it is a group of street performers, and I reach for my wallet, fearing they will steal it out of my pocket (Damn Gypsies). It is missing, but I am not worried, because I still know it is a dream. I soon realize it is a crowd of people gathered around a dead body. There has been a murder, and they are closing off the street to track down the killer. I walk up to the police officer, and confess that I committed the crime. I explain, "This is my dream world, so if there was a murder, I must have committed it." I then create the memory in my mind, so I know exactly how it happened. The cop does not understand, so I show him. I lift my arms, and the dead body rises from his chalk outline. He seems disoriented for a second, confused at being raised from the dead. I don't give him time to figure it out. I reach in my belt, grab a pistol, and shoot him in the head. He dies again, and I say to the cop, "See, this is a dream, death does not mean anything. Everyone can leave. This is ridiculous."
I hear the Joy Division song in my head that the Killers recently covered, "In a room without a window, in the corner, I found truth..."
I return to the toy store, and find myself a new wallet. It is a bright turquoise rubber surfing wallet with a blue rubber shark on the front. I chat with the two owners again, trying to explain to them what it means to be lucid. I jump up on the counter, and run at the wall. I run right up the wall, and onto the ceiling. It is very confusing how my sense of up and down changes as I feel the gravity shift. I run along the ceiling tiles, yelling down to my new friends to join me. They laugh, now believing every word I have told them. I hop down, and one of the two men reaches behind the counter.
He brings out a sketchbook, and hands it to me. I recognize it as a sketchbook I had on one of my trips. I open it, and see page after page of pencil drawings done in a strange scribble style. I clearly remember drawing all of these amazing sketches while on an airplane. At the same time, I know these memories are fake. In the middle of the book, there are several pages ripped out. They are brightly colored sheets of construction paper that have shapes cut out of them. They have been ripped out of the spiral binding, leaving little bits of paper where the metal rings ripped through the sheet. I gather up these small pieces of paper in the palm of my hand. I think it is a huge waste to throw away all this good paper. I lift my closed fist to my face, open my hand, and blow the bits of colored paper into the air like confetti. They swirl around like a snow globe. I make the cloud of confetti grow denser and denser, swirling around me until I can feel the heaviness in the air. The air gets so thick with confetti, I can barely move.
Satisfied with the mess I've made, I leave the store, and decide to go look for a book store. I am amazed by this sketchbook, and want to read some more books before I wake up. I then remember how long this dream has been, and I'm worried I will forget the important parts. I already can barely remember the message from the beach. So I wake myself up holding onto the image of the message - a stolen cake and baked goods.